Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 381: A new era of mankind

Tanis took the seeds of the sacred tree and set out in the direction of his kingdom. After seeing the towering trees in the Fairy King Forest, his heart was full of hope for the seeds in his hands!

He got five seeds in the Fairy King Forest. These seeds are divided into cities and countries, and the number of seeds that each person can receive is different. Everyone wants to receive more seeds of the holy tree. It's just that no one dared to lie about where he came from.

Because as long as it is proven that you lie, you will be deprived of the qualifications of the holy tree seed. There were not many sacred tree seeds in the Fairy King Forest, only about a thousand seeds.

In fact, Xie Chen didn't give birth to so many. After all, the production of these seeds requires a lot of energy and magic. The number of one thousand is indeed not much for the entire continent of Britannia.

But it's probably enough for the current human population! After all, most places on the mainland are of other races. Human beings are not the mainstream race on the mainland at this time, and they do not occupy that much.

Even so, after everyone left, nearly a half of the seeds remained in the Fairy King Forest, about four hundred. These will be left in the Fairy King Forest for the time being, waiting for follow-up people to continue to fetch them.

Tanis felt like an arrow on the way back. I have never felt the hardships and difficulties of the journey at all, it seems that I have inexhaustible power at this time! Everything is for the five seeds in my arms!

Finally, after dozens of days of trekking, Tanis finally returned to his kingdom!

"Master Tanis is back! Master Tanis is back!" The guard among the king shouted while rushing towards the palace!

It's just that Tanis was not seen behind him!

Five seeds, only three are enough in the kingdom, and three are placed on the edge of the city wall! Then hit the next one in the palace! In this case, one seed can be left! Save it for future needs!

After Tania came back, he immediately began to choose a suitable planting place without any hesitation. At this time, it was more important that nothing was planted with these holy tree seeds!

"Quick! Remove all these things, you go get more water! You turn the soil! Quick! Quick!" After commanding one place, Tanis immediately dared to move to another chosen place. go with! Then continue to command the soldiers where to turn the soil and prepare.

"Tanis? What's going on? What are you doing?" The bearded paladin looked at Tanis with a puzzled look in armor and asked!

Tanis had just returned, but he didn't return to the temple to report but was messing around here. This already made him feel a little dissatisfied, but Tanis would never be such a person in normal times. That's why he was able to ask him patiently with such tolerance!

"I found the strength. The power that can resist the intrusion of the Demon Race and other races." Tanis took a water bag from the soldier on the side and took a sip of water, then took a breath and said to the Paladin.

After came back in a hurry from the outside, he hasn't stopped, even the time to drink saliva.

"What? Tanis, are you serious?!" The bearded man looked at Tanis very excitedly and said. At this time, he had completely forgotten all Tanis' previous rude actions!

"What is it? Go with me and tell the king what you said!" As he said, he wanted to take Tanis and walk towards the palace. But Tanis broke free.

"Also please come here to watch your Majesty the King! I will show that power for your Majesty here!" Tania said very seriously.

"Well, that's great! I'll beg the king! Go and continue to make your preparations!" The middle-aged paladin hesitated a little, and then said to Tania. Turn around and walk quickly towards the palace! He couldn't bear such good news and wanted to share it with the people in the palace!

But Tania continued to prepare the seeds of the holy tree on the spot. At this time, he completely followed the tutorial in the Fairy King Forest. Enough open space and dirt, then a lot of water, and open ground!

These simple conditions will soon be ready in three different locations in the kingdom!

"I also ask your Majesty the King to move and watch the mysterious power mentioned by His Highness Tanis." The middle-aged paladin in the Shan Kneeling Hall pleaded towards the King in the Hall.

"This is what it should be! If Tanis can really retrieve the power that can protect our kingdom, he will be a great hero of our entire kingdom! Let's go, let's watch the power that Tanis brings!"

The people all over the country stopped their work on this day and gathered in three places in the kingdom. It was surrounded by a large number of soldiers. All the people were isolated here by the soldiers. Then wait for the miracle to appear.

The news was not leaked by the king's order, but by the soldiers surrounded here. After the soldiers here knew that the king was about to have their own guardian power, everyone was excited.

There is no way, whether it is in the demons, goddesses, giants or goblins, humans have no initiative. There is no way, human beings are inherently fragile!

But now that human beings are about to have their own power, how can such a thing not be exciting! It is precisely because of this that all people are very excited to tell the people around this news.

Then it was passed from ten to ten, and soon everyone knew about it. And know the location in the city. So there will be such a grand event, so so many people will come to watch!

"Our people! Today we are about to welcome the power to protect us~!" When seeing so many people coming, the king could only stand on a high platform and speak loudly to his people.

At this time Tanis was also ready to welcome the arrival of the new era! From then on they no longer need to endure the insults of the Demon Race and other races! The arrival of the new era is absolutely true in such a kingdom! ..


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