Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 18 Chapter 2: Only one test

The world is cruel. Xie Chen no longer remembers who said this sentence. Looking at the scene of fighting and screaming in front of him, Xie Chen deeply understood the meaning of this sentence.

It's just the foot of that super giant, it's like an earthquake that made the whole town splashed with rocks, and the people who were hit turned into blood and mud on the ground in an instant.

The people overwhelmed by the collapsed houses and the people underneath by the fallen trees are just this one foot. The whole town has been bloodied before the other giants come in.

And looking at the huge cave entrance, giants outside the city began to swarm, huge feet and drooling mouths, just looking at these, the villagers in those small towns were already scared and screamed.

The appearance of giants is different, some are more than ten meters high, some are only five or six meters, and even smaller ones are more than four meters, but no matter what they look like, they chase people in front of them. .

Some giants waited for their huge eyes to look curiously at the small things in front of them, some giants grabbed a person from the ground with a smile and stuffed it into their mouth.

The panicked people pushed each other, even if they stepped on the soles of their feet, they just looked ahead and wanted to escape the slaughterhouse of the giants.

At this time, the super giant, nearly sixty meters long, had disappeared. Xie Chen looked at the scene in front of him and finally started. He didn't want to disrupt the development of the original plot, but if he wanted to, killing a few giants would still not have a big impact.

Xie Chen's hands were also very neat, and a spatial blade flew over, no matter what giant you were, your head was chopped off. Xie Chen had never thought of attacking these giants in close proximity, although with his body that had been cultivated into the Five Elements Elemental Body in the Hokage World, almost no one could kill and trap him.

But as long as he saw the giant's drooling mouth and the appearance of blood all over his body, Xie Chen didn't want to get close at all. It turns out that the comics are really so clean for the sake of harmony, but in reality, it is a hundred times more **** and violent. Otherwise, in this world, there will be such a deep fear and hatred of giants.

Whether it is a fast giant or a giant who seems to have a lot of strength, in Xie Chen's hands, it is just a matter of a knife. Moreover, Xie Chenfei, who had mastered the fruits of space, was flying high in the sky, and didn't have to worry about being touched by these disgusting things.

After dealing with about a dozen of them, Xie Chen stopped, and then pretended to be refugees and followed Alan, Mikasa and others who seemed to be soulless.

At this moment Alan's mother was already dead. Seeing his beloved one being eaten by giants bit by bit, how desperate it would be. It is such despair and hatred that the supporter Allen walked to the end bit by bit, so that he was not so In the case of multiple talents, it can also pass the practice assessment of the training class.

Xie Chen looked at Alan's deep eyes and sighed softly. After confirming that Alan had not had any accidents because of his arrival, Xie Chen disappeared silently on the crowded boat. For him, if he wanted to enter the Troost area, it was just a matter of anytime.

Before that, he still wanted to see the reinforced armor giant that broke through the wall of Maria. If you can, by the way, see if his defensive ability is as strong as the comics.

Standing at the gate of the city, looking at a row of cannons sniping the giants running towards the gate, Xie Chen looked boredly at the guys in the garrison.

Although these people are members of the garrison, their strength is a little too weak, and they are far from the garrison when Allen was captured later. It seems that the strength of the soldiers here is not so simple.

Biting an apple, Xie Chen, who was sitting on the roof next to him, thought boredly. At this moment, I don’t know where the armor giant finally appeared, probably only a dozen meters away, but the strong muscles and the armor made of bones or what makes people look at it is not ordinary. of.

Xie Chen, who was eating apples, immediately became interested. When the Xiganxi District was breached, Xie Chen had already prepared a set of weapons and equipment for the garrison, which is the combat equipment that soldiers rely on to survive and fight.

Although he hadn't been trained, with Xie Chen's strength, he had mastered this device very proficiently within a few minutes of getting it.

Xie Chen disguised and sat in the garrison and quickly approached the galloping armored giant.

"You guys, look!" One of the soldiers of the garrison who was firing in a panic suddenly pointed at Xie Chen who was chasing behind the armored giant.

"Then, who is that guy? How could it be possible to catch up with this fast-running alien species!" Several people looked at the fast Xie Chen and were completely stunned.

Xie Chen, who was approaching quickly, didn’t look at the crowd. He only saw an acceleration and flew quickly in front of the armored giant. With the gas device, it is naturally impossible to have such a fast speed, but with the addition of Ma Yuan’s five elements magic method. As the emerging popularity accelerates, there is no problem at all.

The armored giant was obviously also a little shocked, but even if Xuan was about to wave his hand to fight Xie Chen, Xie Chen did not dodge, a spatial blade flew towards the armored giant's fist.

Xie Chen didn't want to prevent the armor giant from breaking through the city gate, but he wanted to see how far the armor giant's defensive ability had reached. Therefore, Ma Yuan's spatial blade is only in addition to three-point strength.

Seeing the sharp blade slashed across, the giant's fist immediately flew out. And Xie Chen flew out with his fist. The armor giant didn't stop because his palm was cut off, but slammed into the city gate even harder.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the city gate was knocked open, and the armored giant also disappeared, followed by Xie Chen, who had cut off a palm of the armored giant.

"It's only a three-point force. It seems that the giants here are nothing more than this." Xie Chen thought thoughtfully when he got up and flew to the wall. ..


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