Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 18 Chapter 194: Big tiger

The little fat man is called the preserved egg, he is the most courageous little kid in the village. He once did a feat that he ran away from home alone and was found in a tree hole not far from the village the next day. Of course, a severe beating was indispensable to go back.

Mixed doubles is an indispensable trick everywhere. The little fat man finished the beating without saying a word, and the next day he charged a group of little kids in the village as usual.

The kid stayed too late in Xie Chen's room last night, and the shout was the signal that the parents of the preserved egg were looking for him. If you don't go back, it will be another stinking meal. The preserved eggs seem to be getting more and more solid. It’s a fascinating experience in this small village.

When Xie Chen got up in the morning, he walked directly to the village chief's house. He wouldn't mind leaving here today if he could. Of course, the premise is that you can get a map or approximate directions to the central world.

It's just that the old man in front of him who is about to die of wood let him down. He hasn't heard of anything about the central passage here. It's like drinking Gelang, and even outsiders don't know what it is. This village is completely isolated from the world, except that an emissary will come to collect some herbs every month.

This kind of life has lasted for many generations, just like a peach blossom field. There are no disputes and no major disasters.

Xie Chen only waited until the envoy arrived in three days. Of course, if Xie Chen left now, he might be able to quickly find other villages or the place where the envoy came from the village chief.

However, Xie Chen chose to stay. He felt that staying here for two or three days didn't seem to be a painful thing. But I didn't expect Xie Chen to have an accident the next day he lived here.

The beasts in the forest generally do not leave the forest, except for occasional hunting in the dark, but they still do not leave the forest very far. However, the next day Xie Chen stayed here, a strange phenomenon appeared. A large number of wild animals ran out of the forest, and most of them were rhinos, tigers and other large carnivorous animals.

Such a herd of beasts can definitely withstand the people in the village from time to time. Fortunately, these beasts did not stunnedly head towards the village, only three or four ran towards the village. Two or three such beast villages can still deal with it, at least the preserved eggs lying on the tower are not afraid of the slightest, and they shout loudly at the beasts rushing towards the village.

It was not beyond the expectation of the villagers that these beasts did not survive the traps that the villagers set up in front of existence, and all fell into the trenches dug by the villagers. The ravines are covered with sharpened wooden thorns. All the fallen beasts died without cries.

And the beasts on the other end also left. This is where all the villagers breathed out a big breath. At this time, they couldn't help being nervous, and the traps and rough wooden doors at the door could not stop many beasts. If the group of wild beasts rushed towards the village, they would have to fight to the death, knowing that there was a mountain behind the village, and they had no way to retreat.

The villagers cheered and wanted to pull up the corpses of the beasts in the gully. Although most of the meat of carnivores is sour, there is still so much hypocrisy where there is meat. The preserved eggs on the high platform are slowly walking down the high platform under the threat of their parents.

At this moment, a huge roar rang from the forest. All the villagers who were about to go out to pull the corpse held their feet, and the preserved egg on the stand was shocked and became handsome from a place that was not high. He was also prudent, turned over and stood up, and then headed towards the forest where he roared. Look.

A huge tiger walked out of the forest. It was wrong to say that it was a tiger, because his two teeth were poked directly out of the mouth like elephant teeth. How beautiful the colorful fur looks. The tail is like a pony tail. Each tail is tens of meters long.

After the big guy came out, he roared loudly towards the sky, and suddenly there was no other sound except the sound of birds flying out of the woods. And this guy bit at the flying bird flying out of the woods, and suddenly there was a shower of blood in the sky.

The courageous guys in the village were so scared that they peeed their pants. In this case, it is not a shame to pee. Under the fierce power of such a murderer, they should pee their pants. There is no such thing as a good guy or a bad guy.

It's just that the actions of the preserved eggs made all the villagers feel terrified. Preserved Egg seemed to be very troubled by the big tiger in front of him from the stand. After the big tiger yelled, the preserved egg yelled at the big tiger without any fear.

Such a move immediately frightened all the villagers. I originally hoped that the murderer in front of him could directly ignore his little ant-like humans. But it was too quiet at this time, so the cry of the preserved egg was exceptionally loud and clear.

Sure enough, as they thought, the huge tiger really slowly turned his head. Squinted and looked towards the village.

Preserved Egg saw the big cat in front of him and looked towards him, and immediately yelled at the big cat a few loudly and proudly, as if showing off that his shout was no worse than his.

It's just that the big tiger didn't seem to want to settle the account with him. Instead, he raised his head and looked into the distance, and then took a leap and ran towards the distance. The big tiger, about the size of the village, disappeared to the horizon.

Xie Chen thought about all the things he was thinking about, and then chased after everyone in the direction where the big tiger was running. The tiger galloped in front, and Xie Chen followed silently behind him. Xie Chen felt that this tiger seemed to be wise, and if that was the case, then there would definitely be a big gain this time. The least help will get some news about the central channel. ..


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