Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 10 Chapter 69: Gather

The army of Qingyu City has already assembled. They did not rush to Cloud Wing City like the army of other cities, but rushed directly to the designated location to intercept the rebels.

Instead of using mounts, they used large flying instruments such as flying boats. Because of the large size of this artifact, it can hold nearly a thousand people, so the speed is relatively slow. Armies in other cities are assembled in this way.

The people in Qingyu City were directly transferred through the teleportation array in each city. To transmit their hundreds of thousands of troops, the only teleportation array that needs to be used is a large teleportation array.

This kind of teleportation array is only available in some important cities and will not open easily. Needless to say, the ones in their domain are naturally used directly, but if they want to reach the destination smoothly, the two transiting teleportation arrays are on the territory of other demon kings.

But this time, Yun Wing Demon Lord came forward and obtained the right to use it smoothly.

Although this demon did not express his stance to support the other side, he was in retreat all the year round, and was somewhat similar to Qing Yu's style, and he did everything freely and arbitrarily. This time, the Cloud Wing Demon Lord thought it would take a lot of talking, but as soon as he said his intentions, he agreed, and then waved his hand and went back to practice.

Even with the teleportation array, it took a lot of time for the vanguard to reach the designated location, and the transfer of 100,000 people took three days. The remaining people are still transferring. Because such a large teleportation array consumes a lot of energy, it needs to be recharged with new energy after the lawsuit is completed. The 100,000 people who were able to arrive in three days before were also due to the use of almost the top energy stones. But it would be too much waste if all the people used it, so people after that would use the usual method to transmit. Although it will take a little longer in time, it is still within the acceptable range.

Xie Chen and the others are not in the vanguard, even if they have been in the army for a long time, but because they have not been on the battlefield, in the eyes of General Aoyagi, they can be said to be recruits to a certain extent. .

"The general has arrived at the destination with the vanguard, and the rebels have not yet arrived, so this gives us the first opportunity." Xie Chen and a general discussed the military situation together.

They are close to their destination and are waiting for delivery. They just stay here for one night in order of time. I don't know why, the closer to the destination, the calmer Xie Chen's heart is.

"As long as the news is not exposed, our plan will succeed." said a general with the same status as Xie Chen.

"How many of them are this time?" The other person said with a worried face."There are about one million people along this route." Xie Chen gave an answer that made them feel a little bit cold.

Their troops on this route are only 560,000, and facing millions of enemies, the gap is really big. Although the Qing Feathers are all elite, according to intelligence, the opponent's passers-by can't be solved in two or two.

When they were only the last transit station from their destination, a message came from the front, and war started.

At first, when the people led by General Aoyagi arrived at Longyu City, the news did not leak out, but it was discovered when the defense was deployed. This is also normal. After all, 100,000 people are deploying defenses around Longyu City, and the movement will inevitably be discovered no matter how small it is.

Long Yucheng is the only way for the rebels to attack the capital. The Devil World is so big that it would take years for them to reach the capital city with magical weapons alone. Long Yucheng is an extremely prosperous city with a large population. The only difference is that the city lord of Long Yu city fell for some reasons decades ago, and because of some reasons, the new lord has not been selected.

This place has always been managed by the demon king above. When this turmoil happened, the demon was still hesitating, but his strength can only be said to be a middle-lower among the demon kings of Zhu, and he acquiesced under the deterrence of the black flame demon and the cloud wing demon. This is what allowed their army to come in. He also has an army under him, but he is not particularly in love with him in his heart. Heiyan and Yunyi also know this, so he did not expect him to do his best to go out and block the enemy, so he just wanted to control some of the final places. After coming over, Long Yucheng is one of the most important.

Because only in this area is Longyu City has a large teleportation array that teleports towards the capital, this Longyu City is the place they must conquer.

And when the other party knew that someone in Long Yucheng was arming the defense, they were also a little bit upset in their hearts, regretting why they were no longer acting faster, but since things have been done this way, it’s useless to say anything, they quickened their attack. , So the war officially started before Xie Chen and the others arrived.

After knowing this news, Xie Chen's follow-up was wrong and speeded up. Regardless of the energy stone, he directly used the best energy stone to transfer the last group of people to Longyu City in the shortest time.

However, the members of the Blue Feather Army did not shrink back or become discouraged when facing so many enemies. They were all elite, and the members of the Blue Feather Army had never been afraid of anyone. Besides, they are defending the city. Long Yucheng has a special terrain that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Even if the opponent has a million people, don't want to take advantage of them.

When Xie Chen arrived, they just took a break and went to the front. The war was very fierce at the beginning. Aoyagi naturally wanted to drag this battle. Yeah, the longer Jin dragged the battle, the better, but the other side's thoughts were just the opposite. A quick fight is the most beneficial for them. They came all the way, and if they fight a protracted battle here, sooner or later they will fall into decline.

The ideas of the two parties were just opposite, so the fight was particularly intense. Xie Chen flipped his hand and chopped over an attacking Demon Race, and his armour behind him tightly protected the back swing, holding the sword tightly all the time. The magic in the other hand is condensed, and the spell is ready to go. ..


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