Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 56: Illusion

In the illusion, Xie Chen and Yan Que had already killed the Tianyin Snake. Because Xie Chen worked more and finally got the majority share. The descendants of the ancient alien species are indeed extraordinary. After eating flesh and refining, Xie Chen's strength has been greatly improved. In Qingyu City, his status gradually increased, and in the end, even the Lord of Qingyu City was not his opponent.

At the end of the fantasy world, Xie Chen even defeated the Demon Respect Building, and even Heavenly Court did not dare to plunder its edge. But this is very wrong, Xie Chen frowned, watching the strangeness in the hearts of the people who bowed their heads and became more and more obvious.

Finally he woke up! He is constantly shuttled through various worlds, it is impossible to stay in one world for such a long time, and will stay in the supreme position for thousands of years!

In reality, Tianyin Snake watched these two people fall into the illusion with the invisible sound waves, and wanted to swallow them. Yan Que's face was serious, her closed eyes trembled violently, and then became calm, but her expression was a little strange, she didn't know what she had experienced in the illusion.

Before he woke up, he was swallowed by Tianyin Snake! When it wanted to continue to swallow Xie Chen as well, it didn't expect that the person who looked calm and smiled at the sight of someone who was unable to extricate himself from the illusion suddenly opened his eyes!

As soon as Xie Chen opened his eyes, he saw a huge Shekou, and his hideous fangs were about to touch his body. At the moment of the dead, he pressed his feet and started to shave instantly, and jumped to one side with the greatest strength.

Although he was still immersed in the illusion just now, Xie Chen also vaguely knew the scene of Yan Que being swallowed by the Tianyin Snake. Looking at it now, he was really the only one left, and his expression was serious.

"The descendants of the ancient alien species, the talent skills are really extraordinary." Xie Chen said in his mouth, and at the same time, his body was like an electric, and he turned directly towards the snake head and attacked. Because he didn't expect that the prey he was holding would suddenly wake up and attack himself, Tianyin Snake couldn't help but pause.

It was this one that gave Xie Chen the opportunity to attack the Tianyin Snake! And now that Yan Que has been swallowed, if he wants to survive, he must kill the Tianyin Snake as soon as possible. Xie Chen couldn't figure out how long had passed in the illusion just now. It could be a moment or a quarter of an hour or more.

"Since this is the case, let's see who is more powerful!" Xie Chen's mouth wickedly tick, revealing cruelty. There are no outsiders now, so he doesn't have to hide anything.

The activation of various power augmentation capabilities directly doubled Xie Chen's combat effectiveness! Magic power slowly overflowed from Xie Chen’s body, but in a blink of an eye it condensed into a set of purple-red armor. The edges of the armor on his head were like fangs, which were clasped on both sides of his face. Added a bit of hideous and majestic meaning.

The scales came out behind him. The whole person changed from the image just now, like a demon **** descending into the world. Xie Chen held the magic sword in his hand and hovered in the air to face the Tianyin Snake.

Feeling the change of this opponent, Tianyin Snake's eyes also appeared a bit solemn. If the opponent just now was nothing, the person in front of him now puts a lot of pressure on it. This person can hurt it, and even kill it in the end!

"Now I can only make a quick decision, and I can't drag it down." Xie Chen's eyes were biting, and the magic sword in his hand stuck down. The changes on Xie Chen didn't take much time, but they were completed in an instant.

One person and one snake were still fighting, Xie Chen took advantage of the opportunity just now to attack the Tianyin Snake with the magic sword, and finally pierced its eyes. The blood flowing out of the blood-red jewel snake pupil is also bright red.

After being stabbed in the eye, it rolled directly on the ground in pain, almost to the extent that Xie Chen was thrown out directly. Xie Chen stabbed the long sword into the eyes of Tianyin Snake without letting go, and even stirred it in it fiercely. The lake was originally a rocky beach. The huge Tianyin snake rolled on it, flying sand and rocks, and the sky was going to darken. A large amount of water in the lake was stirred up and poured onto the shore. The original white Tianyin snake suddenly Become muddy.

The feeling of spinning around the world was uncomfortable, Xie Chen bit his lower lip, frowned, and was finally thrown out and fell into the lake with the magic sword in his hand.

Xie Chen, who suddenly fell into the water, made a violent noise on the lake, and then no one could be seen. The Tianyin Snake that had shaken off Xie Chen slowly stopped its churn. The right pupil, which was originally like a gemstone, became turbid at this moment. There was a deep wound on it, still oozing blood. It closed the right eye tightly, and the humanized look of hatred in the left eye, as expected, all these creatures deserve to die!

After adjusting its body shape, the Tianyin Snake sprinted towards the lake, but when it just arrived at the lake, a water arrow shot straight out of the water towards the door, and the Tianyin snake had to avoid it. , But what followed was Xie Chen rushing out of the water. He was soaked, but he didn't receive any harm.

The next sword rushed forward and hit the middle of the forehead of the Tianyin Snake while evading the water arrows, and it was immediately injured.

This location is different from other places, it can be said to be the key point. The difference from Qi Cun is that there is only a vital point, so it always protects the shortness of breath, and the position of its forehead is where its strength is concentrated. Both the scales and the bones here are very hard and difficult. He was hurt, but this time he was hit with a fierce sword attack by Xie Chen. It felt severe pain from the cracked wound soup, but there was no blood flowing out of it. Xie Chen hadn't thought about this matter yet. He turned around in midair, avoiding the snake tail that was drawn.

Xie Chen avoided, only to see Tianyin Snake lowering his head, and then a burst of light broke out in his eyes, and then the sky widened, and then he suddenly lowered his head and yelled at Xie Chen.

Although snakes cannot make sounds, Tianyin snakes are different. Their natural ability lies in sound waves. But this time Xie Chen didn't hear the sound strangely, but saw the air waver and go along with its roar. ..


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