Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 12 Chapter 23: Someone who appeared suddenly

Not long after she ran out, there was an explosion sound, Xie Chen's movements stopped, and then turned around and ran out. There are still fish that slip through the net.

Yuliu Miyoko ah, there are so many bombs installed in the school, almost where they can be installed. It is no wonder Xie Chen missed it, but the place she installed it was too tricky because of the crowds and the urgent time. The bomb was left behind.

The sudden explosion shocked everyone. Yuliu Miyin held up the loudspeaker and shouted, "Didn't you let you stay in the classroom? Who is so disobedient, and the disobedient person will die!"

My wife Yuno rushed for a long time in the corridor, and then found out that no bomb has exploded except for the bomb that just started. This situation made her stunned: "How could this be? Didn't it mean it would explode?"

After the shock, she quickly calmed down: "The most important thing now is to save Axue. What should we do? What should we do?"

Hearing the explosion, Keigo Laisu was unable to sit still on the 4th. He got out of the police car and walked over here.

Yuliu Miyin was shouting arrogantly, and there was a bomb bound to Amano Xuehui's phone on the ground. When she was talking with a megaphone, she suddenly shut up. A bullet passed through her ear and she swallowed all the rest.

So far, a total of four future diary holders have appeared.

"Hahahahahaha, 4th. You have the ability to kill 1st and commit suicide again! This foreseeing future policeman is really a hindrance to me who wants to become a god!" She held the bomb switch high in her hand. This threatened the 4th.

Xie Chen checked and found that only the fish that slipped through the net did he return to the scene.

Lai Su Keigo looked at Yuliu Miyin solemnly, and took out his pistol. When Amano Xuehui thought he would save herself, she looked at the black hole and the couple aiming at herself in shock. He softened instantly, looking at Lai Su Keigo in horror: "Why, why?"

"Sorry, 1st. Now the situation has changed. Although I said I will protect you, but the current situation cannot help me." 4th raised his eyebrows.

The sweat on Amano Xuehui's head kept flowing down, and there were still tears mixed with it. Seeing his head down, he had already accepted his fate.

When the gun was about to fire on the 4th, the window above Yuryu Miyin suddenly heard the sound of glass breaking, and my wife Yuno rushed down directly from above.

Yuliu Miyin was caught off guard and fell to one side, and the controller in her hand fell to the other side. But things did not go as smoothly as she thought.

Without the impact of the explosion, Yuliu Miyin's attention was not distracted. Even though my wife Yuno had temporarily opened the situation, she was kicked away in the next second.

"Where did the kid who ran out, look for death?" Yuliu Miyin said fiercely, and then walked like a controller rolling to the side. My wife Yuno wanted to stop her, but it was difficult for her to get up temporarily, so she could only watch her walk by.

Kei Goku and Yukuki Amano were too far apart, so they couldn't do anything.

However, at this moment, Yuliu Miyin was hit on the head by a book. She looked up with a calm face, only to find that books and stationery of various sizes flew out from the windows of the school buildings on both sides at the same time. It is the students who are helping their classmates in their own way.

The minds of all people are affected. If the controller returns to her hands again, the result can be imagined. This is something they don't want to see.

Yuliu Miyin smiled wildly. When she bent down to pick up the controller, she saw a slender hand taking the controller away in front of her eyes.

Xie Chen tilted his head and said with a smile on the corner of his lips: "Do you want this?"

Yuliu Miyin raised her head and stood up. Her first reaction was to **** the controller from the person in front of her. But she couldn't move faster than Xie Chen.

Xie Chen easily dodged Yuliu Miyin's attack and said, "This thing is very dangerous. It is better for me to put it away for you."

Yuliu Miyin was irritated, but at the same time she couldn't help being surprised. This person's skill was very unusual. Who was it and what was the purpose of stopping her? Is it also a diary holder?

But now it's not just her, everyone here was surprised by Xie Chen's appearance. The man was dressed in black, and his black windbreaker could not hide his upright body until his knees. With a simple but exquisite black mask covering the upper half of his face, only the handsome chin and the slightly upward thin lips can be seen.

But everyone except Yuliu Miyin also relaxed at the same time, it seems that this person belongs to them.

But who is this person? The clothes I wear are very strange. Although it looks good, it is a bit strange to suddenly appear in the school.

Xie Chen is still wearing what was left in his inventory from the previous world. It is a holiday suit, the overall style is somewhat biased towards military uniforms, with a bit of gorgeous European style. The reason why I changed into this outfit was also because of the matching mask.

Now he doesn't want to expose his identity, otherwise it won't be fun, right?

"Who are you? Hand over what's in your hand! Otherwise, I'm not welcome." Yuliu Miyin shouted, her eyes staring at Xie Chen fiercely.

She had just read the future diary and found that the diary had changed when this person appeared. But there was nothing unusual before this person appeared.

My wife Yuno and Raisuke Keigo also discovered this at the same time, and their eyes looked a little serious at Xie Chen. Why did the future diary only change when this person appeared?

Yuliu Miyin naturally couldn't give up the controller, and stepped forward to grab it with Xie Chen. But Yi Xie Chen's hand stretched out and dodged easily. He even picked up the future diary of Yukuki Amano while avoiding the attack.

Seeing his diary picked up by Xie Chen, Amano Yuki's heart tightened, and at the same time my wife Yuno was watching him closely. ..


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