Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 137: Diane is injured

Amidst the fire and smoke, collapsed houses and broken courtyard walls were everywhere. The ground was also dry and cracked as if it had been roasted for too long. Numerous holes, huge footprints, mixed with blood and scattered incomplete corpses appeared.

In such a scene, a nameless flame rose in Di An’s heart. In the memory, it was clear that humans framed a Tomarona who was guarding the village, causing his tribe to fall apart, but she was seeing those humans. After being attacked, there is still no way to leave like this.

There are not many people alive in the village. Most of them took the opportunity to hide in their own cellars when the monsters were raging. There were also people who had come in and then nested in the corners of the broken walls of the houses.

The people in the cellar are much safer than those who are in the corner, at least until the people who are in the corner are all found and eaten, they are safe.

The villagers in the village had also thought of resisting these monsters, but there was no other ending besides being caught by the monsters directly in their hands and torn in half, and then chewed in their mouths.

So the only thing you can do after the resistance fails is to escape.

A little girl not far from Di'an shrank in the corner tremblingly. His eyes were big, but the big Shulingling eyes that should have been beautiful were just full of panic. People can't help but frown when they see it and feel pity.

However, it was such a little girl who was grabbed from the corner by a pair of big hands.

The little girl didn't scream, but she curled up and cried, covering her mouth with her hands. As her mother said, monsters like to eat disobedient children. This is the only thing the little girl thinks of at this time, and it is also the reason why the little girl can bear no sound like this.

It was not Diane who grabbed him, but the huge monster that his mother had scared the little girl countless times when she was disobedient. The **** smell drifted into the little girl's nose, and she couldn't help but open her eyes.

The scene in front of her made her stunned, and even she forgot to cry. He saw his mother, but the mother was dead, and a panic face like her stayed in the monster's mouth.

Just when the monster was about to throw him in his mouth, a loud noise rescued him from panic. A huge girl hit the monster holding the girl from the spot with a hammer. And she was saved by the big girl. Then she gently placed it in the corner that she thought was extremely safe.

"Roar!!" The monster looked at the huge human holding a hammer with some anger and timidity. He knew that he couldn't beat this guy, but the opponent's strength was not enough to make him run away, so he chose the best solution, which was to call his companions and then kill this delicious guy.

Diane didn't let him wait until his companion arrived. Although there was a roar in response to him, Di An's storm-like attack followed.

When fighting against the first monster, Diane knew that fighting against this monster must be done quickly, otherwise you will definitely be consumed by such a monster.

The first time Di An rushed to the monster, he slammed into the monster's head. Although knowing that the chance of hitting is not very high, Xie Chen still rushed towards the monster in front of him very quickly.

As Diane imagined, the huge monster directly protected his head with his two arms, but although his head was protected, his arms became distorted like noodles. Obviously, don’t want to use it for a short time. Up.

Then in the next second, Di'an's hammer fell again, still facing his ugly head, or missed. In order to avoid the hammer, the monster's chest collapsed directly.

In Diane's attack, the monster had no chance to fight back. It was not until the third hammer fell that it finally smashed the monster's head like a watermelon. Only the body that kept twitching remained in place.

"Ho **** ho ho!!" But at this time two other monsters also rushed over at the same time.

When Di An was fighting the first monster, all the villagers hiding in the corner slowly poked their heads out and watched the scene in front of them.

"This is,,, the giants," the villagers who were together said very carefully.

Despite this, no one dared to come out. Soon they knew how right their decision was. The remaining two monsters arrived here together.

I don’t know if it was because of the presence of a companion or what, one of them rushed directly towards Di An. Di An had just dealt with the monster, but before he had time to react, he was slapped on the shoulder by the monster on.

The monster's strength was also very strong, and Di An flew out directly and hit a tall building before stopping. With a successful blow, the monster seemed confident, and continued to rush towards Dian.

Di'an, who was sitting on the ground leaning on the building, grabbed the warhammer with his injured hand and slammed it towards the ground. The ground shook for a while, and then two huge stone arms had been drilled out of the ground, protecting them in front of Di An, and hitting the monster that was rushing towards Di An directly with a fist.

"Big sister! Watch out for the back!!" The little girl who was rescued by Di An did not know when she stood in the street not far away and shouted to Di An. His face was full of anxiety.

Behind Di An, another monster could not rush towards Di An. It was obviously a bit late to use magic at this time. With a sluggish shout, he swung out the warhammer in the handle of the only arm that could be used, and the hammer directly hit the head of the monster that leaped towards Dian.

The monster's head burst open in an instant, and then the huge body was pulled out due to inertia. The huge force caused the monster's body to scrape a deep gully on the ground!

The monster that was hit by the huge fist that Di An summoned before saw this scene with a look of fear in his eyes, and then turned around and wanted to escape from here.

It's just that how could Di An just let him leave like this. ..


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