Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 194: All destroyed?

"I'll let you wait once this time, but remember it for me, I won't do it again." The old white beard put the sword in his hand back into the scabbard, facing the opposite Dreyfus and Another demon said. And Dreyfus seemed to have expected the same.

"I'm different from Hendrickson, my memory is always very bad~" Dreyfus said disdainfully, not accepting the kindness of the old man from the other side. If it wasn't for the reason of strength, I'm afraid I wouldn't let them go so easily.

"Master Denzel?! Now they are still within the scope of my magic power! There is nothing to do with being sealed by the magic power! The only way to crusade them is now!" The blond paladin was puzzled by the decision made by the old man. Some anxiously shouted at the old man. His idea is very simple. Since there is a chance to get rid of these two guys, of course he can't let it go!

It's just that, to a certain extent, he completely underestimated the strength of the people in the Ten Commandments and overestimated his own strength.

"Calm down, regardless of whether Despias can kill them or not, we can't catch them." The old man explained coldly at the two opposite people. At this time, the perfect cube has been destroyed, and if the two people on the opposite side really want to leave, neither of them can organize.

This sentence seems to be a very realistic statement of the current situation in the field.

"I just said that the Ten Commandments are the prohibition in the Ten Commandments. If you join us and kill Dreyfus, then we will be punished by this one." This shows that we can only There is no other way to capture the two alive.

"It's really difficult for the quick-reacting old man~ Besides, what kind of hole cards are you hiding, right?" Dreyfus took it for granted, knowing everything. Although he wouldn't be very scrupulous about the old man opposite, he couldn't automatically find trouble. And it's still possible to have trouble staying here forever.

"Finally, Despias, as long as we can suppress our magic power, we have the power to fight, are you really so sure?" Denzel ignored the arrogance of Dreyfus opposite, but faced him. Despias said.

"Difficult, isn't it?" Despias thought so in his heart, and that's why he wanted to keep all the two of the Ten Commandments here.

"Next time, I will definitely take off this body shell and come to really engage with you." This time Denzel doesn't need to explain anything, except for a very powerful magic power from Dreyfus. This magic power far exceeded Despias's mind. There is absolutely no way to keep both of them here just by virtue of such magic.

In fact, if it weren't for Denzel to have a different hole card, I'm afraid it would be a bit of trouble for the two of them to send Dreyfus and others away.

"Dreyfus?" When the two of Dreyfus slowly walked out from the door, everyone in the six consecutive stars just arrived here. Seeing Dreyfus walking out of the door in front of him, everyone knew that things were not good. "Why, why did this guy run out of it." The blond boy who used the bow and arrow before stared at Dreyfus with a cautious look. Standing in front of such Ten Commandments, he felt a sense of oppression he had never had before.

"Compared to this, what is the monster behind him?"

"How about Lord Denzel and Lord Despias?" As for the two men in front of him who could walk out of it unscathed, Vay Itachi was even more worried about Lord Denzel and Lord Dreyfus who had dealt with Dreyfus in the room before. Master Despias.

"Dreyfus! I disregarded my orders, arbitrarily," Dalles stood up and criticized Dreyfus. The magic of Dellus is not something that can be lifted if the magic is strong. Therefore, at this time, Daelles's extra confidence is still in Dreyfus's body and his own magic can still confuse him.

"Ah, the jade of curse just now seems to have passed, the absolute limit is lifted, and your sordid magic is lifted." Dreyfus leaned forward with a very serious look, looking at the innocent eyes. Said Daelles, who can still control him with his own magic. The voice was very soft, as if he were treating a lover.

"Huh?" But Dreyfus dreamtly took a step forward while Dellux was still reacting. The action was not very big, it was very natural as if he was stepping forward towards his beloved one. The same step. But just at this step, the sword in Dreyfus's hand pierced directly through Dellus' abdomen.

Suddenly, a large amount of blood spewed out from Dellus' abdomen, and the whole person slowly fell to the side.

"Don't take it as an example, you know?" Dreyfus paid no attention to his life and death. After stabbing this sword, he turned around and left, as if he didn't care about his affairs.

"Dales?!" The surrounding six-star people all rushed forward, and no one thought that Dreyfus would say that he would do it with his hands, and the most important thing was that the magic of Delus had failed!

"By the way, why should I let you make a living? This is not enough. It seems that I have been in the human body for too long." Dreyfus, who had suddenly walked a distance, suddenly reacted and twisted. He turned his head and looked mercilessly at Liulianxing not far away.

"It's better to die now!" The sword in Dreyfus's hand showed an astonishing magical power from above when everyone hadn't reacted, and it swung towards the six-star crowd. Then, in just an instant, even the houses with Liulianxing and the houses behind Liulianxing were all smoothed directly on this land by Del Rivers.

"Okay, let's continue to complete our unfinished work." Dreyfus flew over the ruins on the ground with his black magic wings and flew towards the distance.

"You are still here with Diane now. Didn't you say that you had any bad feelings? Matorona walked in front and spoke to Diane behind her. It seemed that Diane was not with him. Moving forward, as for Jin sitting on Di'an’s shoulders..


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