Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 91: Vivi's confession

Neither Xie Chen nor Weiwei mentioned anything about that day, as if it had never happened before. The partners who woke up one after another did not notice anything abnormal, except for Nami.

When she just woke up, Xie Chen sat beside her and fell asleep, as if even the morning sun was attached to him. It made people feel warm and not dazzling, just like a gauze draped over him. .

Such Xie Chen didn't have the shrewd and capable appearance when he was awake, and the rare handsome appearance was more cute for unexplainable reasons.

Nami wanted to watch for a while, but Weiwei came in with her breakfast, Xie Chen also opened her eyes, her eyes are as deep as a jade, because she just woke up, she was still a little bit blurred, but she was in this state for an instant Disappeared.

"You're awake." Xie Chen looked at Nami who was staring at him with blinking eyes, and said to her heart that she just pretended to sleep. The other party seemed to like it. Try again later, "How do you feel now?"

"I... I'm a little hungry."

"Just right, I brought breakfast." Weiwei put the breakfast on the bedside table. Except for some fruits, it was uncooked porridge and two pieces of soft white bread. "It should be enough for two people. I will get it again. Some come."

"Thank you, I have troubled you, Weiwei."

When Nami took the porridge from Xie Chen, she always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell, she could only put it aside temporarily to solve her own food and clothing first, "Ah! This is delicious!"

I don’t know what animal meat or special seasoning was used in this bowl of porridge. Nami felt it was unusually delicious, and she speeded up her speed unknowingly, but she soon felt indecent and ate it slowly. .

Xie Chen nodded the tip of her nose, "You feel that way when you are hungry. Except for Luffy, you are the latest to wake up. I slept all day and night, but I am very worried about you."

"I slept for a day and a night?!" Nami looked around, indeed, except for Luffy who was still asleep, the other beds were empty, so she probably did her own things to kill the time.

"Yeah." In fact, she was lying. He gave her some potion in the middle of the way to make her sleep for such a long time. Is it more or less effective? It seems that the injuries are almost healed, and there are no traces left.

"You can try to wake me up." Nami whispered and complained with a mouthful of porridge.

"But, Nami is so cute when she is asleep, I can't bear to scream." Xie Chen changed his cat punch after speaking, and stopped talking, took a piece of bread from the basket and ate it, no For a while, Weiwei came in again, and behind her were two maids, one with a washbasin and the other with clean clothes.

Xie Chen consciously took the bowl from Weiwei's hand as soon as he saw it, and took another piece of bread. He said that he was going to look elsewhere, so he lived out, and when he reached the door, he felt he had to do something, so he turned his head and said, Although I also like the little cat, I have to wash it clean."

Nami blushed, picked up a pillow and threw it over, but the other party escaped faster. After the pillow flew out, it only hit the door.


"Xie Chen is happy too, he really stayed by your bedside Nami and didn't leave." Weiwei said, her smile on her face unchanged, "Xie Chen, he really cares about you... "

Nami suddenly understood where she felt something was wrong. It was because of Weiwei's gaze towards Xie Chen and personally coming to bring him breakfast, but Xie Chen didn't seem to have much reaction, she seemed to be used to it.

A not-so-good idea entered her mind. Even if she tried to deny her conjecture, she couldn't do it-Weiwei, do you like Xie Chen?

"Really?" Nami's mind was chaotic now, she just replied perfunctorily.

What she is thinking about now is why Weiwei suddenly likes Xie Chen, or does she like it a long time ago, but it has never been shown? And how much Xie Chen knows about this matter.

It's not that Xie Chen that has moved his mind, go and provoke Weiwei!

If this is the case, it is simply unforgivable!

She was thinking about these after breakfast, after a simple cleaning, and then put on another dress. The maids respectfully bowed after finishing their work. This is the princess life that almost all girls have imagined. what.

But she is not a princess, the real princess is right in front of her...

Xie Chen, would he like Weiwei?

Yes, Weiwei is such a lovely person and a noble princess...

Speaking of which, it's understandable that Weiwei would like Xie Chen, isn't it? Xie Chen is the most outstanding man she has ever met. Not to mention his handsome looks and great strength, his gentleness and caring for girls alone is enough to make many people's hearts moved.

Xie Chen had helped Weiwei many times along the way, and the most troublesome bomb was because of him, and it was solved without any thrills.

"Nami? What's wrong with you?" Weiwei became worried when she saw that the other party hadn't said a word. "Where is it uncomfortable?"

"No...just...something..." Seeing that Weiwei was really worried about herself, Nami just suppressed those thoughts and changed her words, "Probably she hasn't woken up yet, her mind is messed up. Haha ."

But the equally careful Weiwei had a more accurate guess, "Did Nami see it? Although I know...but I still want to say it, Xie Chen. "

"Hey?!" Nami widened her eyes in surprise, is that true?

"Sorry..." Weiwei lowered her head in shame, feeling that this was a shameful thing.

"Yes... did that fellow Xie Chen do to you?" Thinking of the scene when Xie Chen was a little shamelessly pursuing her at the beginning, Nami felt that a fire was burning in her heart, but she was quickly caught What Weiwei said was put out.

"No, it's me... I don't know why, but when I reacted, I already liked him." Weiwei's face flushed, but she was paying attention to the other party's emotions and found that Nami's expression began to change, and she soon started Explain, "I haven't told Xie Chen about this, I...I won't say it, I know it's wrong, but I just think it's good for everyone, and I want to express my feelings for the first time. ..."



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