Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 382: pilgrimage

When the seeds were planted, the eyes of everyone in the field were attracted to the past! The king's gaze at this time was also fixed on the land.

Then, under everyone's eyes, a young sapling emerged from the soil, and then, under everyone's eyes, the young sapling kept growing and growing!

This scene immediately calmed everyone in the scene, quietly watching this miraculous thing! Then in an instant the seedling grew directly into a towering tree!

Hundreds of meters tall trees directly shrouded everyone's heads. Three giant trees directly enveloped the entire king! The lush branches and green leaves fell from the sky. It looks extraordinarily gorgeous in the sun!

Such scenes can be seen everywhere in the entire continent. In the beginning, those demons and other races didn't know what the huge trees in the human kingdom were for. As always, swaggered into the kingdom of mankind.

But in the next moment, no foreign race has not been directly worn into meat skewers by these huge impactful tree people! That's right, it's the tree man. These big trees are indistinguishable from people except that they can't speak. It was precisely because of Xie Chen's consciousness that helped them wake up. That's why they will exert unprecedented abilities!

Ivan is a little boy in a town. He had experienced very painful things before. The Demon Race ate all his parents and three-month-old sister.

This memory made him very timid, and he would become unable to move when he encountered anything, so he stood there blankly. Then one day, an uncle in the town brought a seed from a distance. And planted it in the park in the center of the town!

Ivan has never seen such a miracle! In an instant, a huge tree rose directly from the ground, and the lush foliage directly enveloped the entire town! The uncle said that as long as the existence of the sacred tree, the villains of the demon clan would never dare to come again! Ivan looked at the branches and leaves of the big tree swaying with the wind. Suddenly I felt that the sun on this day had become particularly brilliant.

However, in the same day as usual. The Demon Race is still arriving as scheduled! There is no warning, and the people in the town have no defense!

The people in the town were as panic as before, and the adults ran away in panic. The children cried loudly! The whole town is completely messed up!

And Ivan stayed very quietly. He didn't move, but his eyes were full of panic! And panic! He also wants to run, but his body is no longer under his control. He can even feel the sound of his heartbeat! There is also the sound of blood flowing in the body!

The shouts of everyone around at this moment, the shouts seem to be in another world! And at this moment he saw the huge tree not far away.

Suddenly Ivan seemed to see a scene where a seed germinated and took root in the soil, and then rose from the ground. Then his foot moved. Although it was slow, it still walked step by step towards the sacred tree that everyone said! Finally he didn't know how long it had passed. As if there was no concept of time at that time, he walked to the side of the huge tree. Holding the thick tree trunk with both hands, he suddenly seemed to be awakened from another world. Ivan leaned on the tree and panted.

He wanted to see where the flying demon gods had gone. But when he turned his head, he saw incredible things! All the demon gods that were flying in the air have disappeared!

Only some stumps and arms are left! And on the top branches of the huge trees are the corpses of the demons who are worn into skewers! Even these corpses dried up quickly at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye. All the nutrients are absorbed by the huge trees.

As if in front of this huge tree, these demons are just like annoying flies! The towns that had been panicked all fell silent, watching this incredible scene. No one said anything.

Then in the next moment, I didn't know who it was and suddenly shouted loudly! It seemed that this shout was a sign of cheering in the town. The people in the whole town suddenly became lively again. This time it was not the panic running and shouting before, but the very happy shout!

Finally, there is no need to fear the people of the Demon Race. Finally, there is no need to run around again! I can finally live here peacefully! This is undoubtedly the voice of everyone at this moment!

But Ivan under the big tree squatted alone under the tree and cried loudly. Outside of Ivan, many people in the town cried like Ivan. It was like a newborn baby crying loudly.

The branches of the tree were slowly placed on Ivan's back, as if hugging him, seeming to comfort his heart. Ivan felt something patting his back lightly, and he raised his head in surprise. Found that it was the branches of the sacred tree. He stared at the sacred tree in front of him with tears and red eye circles.

At this moment, Ivan's eyes suddenly became very firm! He will be the guardian of the sacred tree! Always stay by the side of the tree and guard the tree! Until the day I die!

In this way, in such a small town, a tree hugged each other tightly!

The humans in the entire Britannia continent boiled. They have the power to resist foreigners because of the sacred tree! Able to survive in such a time of war!

At this moment, almost all kingdoms and human gathering places on the continent regard the Fairy King Forest as a holy land for humans! Countless people are walking towards the Fairy King Forest for a pilgrimage!

They are not afraid of the remoteness of the road or the dangers along the way. At the risk of his life, spontaneously march towards the position of the fairy king forest! These things even the only king of the kingdom can't stop them. Some countries have even encountered riots directly by the people because they tried to prevent these pilgrimages!

Why not let us go to the Holy Land! The ungrateful royal family was directly overthrown by the people! Even the Paladin can't stop it! ..


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