Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 67: Waves

After spending so long in the army, he must know what to do and what not to do. Sure enough, I don't know when Xie Chen seldom saw the original teacher's presence near him disappear.

Putting all his thoughts into practice, Xie Chen felt that time flies quickly, as if three years passed in a flash. In the past three years, the people around him still haven't changed the slightest, except for the changes in his aura, it is no different from when he first saw it.

This is not counting Xie Chen's time in the virtual space. If added, Xie Chen will spend at least two more years in the demon world. When Xie Chen remembered it, he thought of a sentence, cultivation has no years, and this cultivation is the same.

He has been here three times as long as the previous world, but he didn't feel difficult. Instead, he felt that this was just the beginning.

When Xie Chen had consumed all the snake meat of the Tianyin Snake, the hidden surge in the Demon Realm finally surfaced, and waves appeared. By this time Xie Chen had become a general, leading thousands of people. Speaking of a lot, but compared with the number of the real Qingyu army, this number is completely inconspicuous.

"General, general, please." A magic soldier walked into the military account and said to Xie Chen. This is the guard next to him after his promotion. Xie Chen opened his eyes and said, "I see."

Xie Chen rushed to the main hall at the fastest speed. Sitting at the top was the general, Aoyagi.

Xie Chen bowed his head to meet the salute: "The final general Xie Chen pays respects to the general."

Seeing Xie Chen coming, the general said: "You are here, look at this."

Xie Chen added the jade slip passed by Qingliu, and after a quick glance at the contents, his face sank. It's finally here, this is the only thought in his heart now.

The storm is finally coming, I don't know what role he will become in this storm?

Seeing Xie Chen finished reading, Qingliu asked, "Have you seen it, do you have any ideas?"

Xie Chen walked for a while, then looked up and said, "The subordinates have already felt it for a long time, but now I just feel that it's finally time."

After listening to his answer, Aoyagi didn’t feel uncomfortable. He seemed to know that Xie Chen would say this. He just said: "With your ability, you should have been aware of it. To tell you the truth, we started doing it eight years ago. Prepare. Your group of people is the first step in preparation. The unexpected black oil time, I didn't expect it to come so soon."

Xie Chen just listened quietly, without speaking. Aoyagi continued: "Your time in the army is not too long to say, but it is not too short to say it is too short. Speaking of which, this group of people who collected chicken skins is still an outstanding group of you. They have trained you for such a long time. Now it’s time to check and accept the results and hope not to let me down."

Seeing Qingliu's eyes, Xie Chen nodded: "We must live up to your expectations."

Seeing Xie Chen's firm eyes, Qing Liu nodded and said, "Okay, it's good if you have this confidence. Now, don't let this matter go to the outside. You don't want to know it in your heart before the time is right."

"Subordinates understand." Xie Chen responded. The expression also softened the atmosphere. In fact, for so long, his relationship with Aoyagi is a bit like a teacher and student. Some people have mentioned to him that he directly worships General Aoyagi as a teacher, but after thinking about it, he still refuses. It is good to maintain the current state. Teacher-student relationship Maybe not what General Aoyagi wanted.

And his idea coincided with General Aoyagi. Although even Qingyu had mentioned to him about accepting Xie Chen as a disciple, he still refused after thinking about it. This kid is not in the pool, even if he didn't teach him much. The status of master and apprentice is not true, and in the army, it is not appropriate. He has given up this idea after many considerations.

After leaving, Xie Chen met Yan Que. Seeing what he was thinking, Yanque didn't ask Aoyagi what he said to him. Just said: "You came out, Mu Ye and Mu Lin asked me to ask if you want to get together, we haven't got together for a long time."

Xie Chen came back to his senses and nodded: "Okay, where are you going?"

"A rare day off, let's go back to the city." Yan Que said. Xie Chen thought about it and agreed.

When they arrived in the city, they came to a wine shop they used to visit. Shi Muye and Shi Mulin had arrived. Without them talking, the restaurant served them the dishes and wine they often ordered. This wine is not strong and tastes good, so some of them often drink a little.

Several people sat together and exchanged a few words, and then Shi Mulin directly asked after a few glasses of wine, "Brother Xie Chen, did Dajingjun tell you something?"

As soon as he said this, Shi Muye slapped him immediately and said, "Is this what you should ask? It doesn't take long to remember." Shi Muye said dissatisfiedly: "Did I ask anyone else, it is Brother Xie Chen." I just asked."

The corner of Xie Chen's mouth bends, but he confessed directly: "I said something."

"What is that?" Shi Mulin asked, Shi Muye said coolly on the side: "It's almost done."

Xie Chen didn't answer directly, just said: "What you said, probably you already know." None of the people present are simple people, and they all have their own news channels. The news that General Aoyagi told him was only a clear point out, only the final confirmation, but many people have seen the current situation and recorded it in their hearts. With the background of Yanque and Shijia brothers, such news should have been known.

Sure enough, Shi Mulin frowned and said, "It really is so fast."

Xie Chen nodded: "It is indeed beyond my expectation. According to calculations, the time should be two years at the earliest."

Yan Que continued: "People are not as good as the sky. Something went wrong, that's why it surfaced so quickly."

"If this is the case, all the preparations we have made are insufficient. If this is the case..."

"Although it's not enough, it's almost the same." Xie Chen said, and continued after taking a sip of wine. "Besides, it will take some time before it affects us, and there is still time to reflect the preparation." ..


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