Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 195: Huge maze

"Can that be the reason for you to dissuade me? You must go back if you know that Jin is asking me." Dai An walked to the front with the war hammer and said to Matorona behind him.

Under Jin's treatment, Zolu and Della's injuries all recovered, although Di An had no memory of Jin. But the unknown trust in Jin still exists. I feel that this kind of thing is sometimes far more important than memory, not to mention that Jin saved Zorlu and Della who were dying.

So when Jin proposed to think of Diane’s help, Diane agreed without hesitation. Although he said he wanted Diane’s help, he just wanted to take Diane back to Meliodas. , And then see if there is any way to restore Diane's memory.

"Jin, is it really in this direction? How far is the distance? Are your friends as good as you? It really seems to see them soon, he must be as kind as Jin ." Di An asked happily toward Jin on his shoulder.

Since Jin said that he wanted to ask Diane to take him to find his own partner, Diane has been dreaming about what Jin's friends would be like. At this time, in his mind, apart from Meliodas, he could no longer remember any other person among the seven sins.

Jin sat on Di An’s shoulders, looking at Di An who didn’t know what he was thinking about with a silly smile. He was so satisfied at this moment. Even at this moment, he hoped that this journey could be extended indefinitely. Just keep going like this.

It's just that when Jin looked at Diane, Matorona did seem to perceive something. Jin's attitude towards Diane was obviously not like the one he had just met. There must be something hidden in it that she doesn't know.

So Matorona started to watch out for Kim on the road without knowing it. This can't be blamed on her, even the giants with very strong strength are extremely vulnerable in the face of some dangers. Especially for a child like Di An with an innocent heart, how can she rest assured.

"Really? Is it almost enough to cross this mountain?" Dian asked happily toward Jin flying in the air. In fact, if Di An's body wasn't too large, Jin would have summoned the Black Prison Dog and went straight back through the portal. But after the last battle with Hendriksen, only Kim never dared to do it again.

Throwing Diane on the other end alone, this kind of thing will make him panic even when he thinks of it. If it wasn't for his stupidity last time, Diane wouldn't have been almost caught by Del Rivers and Helb. Ram and others killed!

"You can't blame me for such a thing, am I being controlled by others?" Heil Bram seemed to feel Jin's willingness, and got out of the helmet and shouted at Jin.

"Huh," Jin was very disdainful of his attitude. Even if his old friend for many years hurts his favorite guy, he can never get his forgiveness so easily." By the way, I really didn’t expect that you would be able to do this step. Without the guidance of the previous generation of fairy kings and the teaching of the sacred tree, you could feel God abruptly. The deepest part of the tree. It still has that kind of energy. This is probably why the demon spirit tree will choose you to be the fairy king."

Heil Bram looked at Jin with a very serious face, constantly looking up and down. It seems to be watching a freak. There is no way to know that among the fairy kings of the past, apart from Jin, only the first fairy king Liu Xueni had done this, but at this time Liu Xueni did not know why she became a member of the Ten Commandments.

But at this time Jin is still unclear. At least he hadn't seen or heard about Liu Xueni from beginning to end.

"Dian, you slow down, how about it, did you really see it?" Mattorona ran after Dian behind.

"Hey,," Diane didn't answer Mattorona's words, but was just astonished. It seems that there is something unusual on the other side of the mountain. You must know that after crossing this mountain, you will reach the border of Basel. That is where the Seven Original Sins and the Paladin fought.

"This is, what?!" Mattorona looked horrified! There was also Jin who was also stunned. When he saw Diane and Matorona showing the general expression, he didn't chat with Helbram and flew directly beside them. Then, just like the two of them, they stared at the scene below incredulously!

It is a huge maze, even for giants like Diane and Matorona. It is not only because of the height and width of the wall, but also because of the large area occupied. . Standing on the top of the mountain and looking over, it seems that the entire maze directly occupies an area of ​​a plain! From this, you can imagine how vast this maze is!

"Okay! It's amazing! Who made such a big maze?"! Difficult to cover his mouth with surprise and admiration. He seems to admire the guy who can create such a huge maze.

And Jin was also frowning and thinking about something. In the huge maze in front of him, he felt a very bad wave of magic power, which was very similar to that of the Demon Race. Fortunately, his strength has now improved qualitatively. As long as he doesn't meet three or more Demon Races, he can still escape with Di An and others!

"Except for the giants, it's hard to think that other people can do this trick, and it's the giants with quite magical powers!" Matorona analyzes very rationally that the giants are proficient in the power of the earth. It's obvious to all. And the huge maze in front of it was constructed by the power of the earth, and it could be seen from the stone walls.

"But even the giants with considerable magical powers will definitely not be built in the first time." Matorona added again, just as he said if the construction is successful, then Such a large maze is not unreasonable.

But completely different from what she thought was that the maze was definitely formed in an instant. In other words, that guy has an incomprehensible magic power! ..


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