Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 18 Chapter 249: Shark Gang

"I, why should I run, tell you that I am the princess of Hanhai Kingdom! This is all mine! Why should I run? You are bold, and when I go back and tell my brother White Shark, I will kill you one by one!" . Although the sister paper behind him was very timid and hid behind Xie Chen, she did not show weakness. A small head was exposed, holding a small fist in a very powerful manner, but no matter how she looked, she felt that she was bluffing!

"Hahaha, he, he said he is the princess of Hanhai Kingdom, hahaha, then I am still the king of Hanhai Kingdom! Tell you! Here! Even the Seagod will not work!" The octopus man is very arrogant. Said with a smile.

"I! You!" The little mermaid who was hiding behind Xie Chen was blocked and speechless. Xie Chen was also speechless for a while, only then did he realize that he had no sense of existence.

"Then, that Human Race kid! You, get out of the way! Don't think about heroes to save the United States! Otherwise, be careful of the knife in my hand!" Finally someone sensed the existence of Xie Chen and saw only a mermaid opposite. However, it should be said that the murloc was making gestures at Xie Chen with the knife in his hand.

It's just that his stuttering words really didn't threaten Xie Chen at a certain level. Xie Chen now understands that it turns out that stuttering is really not a bad person, because it will have a slow sense of comedy. This will not do bad things, it will only make people amused.

"You, you **** give me a side, shame, and show your eyes." It seemed that he felt a little embarrassed, and the octopus man pushed away to the murloc with a knife in front of him.

"Come here for me! Don't force me to do it, I have done it, I am afraid!" The octopus man threatened the little girl behind Xie Chen viciously, but he seemed to treat the little girl like the murloc just now. There is no sense of threat.

"Yes, if you have the ability, come here, cut it, you don't have the ability to stay and get out, this is the princess's personal guard! Humph! It's the captain of the guard! If you want this princess to pass, just hit my captain! The girl patted Xie Chen's shoulder and said as if it was true.

Xie Chen was speechless for a while, and the **** dog ​​who had scolded himself before became his **** head guard again in a blink of an eye.

"Haha, just him. This is what you said yourself. Ahua, give it to me!" This time the rare octopus man didn't get any more wordy but directly replaced a strong man who is more than two meters tall, or it should be said that he has A strong man with a tortoise body and a human head.

This seems to be a big turtle, four limbs as tall as a person. The shell on the back immediately blocked the sun. It works better than a parasol.

"Huh! Flower." The guy said something inexplicable and rushed towards Xie Chen, but before he rushed halfway, it seemed like he had tripped over something, and he fell back. The sound is not loud. It's just that this guy really can't get up after falling. The huge tortoise shell kept his limbs from touching the ground. Where is the flower, the flower screams, but it just can't turn over.

Xie Chen, you are holding your forehead. He really doesn't know what kind of world he has come into. A deep sense of speechlessness makes him really wonder what to say.

"Hahaha, it's just a smelly tortoise, what's so awkward, can't get up. Haha, deserve it!" The little girl hid behind Xie Chen, clutching her belly and said with a hard smile. It seemed to make the belly smile!

"you!". Suddenly the octopus man was so angry that he couldn't speak. Just when he wanted to personally grab Xie Chen in front of him and the little girl behind Xie Chen, a subordinate ran to his ear and faced him. Said something.

Suddenly the octopus man struggled for a while, and finally he gritted his teeth and glanced bitterly at the little girl and then left with all his men.

"Hey, don't go, coward, stay here if you have the ability, haha, let your Ahua come and catch me again." Immediately, the little girl ran out from behind Xie Chen triumphantly like a villain. The octopus man shouted loudly in the direction where everyone left. The more arrogant the appearance, the more arrogant.

It's just that he hasn't waited long for her to be arrogant, and he can't call out ordinary words anymore. There are obvious shark fins floating on the sea surface.

The little girl immediately ran towards Xie Chen as if she had seen something terrifying, screamed and hid behind Xie Chen, clutching Xie Chen's arm tightly and not letting go. I guess I was really scared this time, no matter how much Xie Chen broke free, there was no way to take her hand from her arm.

Instead, she gave the little girl a chance to get into her arms, her head pierced deeply, like a little ostrich. It seems that what he sees will not find her.

And those fins quickly turned around the island, like a school of sharks searching for food. In a short while, dozens of big men stood up in the sea. Or murlocs, these are a pair of half sharks, half humans. But no matter what it looks like, they can't conceal their ferocious aura and sharp teeth.

These talents are really robbers in the sea, or robbers who can eat people without spitting out bones are more accurate.

"Tsk tusk, I didn’t expect there would be such a tender mermaid in such a place. This human looks good." One of the most burly guy in the hand holds a very short dagger, which seems to be made of his teeth, While stroking the sharp blade, while staring at the little girl and Xie Chen slowly said.

"The boss still has a wave of people who have escaped for less than five miles, do you want to chase it?" This was another shark man who emerged from the sea and asked the shark man with the knife.

"Don't be extravagant, remember that we still have things." The shark man with the dagger said with his hoarse business. And the guy who listened to the boss's command lowered his head and said yes, and stood aside.

"But if you encounter such delicious food, it's okay to delay it." After the shark man had just ordered his subordinates, he suddenly turned to Xie Chen and said with a smile on his face.

Although he was smiling, all he could see from his face was ferocious. Suddenly, the little girl who was secretly watching the shark man screamed and her head shrank back. ..


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