Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 18 Chapter 211: Small five

Xiao Wu was the name of the kid who had no knees. He was not called Xiao Wu before, but he has been by this name since his home was destroyed by a beast outside the city.

This is the name given to him by an uncle who smiles comfortably. At that time, his father was eaten by a beast. There was only a sister five years younger than him and a mother who was lying on a hospital bed and was about to die. , You know he was only seven years old at that time. No one in such a home can provide them with food.

And just like this, the uncle who smiled comfortably came to his home, and the food he brought to him, although only the most difficult to swallow dry buns, still made him feel like he was back when his father was. Occasionally, he would bring some rice porridge to his sister.

So the family of three lived on this uncle's relief. But even if there is food, without medicine, their mother will soon be unable to support it. In fact, this is a matter of day and night, and the neighbors all know about it. It's just that they can't take care of them, let alone others.

It was raining heavily and thundering that day. It seemed that the weather outside would be particularly irritable when a person was dead, but even the irritable weather could not stop the dead.

Xiao Wu's mother died. He hugged his sister, nestled in the corner, looking at the body of his mother who had become cold. He thought that was the most miserable moment in his life. But it is not.

Mother's hand was hanging down under the bed without strength, and stretched towards Xiao Wu. Mother's eyes were struggling when she died. No matter how Xiao Wu tried to close her eyes, it didn't work. This poor mother seemed to be worried about her son and daughter in the world. But even if he was reluctant to leave forever.

Just before dawn the next day, the uncle who smiled comfortably came again. He looked at his mother who had died, with a comfortable smile on his face, and passed the food in his hand to Xiao Wu while holding Xiao Wu. Wu's younger sister, watching Xiao Wu eating quietly.

After a night of fear, Xiao Wu was so hungry that he could only gnaw on the buns in his hands. He didn't pay attention to the strange look in the eyes of the uncle who was very comfortable laughing.

After eating the steamed buns in his hand, the uncle said that he would take him away, saying that he was going to a place where he could eat. Xiao Wu nodded vigorously without even thinking about it, and her little hand held onto the uncle's sleeve tightly for fear that the uncle would regret it.

But when he went out, he was stopped by another uncle next door. That uncle Xiao Wu knew that their family lived next door to his house. This uncle often had a relationship with his father when Xiao Wu’s father was still there. I was smiling, very familiar, but when Xiao Wu's father died, this uncle never took care of them again.

When Xiao Wu was hungry, he knocked on the door and begged for food, but he just threw half a bun from the window and there was no sound. Xiao Wu didn't like this uncle, he thought this was a bad uncle. .

At this time, the bad uncle was holding a pole in his hand and preventing him from going to a place to eat. This made Xiao Wu particularly angry. He hid behind the uncle who was smiling very comfortably, picked up the stone and threw it at the bad uncle. But the bad uncle still stopped them from leaving.

Finally a group of people who looked terrifying came over. These people were more fierce than the other with their naked arms. These people seemed to be with the uncle who laughed very comfortably. I saw that the uncle who laughed very comfortably said something to these people, and these people blocked the bad guy who was holding a pole and not letting himself go. In front of uncle.

Haha, that bad uncle seems to have finally given up, but why is his eyes so bleak when he looks at him? There is an indescribable feeling in his eyes. There was a mess in Xiao Wu's head at this time, but the little hand still held tightly the corner of the uncle who was smiling comfortably.

This is the most stupid choice Xiao Wu thinks he has made. This was later summarized by Xiao Wu. Although he is only nine years old now, he thinks that even if he lives for another hundred years, there will be no more stupid choice than before.

After leaving with that uncle, Xiao Wu didn't see his sister. It was only when that uncle brought him a lot of delicious food that he remembered his sister, but soon the food in front of him replaced his sister's. shadow. This meal is the best meal he has eaten in his life.

There were five small plates with a large piece of meat in the middle. He only remembered that his father had brought home a chicken drumstick, but the broken people didn't want it, but the broken one was taken back by his father desperately.

And now there is such a big piece of meat in his bowl. With the approval of the uncle's smile, he directly reached out in the afternoon and grabbed the piece of meat in the bowl, and chewed it. He thought that piece of meat was extraordinarily delicious. Xiao Wu dare to say that this is the best meat he has ever eaten.

Xiaowu's belly is about to bulge up during this meal. If it hadn't been for that uncle who stopped Xiao Wu, he felt that he would have survived.

That night Xiao Wu slept in a very warm room. Although he was huddled with several children, Xiao Wu still slept comfortably. That night Xiao Wu dreamed of his sister, and one of her sisters was crying in the dream. Then I dreamed of my mother, her hands were still hanging weakly beside the bed.

The younger sister was lying on his mother's body, seeming to be eating something. Xiao Wu couldn't see clearly. He wanted to bring her back, but he couldn't reach her. Finally, the younger sister looked back and took a look. Xiao Wu woke up from shock all at once. The younger sister's eyes he saw were exactly the same as when his mother died. There was no vitality in the stare. What remains revealed is despair and reluctance.

Xiao Wu woke up from the dream and couldn't sleep anymore. It was still dark outside, Xiao Wu gritted his teeth and wanted to go out to find his sister. But the door was locked outside, and no one came over no matter how Xiao Wu beat it. The first night of Xiaowu was spent at the door. ..


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