Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 68: reaction

"That's also true. It's better than not being able to prepare anything for a sudden outbreak." Yan Que picked up a jar of wine and drank it directly. "Furthermore, the preparations are almost the same now. No matter what. What we can’t prepare is just the last step. And this is not something we have to worry about. There are also great generals and city lord, and there will be Lord Demon on the top. If the trouble is too big, Lord Demon will be there. It’s no use worrying about us here."

"That's right, instead of worrying about it here, I think it's a good opportunity, it's a good time for us to come out." Shi Mulin's eyes lit up, "If it's really..., wouldn't it mean that there are fights every day? Up?"

Shi Muye shook his head helplessly, but looking at his expression, he agreed with his brother's words.

Xie Chen and Yan Que looked at each other, knowing that Shi Mulin's words were correct. Such an outbreak is not a good thing or a bad thing. Xie Chen remembered the look of General Aoyagi when he told him about this. Although he was a little worried, he was more ambitious. To tell him the news in advance must also let him prepare.

In this way, the tone of the information in that jade slip is quite positive, so it is not necessarily a bad thing.

After thinking about it for a while, Xie Chen knew about the upcoming event. After letting go of some tension and worry, Xie Chen relaxed. No matter what he was going to face right away, it was useless for him to think about it now. When soldiers came to cover the water and soil, he just waited quietly.

Several people covered this topic tacitly, and then began to chat about some trivial things, and the atmosphere became relaxed.

But this was only temporary. When they returned to the army, it was obvious that the atmosphere was getting more and more tense. The entire Qingyu Army has been immersed in a state of combat readiness.

Their leisure time and various vacations after training have been cancelled. Some retreat officers have also left the customs one after another. General Qingyu also went to the barracks outside the city for a few laps. This kind of unusual behavior is even in insensitive. People can also feel that something is about to happen.

The war is about to start.

"Finally here." Xie Chen whispered. He looked at the soldiers who were training below, his face calm, but the dark under his eyes was so deep that he couldn't see it, like a thousand-year cold lake.

This war may not be called a war, but a turmoil. Because the Demon Respect Building has been negligent in managing the affairs of the Demon Realm for many years, this situation became more and more obvious twenty years ago.

And in the long period of time, there are always a few people who originally surrendered to the demon venerable who have forgotten the means of the demon respect building back then, and have raised some unusual desires in the long peaceful life. This desire is in the demon. Respect Building suddenly broke out after being injured once again.

The two great demon kings united with some demon generals to start a rebellion. This turmoil was not so early in the plan, but one of the demon kings got a treasure, and after refining, his strength greatly increased, thus starting the unrest ahead of time.

What they want to do is kill the heavy building and become the master of the devil world. This time, Chonglou was seriously injured and their strength increased. This is a golden opportunity!

After they played their banner, all parties began to react. Some demon kings were on the side of demon lord, such as the lord of Qingyu city where Xie Chen was located, the lord of general Qingyu, Yunyi Demon, and the other example of Heiyan Demon Lord. Some others are temporarily unresponsive, with ambiguous attitudes, and they still seem to be watching.

"Qing Yu, are you ready over there?" Yun Wing Demon Lord leaned lazily on the couch and said, looking not far in front of him. It was a cloud and mist, and the middle influence was the Qingyu Demon General.

Qing Yu's expression at this time was more solemn than usual, and he said, "Your Majesty, I am ready here, and I always follow my dispatch."

"That's great." Yun Yi nodded, and then said, "Now that you are ready, bring someone over. It's almost the same, it's time to start..."

Qing Yu listened to Yun Wing Demon Lord's final sigh, his expression was not sharp, and he bowed and said, "Yes, Lord."

Black Flame City.

The Black Flame Demon Lord sat in the middle of the hall, and there was already a row of demon generals standing below them, all of whom belonged to the Black Flame Demon Lord. After reading some information. He opened his mouth and said, "Be prepared, we will set off right away."

"Yes, Lord!" The demon generals below responded suddenly.

"Go down and prepare separately." Black Flame Demon Lord waved his hand and said. After everyone left, the counselor next to him said: "My lord, the current situation is not so good."

Hei Yan walked to the rear and said, "Huh, those people who don't know what is good or bad, don't know what they are hesitating! Do they think that adults who are injured and retreat can succeed in those young children? Wishful thinking!"

"But sir, the only one who clearly responded to us now is the Cloud Wing Demon Lord, and his place is very far away from the capital. When they arrive, it may be too late."

Black Flame Demon Lord frowned and said, "Don’t worry about it. I have already contacted Cloud Wing Demon Lord. He will take his men and horses to intercept at Longyu City. This will give us time to prepare. The capital is guarded. As long as there is nothing wrong with the capital, their plans will fall to nothing."

"But your lord, we don't have enough people!"

"It's okay, leave some people in the capital for defense, and others are around to block them. Be sure to keep them out of the border." Black Flame Demon Lord seemed to have made some decision, his eyes flashed.

"How are some people..." The counselor frowned, then suddenly remembered something, exclaimed, then quickly covered his mouth, and whispered to the Black Flame Demon Lord, "My lord, you are going to start... Great formation?"

The black flame demon lord stopped, and he was silent for a while and said: "If it comes to the end, there is no way."..


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