Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 12 Chapter 24: alert

Unlike Amano's expectation and grateful relief, she was more vigilant, alert to the purpose of this person who appeared suddenly, not to mention that Amano's diary fell in his hand now.

Xie Chen opened the phone in his hand and took a look, then he was not very interested in the content on it and threw it out. While shouting: "Hey, Yukuki Amano goes on."

For his indiscretion, Amano Yuki and my wife Yuno were shocked and rushed over.

Yuliu Miyin's eyes lit up, and she forced her feet under her feet and flipped her body into the air to grab something into her hands.

She grabbed the thing in her hand, her eyes lit up and she pointed to Xie Chen and laughed loudly: "Hahahahahaha, I threw the controller out."

what? !

The people present were startled and looked at Xie Chen.

Xie Chen blinked and looked at what was in his hand. It was Xuehui Amano's phone.

"Ah, I seem to admit that I had thrown it wrong." Xie Chen dropped in with a little annoyance, but seeing his expression did not mean that he did something wrong.

He threw the phone to Xuehui Amano not far away, and he said nonchalantly: "It's really careless."

The person who looked at the other in the presence of others did not know what to say. The light that had just risen in Amano Xuehui's eyes quickly shattered, as if he had seen hope but quickly turned to despair. He tightly grasped the phone in his hand and knelt on the ground, panicking at a loss.

My wife Yuno comforted him by his side, looking at Xie Chen with gloomy eyes, while paying attention to Yuliu Miyin's movements, intending to sabotage her plan.

Xie Chen walked forward partially, Yuliu Miyin was very afraid of this sudden task, and she stared at his movements closely. At this moment, I saw him walking towards me, slowly backing away, holding the controller tightly in his hand, looking alert.

Xie Chen smiled slightly and said: "Don't be so nervous, I just want to say a word here. You can fight for the position of God whatever you want. But one thing is that your fight should not involve too many people. It’s the last time it’s been like today. Do you understand?"

Having said that, it is impossible for those present to not understand the identity of Xie Chen.

Xuehui Amano looked at Xie Chen in shock. There are only eleven remaining diary holders in the future. Five of them appeared here today, really... Yuliu Miyin also reduced his expression, and said in shock, "Are you also a diary holder?" She said which image she recalled in her mind for a hundred years It's similar to this one. There was no result after thinking about it, but she didn't think too much, and it was impossible for the diary holder to always be an image.

Kei Gokusuke thought the same way, but my wife Yuno was different. This person did not appear in the one-week vision world she experienced. She remembered the overseers in this world. In the previous world, her UI was unheard of.

I don't know why this person appeared in this week's world, but he will not be an ordinary person in his style. When the eleven future diary holders gathered before, she had already taken care of the obsessive supervisor. But the timing was not right, so she didn't ask further.

Unexpectedly, I saw it today.

"You are the supervisor." My wife Yuno narrowed her eyes and said in a cold voice.

She said that other people have come too, and this person is very likely to be an overseer who they did not look at. It seems that this person is not simple.

Although she was afraid of Xie Chen's strength, Yuliu Meiyin still didn't regard Xie Chen as important after turning around Xie Chen. After all, she now has the greatest support in her hands.

So she laughed disdainfully, and then said: "Why, the supervisor sees my approach not pleasing to your eyes? If you have the ability, you can dismantle all the bombs." She said that this sentence is also emboldened, after all, What she prepared to kill 1st was nothing ordinary.

But today he miscalculated. In the meantime, Xie Chen flicked his fingers and blew a breath as if he had blown away something dirty, then turned his head slightly and gave her a look and said: "Do you think that no one can deal with your bomb? Already? Don't be too naive young man."

Yuliu Miyin was taken aback for a moment, and then pulled out a malicious smile: "Hehe, do you think I will believe you when you say that?"

"Believe it or not, don't you know if you try it?" Xie Chen also pulled out a smile, calmly looking at them and said.

Yuliu Miyin started to feel a little nervous when he looked at him so sure. Is it possible that this person really has a way to deal with it? No, he must be deceiving me. Although there is no bottom in my heart, but there is a provocative smile on his face, "Okay, since you said that, I will try it." While talking, I observed Xie Chen's expression, but because of him The hateful mask on her face prevented her from seeing anything. Just looking at his body, there are no down movements under tension, and there are no physical changes, as if he doesn't care as he said.

Now Yuliu Miyin has no bottom in her heart, but her hand seems to press the controller without hesitation.

But Keigo Laosu did not allow her to do so. Because he was not sure whether what Xie Chen said was true, he couldn't take risks even if there was a 1% chance that it was a lie.

If you want to ask why you don't look at the diary to predict now, the answer is that the answer above does not contain the content of Xie Chen. Even if there are other answers, there is no guarantee that Xie Chen will temporarily do something to change the future.

Xie Chen hooked his lips: "Since you dare not, let me do it for you." As soon as the voice fell, his figure disappeared, and in a blink of an eye he appeared beside Yuliu Miyin. She grabbed the controller in her hand and pressed the button hard. ..


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