Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 18 Chapter 248: Mermaid Paper

Pi and Big Bear still couldn't bear their excitement even after returning to the city. It was really the surprise that Xie Chen brought to them was too great.

He flew the dragon with one hand, and stepped on the body of the worm. Xie Chen's majestic figure also left an indelible mark on the hearts of the two. If Xie Chen can guard the city, no matter how many fierce beasts come over, there is no need to be afraid. It's just a pity that Xie Chen couldn't stay here anyway.

And when he returned to the city in the city, he talked to the old man about what he had seen and heard in the forest. Even the big bear also inspired the power of blood to show his power.

This immediately made the old man feel at a loss. If he knew that Xie Chen had such an ability, he would not so easily agree to Xie Chen's request to leave.

And just as he was thinking about it, Xie Chen had already flown from the forest towards the city in the city. This time the old man’s mission for himself was perfectly completed, and the rest was time to lead to the next world. . That is the last world, and then you can see Yani and others again.

"Now you can go to the central passage." Xie Chen stood in the air not far from the old man out of thin air and said to the old man. His face was expressionless and very indifferent.

The old man first looked at Xie Chen behind him in a little surprise, and then showed a clear expression.

"Hehe, the old man counts when he speaks. Come with me." He said that he ignored Xie Chen and walked away.

Xie Chen released the monkey in Fushan City. At this time, the scar on the monkey was basically completely healed, but he was still asleep. Xie Chen handed the monkey to the big dog bear and followed the old man.

Central access is the last hope of the human race here. If one day a fierce beast breaks through the city at the final critical moment, someone in the race will send some of the race people to another world through the central passage.

And the most critical final hope is naturally to be placed in the most critical place, which is the underground of this city in the city.

The underground in the city in the city can also be said to extend in all directions, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is no longer a problem in the underground passage.

And in every household, there will be a passage underground, which leads to the central passage. It is not known how long it took to build an underground passage of this scale.

Most of the hundreds of meters underground is composed of rock layers, and it is precisely in this way that the stability of underground passages can be ensured so that they will not easily collapse.

"This pass has not been opened for hundreds of years, and some outsiders have come here, but they all died out of the city in the end." The old man said to Xie Chen with some meaning.

Xie Chen just followed the old man down silently, without speaking. Finally the two arrived at the central passage.

"Are you really not going to stay? You can consider it." The old man still asked Xie Chen unwillingly, obviously still feeling a little unwilling.

"Thanks," Xie Chen just thanked him, and then walked into the central passage. Use actions to show your choice.

The old man sighed and started the tunnel directly. He knew that this world couldn't stop people like Xie Chen, and that Xie Chen's skills would only be wasted here.

A burst of light flashed in the passage, Xie Chen disappeared, leaving the old man standing alone in the very empty underground.

Xie Chen rubbed his head and looked at the scene before him. It is always uncomfortable to suddenly come to such a clear and cloudless coast from a very dark underground.

This is on an isolated island. Xie Chen knows that it is indeed an isolated island at a glance, because this small island has only one coconut tree in total, not even the size of a room. Xie Chen feels that calling it an island is an exaggeration. of.

And there was a woman lying under the coconut tree, no, it should be said that she was a murloc, with a human upper body and a fish-like tail on the lower body.

Xie Chen walked towards the mermaid. This was the first time Xie Chen had seen a mermaid. The long head and slender body made Xie Chen a female mermaid.

Xie Chen lightly poked the mermaid lying on the ground with a branch. The mermaid seemed to be dead and did not move at all, so Xie Chen sat on the ground leaning on the coconut tree and looked at the blue sky and began to rest. Up.

With such a rare good weather and beautiful scenery, Xie Chen also thought of taking a rest. Such a great time can't be wasted so casually. As for the mermaid on the side, Xie Chen just smiled and ignored it.

Xie Chen had no doubt that this mermaid would be dried into a mermaid if it was baked in such a bright sun. Xie Chen only spent a while under the tree, and the mermaid with his back to the sun couldn't help but screamed and jumped into the sea.

Xie Chen continued to sit in his position as if he hadn't seen it. The sun here is really big, even the sea water on the surface is hot.

It didn't take long for the person who jumped into the sea to float out of the sea again.

"Are you a fool! I don't know how to pity and cherish jade! I just lie there and you don't care about me! I'm dead, you have to throw me into the sea anyway!" The mermaid has a delicate face and is very beautiful. However, as soon as she came up, she yelled at Xie Chen and immediately destroyed her beauty.

Xie Chen knew that the mermaid had not fainted or died when he teleported it. But since people don't want to move, naturally they won't be overwhelmed by others.

Xie Chen just leaned on the coconut tree behind him to bask in the sun without saying a word. After a while, the mermaid seemed to be tired of cursing, so he plunged back into the sea.

Xie Chen was not in a hurry to find a place to leave the sacrificial tower, but was here to quietly bask in the sun, and just as Xie Chen wanted to open, the mermaid before appeared again, this time in a hurry. Seeing Xie Chen, she immediately ran towards Xie Chen. Before Xie Chen could react, she rushed behind Xie Chen.

Then Xie Chen saw the sea churning and a bunch of monsters appeared. Any man with an octopus body, or a man with a fish head, in short, none of the strange shapes looks like a normal person.

"Hey, you run, you run, haha, I just let the open let you run, and you can't run out of my palm." An octopus like a **** stared at the mermaid girl behind Xie Chen Paper shouted. ..


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