Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 136: Guardian of the earth

Here are Diane's memories, and all the parts that Diane can think of now, but Diane always feels that there is a part missing in his heart, as if half is missing. This feeling made him very uncomfortable.

Whether she was passing by the mountains or the grass, she looked particularly melancholy. In the middle of the road, Di An passed by a lake, and he held up a large amount of lake water on his face, looking at his reflection in the water.

"Am I missing something? Why is it like this?" Di An muttered to himself blankly.

"Quick, run! Run! The monster is here!" A bloodstained farmer in a village not far away, holding his head tightly in his hands, ran towards the lake.

A field of wheat is separated from the lake and the village. But he did not escape after all, and was torn to pieces by the monster that was chasing up behind him, and then he was thrown into the monster's mouth vaguely.

The sound of chewing also included the sound of the bone being chewed. It was very crisp, but at this time it looked particularly hideous. The blood and meat residue appeared from the monster's mouth, which made people feel sick and want to vomit.

Di An frowned and turned to look at the disgusting scene in front of him. He had already felt the wave of magic behind him, but because he was still far away from him, he ignored him, but he didn't expect it to be such a disgusting monster.

The monster in front of him didn't seem to be able to speak, and Dian didn't want to talk to him. The monster is similar to the orangutan in the jungle, with sturdy limbs and sharp teeth, but there is no hair on the whole body. The naked skin is red, and the green veins are violent outside. The body is not comparable to the orangutans in the jungle.

Almost to the height of Di An's chest. This is still when he is on all fours, if he stands up, he should be no different from Di An.

The most important thing is that the terrifying monster on his body is the one that worries Di An the most this time. If it is a creature without magic power, no matter how huge it is, it is the same for Di An and can be easily solved Character.

But having magic power makes a difference. In the continent of Britannia, magic is an important sign that distinguishes top predators from ordinary predators.

It's like human beings distinguish between carnivores and herbivores.

This monster also seemed to feel the magic fluctuations on Di An, knowing that Di An was not a prey that could be easily solved, but the more magical creatures were, the greater the temptation for him.

If the magic power displayed by Di An is strong enough, he will definitely go from here the first time. On the contrary, if the magic power on Di An's body is weak enough, he will pounce on it immediately.

But at this time, Diane’s magic power is just between the two, so this is embarrassing. The irrational monster does not know how to choose, just like the monster stuck in the middle of the bug in the game console. Advances and retreats cannot only be eliminated by the player.

But the monsters here won't die so easily.

Diane calmly took out the warhammer from his back. This was the only thing he stayed on when he escaped from the place where Meliodas and others were, except for her clothes.

The monster seemed to feel something irritable, and it was obvious that he was aware of Di An's hostility towards him. And the roar of his companions in the village not far away made him particularly irritable.

The sky is clear, and the cloudless days make people thirsty. At this time, the billowing smoke in the village not far away makes people want to drink the water of a river to relieve it. The boredom and dryness in happiness.

The monster seemed to have been infected by this invisible heat. The blood in his mouth had already dried up. At this time, the monster probably felt that thirsty smoke began to flow from his mouth.

And this huge creature in front of him can alleviate his hunger and thirst extremely effectively. The red-eyed monster finally rushed up. But what was waiting for him was indeed a huge thorn that rose from the ground.

The ground thorns could not penetrate his body, but only made countless wounds on his body, and these wounds healed rapidly in a short time.

This is the power of the Demon God. Obviously, these monsters are either creatures contaminated by the Demon God, or they are the lower Demon Gods summoned by the Demon God.

The monster roared and swept all the ground thorns that blocked him with his own arms, and then rushed towards Diane at a speed that shouldn't be his size creature.

All Dian could do in time was to use his warhammer to smash the monster's claws. This blow directly turned the monster's entire arm into a weird look.

Di An didn't stop his attack. At the moment when he smashed the monster into the air, Di An also quickly followed the monster's figure, and then smashed the warhammer in his hand on the ground not far from the monster.

"The steel blade of the earth!" A giant blade that is not much larger than the monster directly pierced the monster and then divided it into several pieces.

The monster's corpse was squirming on the ground, as if it wanted to gather together again, but it seemed to be a little weak, and after a while it completely lost its vitality and shrivelled.

And the blood flowing out of the corpse immediately corroded all the vitality around the earth. The grass on the ground that the farmers couldn't clean up how to clean them all dried up in an instant. The same is true for young wheat in a natural wheat field.

It's just that Di An did see a wheat seedling that didn't die. This wheat seedling seemed to have adapted to the corrosion of black blood. The whole plant became pitch black, and it quickly absorbed the black blood left on the ground around it. Rapid growth.

From the appearance of the young wheat, it became a mature wheat ear in the blink of an eye, with full wheat grains on it.

Seeing such incredible scenes, Dai An was stunned. Di An picked off the ears of the wheat. Then took it in his hand and walked towards the village not far away. There are about three monsters that are the same as before, but in terms of size and power and magic, they don't seem to be as powerful as the one Di An killed just now.

There are still living people in the village, and even if there are no living people, Dian will never allow such monsters to pollute the purity of the earth. This is the first thing Di An thought in his mind at this time. ..


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