Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 18 Chapter 210: Sudden anger

Those who came out of Fushan City and Xie Chen were still awkward. This guy would never come out if possible, but because of some experimental equipment problems, he could only buy it himself. After all, Xie Chen didn't know what he needed.

With the gold coins Xie Chen gave him, he went out. When I went out, I was ecstatic, it seemed that my long-awaited wish was finally fulfilled.

Xie Chen didn't care about him either, just sat on the bed and practiced by himself. Although Xie Chen had almost understood the origin of the world he got from the elves last time, there were still many things he hadn't learned to master.

Yao Ran walked toward the outside with cheerful steps. With the bag of gold Xie Chen gave him in his hand, he was in a very happy mood. The reason why he followed Xie Chen was to learn more things, more things that the goblin city had.

But now that his wish is finally coming true, how could he be unhappy? What he asked for was not very expensive, so he bought two or more no matter what it was. He wanted to buy more things for himself this time, and he won't be able to come out next time. He wants to concentrate on studying those things of Xie Chen.

You can basically know how much a bag of gold coins can sell now. You can basically know it by looking at it, holding it in your hand and holding it in your arms behind him. Now there is no place to put anything on the body.

Yao Ran has never bought something so satisfying, but this feeling disappeared completely after seeing a little guy begging on the street without knees.

Yao Ran remembers things before he was ten years old very clearly. He remembers his desertedness when he wandered on the street alone, and the saliva that came out of his mouth when he was hungry and watched others eating. Probably it was the experience of his own orphan, which made him have different emotions towards these children who stayed on the street.

Yan Ran put down the things he bought and walked towards the group of children opposite. After only a moment of effort, Xie Chen was surrounded by a group of displaced children. Among them, there are some adults who look very disappointed.

There is no way that no amount of gold coins can satisfy the beggars in the city. What's more, these beggars who never end their relief.

He Kuairan had all the gold coins left over from shopping, and he walked towards the inn where Xie Chen lived, holding the things he bought contentedly.

But just when he had just walked a few steps, he was stunned. He found that the child without knees, whom he had obviously given away just now, was still kneeling there. The small broken bowl in front of him was clean, except for the position Apart from the same, it is no different from just now.

Seeing this scene, he was stunned. He didn't know why this happened. He had just given him a lot of gold coins. Those gold coins were enough to buy a house in the outer city. Why would he kneel here begging.

Yao Ran is a smart person, so he knows that even if he asks the child, he will definitely get nothing. Therefore, Yao Ran feels that he has thrown all his purchases aside and started to stare at the opposite child.

Time passed quickly, and Yao Ran quickly discovered a rule that whenever the money in the bowl of these children reached a certain level, they would not know where they came out of the bowl and the two strong men took all the money in the bowl. Then these children will go to another place and start begging again.

This seems to have been negotiated, no one among the children resisted and no one spoke. Just begging silently. Some children seem to be unable to speak at all. As long as they live in the city for a long time, no one will give alms to these people. Those who give alms are those who have just arrived here just like Yao Ran.

Yan Ran's hands were tightly clasped together, and then he took out his own crossbow from his arms. He brought this crossbow from the goblin city. Since there is Xie Chen on the road, I have almost never used it. He took it out at this time.

When the money in the children's bowls became too much, the two strong men still came out, poured the coins in the bowl directly into their arms and then left proudly, as if they hadn't seen the slightest. The look of contempt by the people around is just like what I am proud of.

And this time when they left, they quietly followed behind them. Yao Ran didn't think about anything at this time, but tightly held the crossbow in his hand, and then followed the two strong men through the dirty trail. It seemed that it was the first time to follow someone else, and the hands holding Henu were already sweaty. But his eyes were still very firm. It seems that nothing can stop him from doing this.

The seven-turned and eight-turned people finally followed the two to the outside of a small attic. It was very quiet and there were basically no pedestrians. Even if there were or hurriedly left, there was no sign of staying, it looked like this place. There is something very disgusting.

He squatted quietly in the corner of the wall, not knowing how long he waited, finally he saw the child begging outside with his hands supporting his thin body slowly crawling out of the alley, not only the child before, but also There are children with other disabilities, of all kinds, some have no legs, some have no arms, and even some have only a bare torso being pushed out.

These children were arranged in a row and then examined one by one by a bald middle-aged man as if they were being inspected. If they were not pleasing to the eye, they went up with punches and kicks. Then the guys around were laughing. And those children seem to be accustomed to the same treatment of these people. All of them endured silently, none of them dodge or resisted.

They knew that if they resisted, they would only be beaten even harder. As long as you endure the past, nothing will happen. They have long been used to these things. ..


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