Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 66: Promotion

The longer he stayed in the army, the more he felt the atmosphere was unusual, especially where he was, he would always discover something intentionally or unintentionally. After these things were summed up, he became more and more certain that he was guessing in his heart that something would happen.

During this period of time, the system seemed to be missing, sometimes he had forgotten that there was a system. In the Qingyu Army, he has also realized his original intention at the beginning.

As the deputy general’s deputy, Xie Chen received attention from the beginning. With General Aoyagi’s performance all the time, everyone knows that he is a seedling cultivated by him, and the treatment is the best within the scope he can enjoy. When he was practicing in retreat, he always passed it directly, and there was never a shortage of resources when he was practicing. Even some classics and other generals Aoyagi directly gave him to watch, and even pointed him.

Although General Aoyagi's pointing method may be a little rougher, the benefits to Xie Chen are self-evident. Even though he was always injured in the battle with General Aoyagi, it was not a serious injury, and more often used actual combat to point him.

Xie Chen knows this very well, and he has become more respectful to General Aoyagi. At the same time, you feel deeply that your strength is insufficient, and you will be more attentive in your subsequent cultivation.

And when he didn't know, when he admired General Aoyagi's strength, General Aoyagi was also secretly surprised. After he confirmed that Xie Chen was not a bad person, he gradually began to point him. It was originally a whim, but as soon as I contacted Xie Chen, I discovered that this kid was not an ordinary good seedling, and his ability to learn was so fast that he was a little frightened.

His comprehension ability in practicing spells is particularly good. His spells are not used as they are given to him. Instead, he will make various adjustments to make this spell more suitable for him. At the same time, he will try to increase the power of the spell. Click, or combine with other spells. Sometimes he screamed for Xie Chen's order. No one had ever thought this way before, and no one would do it. It seems that this spell has been like this from scratch, and they have always used it like this.

But General Aoyagi not only saw Xie Chen's thinking diverge, he valued Xie Chen's talent and his efforts. It’s not that no one has done things like improved spells, but not many can succeed. It's not that the direction is wrong, there is no result or it is improved, but the effect is minimal. Very few have really been changed.

But the situation in Xie Chen is completely different here. He has an unusually keen observation in spells, can always find the right direction, and has a high success rate. Six or seven out of ten can succeed. Some of them seemed useless now, but Aoyagi knew that when Xie Chen's strength reached a certain level, the situation would be completely different.

Aoyagi has tried these spells one by one, and some of them can be used, but most of them are not. It seems to be tailor-made for Xie Chen alone. Regrettably, he didn't want to learn from Xie Chen anymore. Instead, he fumbled with Xie Chen's method and finally asked him to find several. In terms of cultivation, Xie Chen's progress also surprised him. Although it was an illusion that Xie Chen disguised, in the real situation, Xie Chen’s strength also increased very quickly, because he had a whole body of a Tianyin snake on his body, and he collected blood and venom for later tempering. , The scale armor and aunt also collected, and the remaining snake meat was used by him for cultivation.

Tianyin Snake’s flesh contains a lot of energy. After hundreds of years of cultivation, the essence of it is in the essence and blood, but the energy contained in the snake's flesh is also very guest. Adding to the Tianyin Snake's body, I don't know how long it will last him. Because the step of absorbing energy from the outside world is omitted, Xie Chen's cultivation speed can be said to be a thousand miles.

However, although he has improved his disguised strength step by step, it is not an exaggeration. In addition, his aura has always been introverted. There is almost no one in the army to do anything with him. It is just from the perspective of some situations in training. I can't tell what Xie Chen's true level is.

But others can't tell, but you know Qingliu. The more you contact him, the more satisfied you are with Xie Chen. Not only is he talented, he also works hard. No matter it is in cultivation or training, he never slackens. What's more important is a good xinxing. If such a person is not cultivated, Aoyagi will feel it is a violent thing.

Therefore, he is less and less concealing his importance to Xie Chen, and at the same time there are still one or two people trained by him, but they are far less than Xie Chen.

Some people think this situation should be taken for granted, but some people can't understand it. Among them, the most jealous of Xie Chen is the demon youth whose father is in the army.

Because of General Aoyagi's advice, few people know about Xie Chen's improvement of many spells. In this way, in the eyes of outsiders, Xie Chen has nothing particularly good except for her ability to improve somewhat quickly and being good at commanding.

Although these are worth training, they shouldn't be so valued by General Aoyagi. Xie Chen naturally didn't bother to explain to them. He had a brain disease to tell them all about his situation, and General Aoyagi wouldn't tell them.

Three years have passed. Xie Chen has also changed from deputy general to deputy general. Yan Que has also become a young general. There are two brothers Shi Muye and Shi Mulin, because they are not in the same organization as him, so There is also less contact in normal times, but it's close compared to other people.

It may be because the two brothers have extraordinary backgrounds, so their status in the army is not low, and now there are many people under them. And the person who has been extremely Xie Chen is no longer within Xie Chen's focus. Anyway, he won't harm him no matter how he jumps. As for his father Xie Chen, Su Hao is not worried. ..


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