Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 92: Three women

Because she had to buy a heavy package from the village since she was a child, she has no friends of the same age, and no one will be friends with her. Only her sister who is not related by blood can talk to her, so she cherishes her and Weiwei very much. This friendship.

Take a bath together, bite each other’s ears and whisper each other, turn off the lights and fall asleep, you can talk about topics you want to talk about, and finally say goodnight to each other...

All this was the first time for her. Before she knew it, the relationship between her and Weiwei became very good, as if they had grown up together.

My best friend fell in love with her boyfriend, this kind of thing actually made her meet...

Who can she blame?

And Weiwei has already said that she will not confess, she believes that Weiwei...

"Really, I have to teach Xie Chen a good lesson in a while. I just lied to the girl's heart. It's Princess Vivi." Nami complained exaggeratedly. The complicated expression on her face has disappeared cleanly. "We Let's teach him together later."

"Hey?! Lesson Xie Chen?"

"Yeah!" Nami took her hand and began to discuss future plans. Many of them were sturdy. Several of them made Weiwei smile and hugged her belly on the bed. The previous depression was also the same. Swept away.

It's just that Weiwei worriedly asked Nami a question, "If someone else likes Xie Chen in the future, what are you going to do Nami?"

It is a worry, it is a reasonable guess, and it is very likely to happen.

Although I don’t want to admit it, women are a disadvantaged group on this sea. Most of them will have a better life and will choose to rely on strong men. Xie Chen can be said to be the best choice.

She didn't think much here at the beginning, and no other woman showed interest in Xie Chen (almost all enemies encountered during that time were also the reason), but suddenly faced reality, she had to seriously consider Up.

Yeah, what would she do?

"I don't know," Nami can't think of a result, "but I will always know."

This incident just passed like this for the time being. Although Xie Chen attacked with various pillows for unknown reasons when he came back, seeing them having fun, they appeared to be chased and beaten by pain.

Finally I ran away, looking for something that girls liked, and didn’t ask me why I was beaten. The image of a good boyfriend was displayed to the fullest. During the period, many maids blushed and peeked, reminded by Weiwei. Naturally, Nami also noticed.

But Xie Chen didn't seem to notice this at all, and didn't respond to some suggestive strike-ups. Can she rest assured?

"What's wrong, I've been absent-minded today." Xie Chen looked for Nami after dinner, hugged her and hid behind the humble tree, wanting to talk, "Why is the little thief cat unhappy?"

Nami couldn't make it, so she gave up, "Nothing!"

"You can put a pen on your mouth, what's the matter?" The unexpected resistance made Xie Chen pay more attention to the original end of the matter. "I am so sad, Nami, do you hate me already? What a ruthless woman. "

"Who the **** is it! I was so happy talking to the maids, obviously I already have me, but even Weiwei..." She hurriedly covered her mouth in a panic.

Oops, this matter cannot be let Xie Chen know.

"It turns out that Weiwei has already told you?" Xie Chen's calm voice reached her ears, causing Nami to turn her head to look at him in disbelief, "What's wrong?"

"You know?! Why would you know!" Did Weiwei confessed to Xie Chen long ago! ?

"It can be seen how much." Especially the performance of the other party that night, let him also confirm this. Now Nami’s reaction also made him understand what was going on, "So you are angry? Or is it jealous?"

"No! Who wants to eat your jealousy!" Nami said stubbornly, turning her head and not looking at Xie Chen.

"That's it...Is it okay if I go to find another woman?" He kissed Nami's earlobe and tried to bite it. The other party reacted very loudly. While exclaiming in a low voice, he gave him an elbow. Although the girl's strength would not cause him any harm, Xie Chen still sighed and wanted to call for sympathy.

"You...huh! Who do you like to look for!" Nami knew that the other party was pretending when she looked at the other person. Originally it was nothing, but at the moment she was very annoyed when she saw it. She pretended to be serious about it. Don't break it!

What did he hide from her!

Seeing Nami walk away in a huff, Xie Chen didn't bother to pretend, stood up from the ground, thinking about what went wrong.

"It seems that you broke Miss Navigator's heart." Another woman's voice came from not far away. Xie Chen knew who it was. He found out when the other party came, but didn't say anything, "The expression is so fierce. "

"Aren't you leaving? I'm afraid no one here will welcome you, Miss Robin." The person who came was Nicole Robin. Xie Chen put her in the exit specially, and there are also transportation tools available. It should have left early.

"So are you, sir?" Robin walked out of the shadow not far away, still dressed as before, beautiful and elegant, exuding charm, enough to make most males fascinated.

If this makes people feel intriguing, the other party will say it without hesitation, which shows that they are also used to it.

"How come." Gentleman Xie Chen's salute, matched with his handsome appearance and slender body, is like the complete prince in the hearts of all the girls. If the black eyes are watching affectionately, I am afraid that no woman will not know how Fall into it, "Then I have the honor to know the purpose of Miss Robin's coming here?"

"Actually, I'm here to find you."

"Look for me...?" Xie Chen deliberately surprised his expression slightly, "for what?"

"You saved me who was already begging to die, what do you say?" This is already unreasonable, but the beauty has such a right, Xie Chen motioned her to continue talking, "With me Make a deal."..


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