Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 123: Vazhela Army

All of the mad firepower poured out on those Vazheluo in an instant, and the hordes of Vazheluo were suddenly blown into a gap by the firepower poured out by Xie Chen.

Xie Chen immediately stepped on the motor of the Dodge Tomahawk and quickly rushed into the front of Vazheluo's army. Although Xie Chen felt a bit regretful that he did not have time to collect the wild **** core of Vazheluo that was solved by artillery fire, Xie Chen Chen also knew that now is not the time to be greedy for these petty profits.

The urgent task now is to block all the Vazheluo in the woods outside the refuge, and absolutely not let these Vazheluo step into the woods!

With this thought in mind, the Dodge Tomahawk at Xie Chen's feet flew directly, and the huge front was heavily crushed on the surrounding Vazheluo.

With a spin on the spot, he cleaned all the surrounding Vazheluo directly, and then Xie Chen collapsed from the motorcycle.

The Dodge Tomahawk was no longer needed in the next battle, and Xie Chen directly took the heavy gun from the Dodge Tomahawk.

Xie Chen now has several thousand kilograms of power in one hand. For Xie Chen, this spiral spear is like sprinkling water. Without saying a word, Xie Chen smashed his tongue, and then directly picked up the spear to block those cuts. In front of Luo.

An inch of black flame slowly burned out of Xie Chen's body, turning into a real flame armor that burned on Xie Chen's body.

This is a special case of Xie Chen's ability after completing the Demon King's body to 30%, the Black Fire Nether Armor, which to a certain extent can provide Xie Chen with a good defense.

Moreover, the protection of the black fire underworld armor is also effective against Valzheluo's lightning, which allows Xie Chen to travel through this battlefield with confidence.

With the spear in turn, Xie Chen quickly rushed into the fighting crowd. The other Vazheluo felt Xie Chen's presence and rushed towards Xie Chen.

It stands to reason that Amemiya Gentiana should have arrived here, but why, Xie Chen hasn't seen him yet?

Although Xie Chen had some doubts, he couldn't take care of so much now. The entire encirclement of Vazheluo was so big, it is estimated that Amomiya Gentian is on the other side.

Xie Chen shook his head helplessly. There was no way. The top priority now was to get these guys out as soon as possible. Xie Chen smashed his tongue, and then continued to use that long spear to kill the surrounding Vazheluo.

As for the ghost cut, Xie Chen does not plan to use it now, because Xie Chen wants to fill the first source of magic power as soon as possible, and then try to see if it can impact the completion of the Demon King's body for 40%.

If the second source of magic power can be opened in this plot, everything will become much more convenient for Xie Chen's next progress.

And now with the powerful source of magic power continuously sent to Xie Chen on that distant battlefield, Xie Chen steadily felt that the first source of magic power was almost filled.

While filling the source of magic power, Xie Chen's body of the Demon King slowly approached 34%, which was definitely a boon for Xie Chen.

With a bang, after Xie Chen swept away a Valzheluo next to him, he suddenly raised his head and saw a large number of missiles rushing down from the distant sky. Xie Chen frowned. This is...Is the empty wood Lianhua here? ?

Xie Chen quickly turned around, searching the sky constantly, and finally found a small black spot on the horizon that kept falling.

That's right, it was Kong Mulian Hua, and saw that Kong Mulian Hua was holding a huge weapon in his right hand. Xie Chen knew that it was a new magic machine after Dr. Sakura repaired him.

In terms of power, the magic machine will not be considered a heavy weapon in the future, it should be considered a destructive weapon. The huge muzzle basically consumes a lot of bullets.

However, Xie Chen also knew that Dr. Sakura filled the high-end energy device in the two-man-tall giant sword, enough to squander the empty Mulianhua.

Sometimes the protagonist is like this, and Xie Chen has to be envious of his good life, thinking that he has to work hard to get such a white-eyed wolf from Dr. Sakaki.

As for the guy Kong Mulianhua, he was just a destructive new weapon. Even Xie Chen saw the huge weapon in Kong Mulianhua's hand.

That kind of thing can be regarded as the ultimate body divine machine. In the main **** system, it is impossible for an ultimate body divine machine without 8,000 to 10,000 points to be exchanged.

And now the guy Kong Mulianhua can take out such a thing casually, and splurge at will, you say that this makes Xie Chen not jealous.

Sure enough, Kong Mulianhua finally landed on the other side far, far away from Xie Chen...

Damn it, after doing so for a long time, I actually rushed out of direction?

Xie Chen couldn't help but cursed, and then was about to find the Dodge Tomahawk, only to realize when he was surrounded by a large group of Fazheluo.

"My day, there are so many Vazela in this ghost place!"

Xie Chen couldn't help cursing, because he saw that his motorcycle had been trampled to pieces by a group of Vazheluo.

Guys, you bastards!

Xie Chen couldn't help but yelled. The Dodge Tomahawk wasn't enough for himself, and these guys were ruined. Now Xie Chen's anger can almost be described in four words.

"Charge to draw a knife!"

Xie Chen directly inserted the knight's spiral spear in his hand into the ground next to him, and then slammed his left hand on his waist, and his right hand on the hilt of the ghost cut sword on his waist.

Circles of magic madly gathered towards the ghost cut on Xie Chen's waist. Xie Chen gritted his teeth, alerting a bright dagger and rushing towards all directions with infinite sword energy.

In an instant, Vazheluo was swept away by Xie Chen's sword, along with the already dry land.

On the other hand, the empty Mulian Hua that had just landed also burst out a beam of electrons that soared into the sky.

"My day, is this Nima's electric storage laser cannon? No, it should be an ancient particle cannon!"

Xie Chen was stunned, and his eyes were full of envy. Ever since he had a knight that did not die with his bare hands, Xie Chen's love for various weapons has become even more enthusiastic.

And now the magic machine in the hands of the empty Mulianhua is simply the champion in Xie Chen's mind!

Xie Chen smashed his tongue and couldn't help but excitedly lifted the spiral spear standing next to him and rushed over. ..


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