Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 122: with full force

Xie Chen's crazy firepower immediately attracted the attention of everyone around him. The destructive power caused by Xie Chen was definitely the most terrifying on the entire battlefield!

"What it is?"

Seeing the shocking fire that suddenly exploded on the west side of the battlefield, Hick Zalton in the central command room couldn't help frowning.

"What's going on over there?"

"The head of the report branch seems to be the intervention of a third party, and the firepower is very strong, even more powerful than ordinary magical agents." Amemiya Tsubaki, who maintained the layout of the entire battle plan with Sora Magnolia, immediately answered.

"..." The branch director Hick Zal nodded and did not speak. On the other hand, Kong Mulianhua showed an unexpected look, because isn't this guy the one who pretended to be him?

Kong Mulianhua hurried to the big screen and clicked on Xie Chen's information, only to see Xie Chen driving a huge fighter of unknown model at low altitude.

The black and red fighters have sufficient firepower, and they can even cause damage to the gods. This weapon is absolutely unheard of and unseen by everyone in the Far East Branch!

"What is this?"

Seeing the fighter jets diving at high speed and low altitude on the screen, the branch director Hick Zal showed a puzzled look, but he did not recognize the fighter who was covered with black knights that did not die by hand magic engraving patterns.

And not everyone on the field could not recognize it. At least Dr. Sakura could see the model of the fighter Xie Chen was driving but did not say it, because Xie Chen was already in the same camp with him.

Dr. Sakura didn’t need to leak too much information about Xie Chen. He watched Xie Chen’s fighters galloping in the distance, but all the targets of the attacks were all the gods attracted by the inducement device, and everyone was relieved. In one breath.

"Well, let's prepare for the next battle, that guy will leave it alone, treat it as an unexpected reinforcement."

Now that the branch minister Hick Zal had already spoken, the others naturally had nothing to say. After the big screen was turned off, Sora Mulianhua continued to return to his command platform and began to command operations.

On the other end of the conference call, Dr. Su also cut off the contact with the command room, and began to do his best to repair the magic of Kongmu Lianhua.

Since helping Xie Chen to rebuild the Dodge Tomahawk previously took too much time for Dr. Sakura, now he estimates that he cannot completely repair the magic machine of the empty wood lotus, and can only increase the configuration of the whole magic machine to the maximum extent and activate it The oracle cell in the divine machine.

Fortunately, the magic machine that has been increased by Dr. Sakura’s various coefficients has already infinitely advanced into Xie Chen’s ghost cut in terms of single attack, and even a variety of powerful artillery systems have piled up, this weapon The power of Xie Chen is many times stronger than that of Ghost Cut!

The only regret is that Dr. Sakura does not have time to debug the specific parameters of the predator form of this magic machine. Therefore, Dr. Sakura does not recommend Kong Magnolia to use the predator form to prey on the gods.

But whether or not Mulianhua would listen to Dr. Sakura's advice is not a matter for Dr. Sakura. On the other hand, Xie Chen's firepower on the entire western battlefield has almost poured out at this moment, and the UAV's magazines have basically been emptied by Xie Chen.

Xie glanced at the surrounding situation and flew directly towards a place where the gods were most dense, and then slammed on the accelerator of the Dodge Tomahawk.

The Dodge Tomahawk instantly shot out like a cannonball, and out of Xie Chen's control, the drone crashed directly, and then there was a terrifying explosion below.

In an instant, a large area of ​​dust was flying below, and after landing, Xie Chen desperately turned on all the firepower of the Dodge Tomahawk again, rushing all the way to the location of the refuge again.

Because the induction device on the refuge should have been opened at this moment, Xie Chen quickly stepped on the Dodge Tomahawk and charged it.

The full-fire Dodge Tomahawk instantly incarnates a fierce beast, rushing to the past with astonished eyes from countless divine machines. The power of the Dodge Tomahawk is not invincible by ordinary locomotives.

It can almost be said that this is a **** road that Xie Chen killed. Looking at the mottled and messy bloodstains along the way, Xie Chen suddenly felt the scope, and simply removed the rearview mirror of the Dodge Tomahawk.

Running at full speed, even Xie Chen could feel that the engine of his Dodge Tomahawk was overloaded, not just the engine.

Every gear on the entire Dodge Tomahawk roared, roaring painful and joyful!

The muzzle of the oversized machine gun in front of the Dodge Tomahawk has been heated by the hot tongue of fire, like a red soldering iron. If it weren’t for the entire Dodge Tomahawk’s body, Xie Chen’s knight would not die by unarmed reinforcement, it’s probably long ago. Has collapsed.

The cylinder was roaring, and there was already a trace of cracks. Sure enough, this kind of locomotive in the ordinary sense could not withstand Xie Chen's reckless toss.

But for Xie Chen, this was the last battle to break the boat. Xie Chen didn't intend to use this Dodge Tomahawk to go to the next world, so Xie Chen didn't care about the durability of this motorcycle.

Basically, it is how to make it and **** it with high performance!

But when he reached the woods in front of the refuge, Xie Chen still felt a large amount of resistance, because at this moment a large area of ​​Vazheluo had gathered in the woods in front of the refuge.

"Damn it still late?"

Xie Chen was stunned, thinking of what he had promised Kana, he couldn't help but cursed that he was too greedy, how could he leave the entire refuge in disregard for such a core of wild gods, and at the moment Kongmu Lianhua has not arrived yet, thank you Chen has to hold on for a while.

Fortunately, there was a huge forest of wild gods in front of this canyon. Xie Chen gritted his teeth and instantly pressed the heavy artillery button on the Dodge Tomahawk.

Suddenly, one hundred and eight shark missiles pulled the long tail of fire and rushed out of the rear case of the Dodge Tomahawk, blazing a trail of blood in this Vazela army.

"What a joke, this is not where you guys want to come!!!"..


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