Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 18 Chapter 193: fatty

The small village is a vibrant village. The number of old people in the village is very large from time to time. The largest proportion is young adults and young children. These three kinds of people represent the past, present and future.

You don’t need too much from the past, and remembrance will always be the spice of life, not a staple food. The present needs to be grasped. Without the past, it is fine, but without the present, there is no future. Without the present, there will be no future.

Xie Chen looked at the whole vibrant village, where he felt as stable and secure as Man'er's house. Xie Chen always feels that he is not the kind of person who is suitable for living in a particularly prosperous place. As long as he gets to such a place, he will always cause all kinds of troubles. But a village like this is different. Here he is useful. And there will never be any trouble.

There will be no trouble, it seems to be a bit early, Xie Chen soon realized that his conclusion was too early.

"Uncle Gelang, we are going to hunt in the mountains like you tomorrow, and then we will fight a lot of prey. Good!" A big **** kid stood in front of Gelang, patted his chest and said his bold words . It seems that he has come out of the forest with a lot of prey now, and it seems that he has received the respect and envy of everyone in the village just like the uncle Gelang he admired in his heart.

"Hahaha, good!" Ge Lang laughed loudly, and walked toward the village square with the kid on his neck. This is to divide the prey. As for Xie Chen, Ge Lang threw it aside. Xie Chen’s small body is not threatening in front of Ge Lang. In his eyes, even a random village woman in the village can press Xie Chen. live. It's just facts that his judgment is not accurate.

Xie Chen, who was unsupervised, wandered around the village boringly. He did not follow the villagers towards the square built on the hillside of the village. This is wandering aimlessly.

Most of the villages are wooden houses. The weather here seems to be relatively warm all year round. If there is a cold winter, such wooden houses will definitely not withstand the cold of winter. Most of the wooden houses are also suspended in the air, with a lot of wooden frames in the air. This will prevent both moisture and insects and snakes. After all, this place is very close to the forest, and there are absolutely no shortage of snakes, insects, rats and ants.

Except for the accidents of a few women and children who worked, all the men went to the square, and of course the people on duty on the high platform of the village still stood on the high platform meticulously. The guards here absolutely cannot relax in the slightest.

Xie Chen didn't know how long he had been shopping, but when he just wanted to find Gelang, he found that Gelang had already walked towards him.

"I'm sorry, after I came back from hunting, there were too many things, and I suddenly forgot you. Please here, I just told the patriarch, you can live in the wooden house here first, if you have something to do, you can Come and find me, I live in that wooden house." Gelang said, Xie Chen took it to a wooden house not far away and said, pointing to a wooden house not far away.

"Then it will be troublesome!" Xie Chen said with a smile, and Ge Lang waved his hand and left directly. It is very rare to be able to treat a stranger to such a degree without asking for his origin.

Xie Chen watched Ge Lang left, and turned around and walked into the wooden house. There seems to be people cleaning it all the year round. Xie Chen saw some coarse grains and a piece of venison in the wooden house, which was on the young deer that Gelang had called today. Xie Chen is not hypocritical. Since I came here, it’s better to taste the flavor here. After Xie Chen started the fire in the road, he chopped the venison and threw it. Into the almost cooked rice porridge. As for the salt and other condiments, there are many in the Fushan Castle.

In a short while, a pot of delicious minced meat porridge is ready. Just as Xie Chen was about to come out, there was a sudden noise at the door, which seemed to be the sound of knocking down the farming equipment placed at Xie Chen's door.

Xie Chen opened the door with the porridge in one hand and looked out, only to see a group of hairy children running away. And looking at the steps at the door, only one little fat man stared at the rice porridge in Xie Chen's hand with wide eyes.

"Hey, kid, why are you staring at my porridge?" Xie Chen frightened the little fat man with an angry look. The little fat man didn't speak, he still stared at the meat porridge in Xie Chen's hands.

"Do you want to drink?" Xie Chen squatted down when he saw the little fat man ignore him, and swayed the porridge toward the little fat man's nose, and then asked slightly seductively.

"Yes!" The kid suddenly replied loudly. But his eyes still did not leave the meat porridge in Xie Chen's hands.

"If you want to drink, come in and drink." After Xie Chen finished speaking, he walked into the room with a smile on his mouth, without the slightest attention to the little guy who had saliva behind him.

The little fat man seemed very hesitant, as if there was something terrifying in Xie Chen's room. But in the end, he still didn't escape the temptation of meat porridge, and walked toward Xie Chen's house with firm eyes. A little kid unexpectedly came out of a feeling of depression and coldness. People can't help but laugh.

The kid in the room was holding a bowl full of meat porridge and drank Xie Chen's cooked meat porridge. His mouth was full of food, but he still didn't care about it and moved towards the middle of his mouth.

Xie Chen sat opposite the little fat man while sipping the porridge while looking at the opposite little fat man with interest. Xie Chen thinks this is also a kind of fun.

I don't know how many bowls the little fat man drank and finally lay still on the ground holding his round belly. Xie Chen poked at the little boy with a firewood, because the whole little guy ate too much, Xie Chen was a little worried that this little guy would die.

"Don't make trouble." The little kid mumbled, and Xie Chen suddenly felt a little dumbfounded. This little guy ran to other people's place to eat and drink for nothing, but still stay in their home and let them not bother him.

Xie Chen simply didn't let him sit on the bed or do the homework he must do every day. I don't know how long there was a shout from the village. It seemed that he heard the shout. The little fat man got up from the ground whizzing, and then ran towards the outside as if his **** was on fire. ..


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