Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 18 Chapter 3: For my goddess Mikasa!

Even after entering the Troost area, the lives of Alan and others are not much better. Although there is no need to worry about the giant's attack, the three people who have no shelter and stable food are still very miserable. Especially when the king ordered hundreds of thousands of people to be sent directly out of the city.

It is not that the people in the Troost District do not want to accept these people who have fled, but they can only do so in order to survive when the land is tight and food is tight.

Armie and Allen were left in the city because they were children, but even this still didn't improve much.

Xie Chen lives leisurely in a small courtyard in the Torst District. In such a world, there will always be no shortage of evil capitalists. The family where Xie Chen lives is a typical example.

Peter is the name of the owner of this house, the head of a chamber of commerce, and there are countless food and meat shops under him, and he is a well-known big door in the Thors District.

For such a guy, Xie Chen would not feel ashamed. It is also simple to deal with such a person, directly using some simple illusions, let him obey his orders honestly.

Of course, Xie Chen only stayed here for a while. When Alan and others went to the training barracks, Xie Chen would naturally go with him.

Xie Chen is still very longing for life in the barracks, and following Alan is Xie Chen's only idea now, maybe sometime he can explore the secret of Alan's transformation.

"You are here today, but it doesn't mean that you will be here in the future. People who are incapable are not worthy of staying in the barracks. Those who are eliminated will be sent to reclaim wasteland. Now we will start naming!" A bald old man, Shouted to everyone in front of him.

Recruit training has finally begun. Xie Chen stood boringly and silently in the team, watching the recruits one after another, um, Armie, Allen, Mikasa, and Jean who wanted to enter the inner city, and the sand gnawing at the cooked potatoes. summer.

"You! That's you, what are you looking at! What is your name! From where!" The bald instructor yelled loudly when he saw Xie Chen looking around.

"My name is Xie Chen, from Xiganxi District!" Xie Chen shouted loudly. When he heard what he said, both Alan and Almi turned their heads to look at him.

At the same time, people who have gone through such disasters in a district will always have some good feelings.

"What are you here for?" The bald instructor asked loudly again.

"Come for my beloved goddess Mikasa!" Xie Chen rolled his eyes and shouted loudly. Suddenly everyone was in an uproar, looking at Xie Chen's eyes as if looking at a monster.

And Allen and Armie were also obviously stunned. Talking about love in this era is simply incredible. After all, even survival is very rare, let alone other things.

Xie Chen held up his head and faced the instructor who seemed to be about to run away. Not the slightest timidity. Just kidding, you must know that Xie Chen is a character who can easily kill even armored giants. Although he didn't kill him.

"Run in circles, don't stop! No food for you at night!" The bald old man instructor shouted frantically.

"Yes!" Xie Chen shouted, turning around without discouragement, and ran towards the middle training ground.

So the first day was spent watching the running of Xie Chen and potato girl Sha Xia.

"Okay, you can go back." Finally, in the evening, the bald instructor finally appeared and asked the two to go back. Only at this time, Sha Xia was obviously hungry and almost fainted.

"I have food here, do you know you want to eat it?" Xie Chen suddenly quietly said to Sha Xia while helping Sha Xia to go home.

"There! Where! The food!" Sha Xia, who was still collapsed just now, looked at Xie Chen like a wolf, and kept rumbling on Xie Chen's body!

"Stop! If you are willing to help me pursue Mikasa, I will give you! How about?" Xie Chen tempted. In fact, there was no reason why he shouted like this today. When watching anime, he was already deeply attracted by the power and beauty of Mikasa.

Of course, now Xie Chen just wanted to have his own eyeliner in front of Mikasa, so that he could keep up with Alan's footsteps and know information about him. He didn't really want to pursue Mikasa.

"Okay, okay, okay! Give me food!" Looking at Sha Xia's irrational situation, Xie Chen had to pretend to be holding food and directly took out a piece of jerky from his clothes. Threw it to Sha Xia.

"This, is this jerky?!" Sha Xia's eyes flashed when she saw the jerky, and only the jerky on her hands was in her eyes. Fortunately, most people have already eaten and rested in their dormitories, and then they must be found out.

Without hesitation, he ate wildly, and after eating, Sha Xia passed into a coma with satisfaction. Xie Chen had to carry Sha Xia on his back with a headache and sent him back to the female dormitory.

The next day, it was a three-dimensional mobile device, like in the comics, a row of things like slingshots, on the ground, with steel cables in the middle. The appearance of hanging people in the air.

Don't underestimate such a device. If you want to maintain a perfect balance in it, you must have very good control and coordination of your body. Otherwise, you can only lose weight instantly and fall down.

"You! The first one!" The bald instructor was obviously already impressed by Xie Chen, and pointed to Xie Chen to make him the first to try.

"He actually stood up. I heard that he ran a whole afternoon yesterday and didn't even eat any food in the end."

"Are you teasing me, do you think he hasn't ran for an afternoon and hasn't eaten yet? Is it a monster? He looks so energetic."

When Xie Chen looked at the surrounding people, they all began to whisper. It was because Xie Chen's performance was so outstanding yesterday that he couldn't even pay attention.

"Quiet! Do you want to run the lap too!" The bald instructor who finally stood by couldn't help but shouted out.

At this time, Xie Chen was also ready and tied the rope around his waist.

"Begin to rise!" Xie Chen slowly started to leave the ground under the instructor's order. ..


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