Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 54: Looking for evidence

Officer Mumu went to the window and opened the curtains, "There is a pretty big tree behind, which tree is that?"

Tanaka did not pay attention to Officer Mumu, but complained to his sleeping brother: "Really, if you want to sleep, you should turn off the TV."

So, after Nakata Chishi turned off the TV, he led Officer Mumu and them out of the room.

"I think you should have all searched."

Officer Mumu sighed and said, "There is no trace of the dead body at all."

Kojima Moto said too loudly, "We really didn't lie! We really saw the dead body!"

"That's right." Xie Chen said suddenly: "Could the body have been transported outside?"

Officer Mumu said: "But Xie Chen, haven't you said that when we came here? You haven't seen anyone walk out of this house."

Xie Chen nodded and said, "At that time, I said that, because I was sitting on the phone booth on the front of this house, so I didn't see the back."

"But there is a very high wall behind this house."

"But isn't there a tall tree next to the fence?" Xie Chen said: "Tie the corpse to his body and use that tree to get outside the fence."

At this time, Nakata Chishi suddenly picked up the phone on the side and said loudly, "This is the Nakata" and then hung up.

After Nakata Chishi put down the phone, he smiled awkwardly: "You made the wrong call. By the way, where did you just say it?"

Officer Megome said, "The trees behind."

Nakata Chishi said, "That was what I had when I bought this house."

Seeing Nakata Chishi's appearance, Xie Chen frowned slightly. Although he had been talking to Officer Mumu, he could still notice that the phone just didn't ring at all.

Later, Police Officer Mumu led people to the yard and ordered his subordinates to demonstrate it again according to the method Xie Chen said.

"Hey, is it okay." Officer Mumu stood under the tree and asked loudly, "Can you tie someone to your body and climb up?"

"I will try my best to look at it," the police officer on the tree said laboriously, with another police officer on his back.

"No way, officer." The officer said with his hands on the fence next to the trees: "The fence is an earth embankment. There is no way to go down."

"Is there no place to stand there?"

"There is only a passage of about forty centimeters. If the corpse is still tied, it is impossible. Even if you can get down here, you must walk carefully alone."

Xie Chen shook his head lightly. This kind of thing can be done easily for him, but it is still too difficult for ordinary people.

"There are no corpses in the house, and it is impossible to carry them outside." Officer Mumu looked at the children of the Juvenile Detective Group and said, "In other words, you are lying and playing tricks."

"How come..." Ayumi Yoshida pouted.

So, Officer Mumu taught them a lesson and returned to the police station with someone.

At night, Xie Chen sneaked out of the detective office.

He didn't care about it, but if those children were wronged in this way and were dubbed the bad children who love to lie and love pranks, it might have a great impact on their future growth.

So, at around eight o'clock in the evening, he sneaked into the Nakata home quietly.

Judging from that period of time, Kazuyuki Nakata was in the bathroom to clean the blood of the corpse, while his brother was sitting at that time carrying the corpse. If this is the case...

When he climbed the tree at the back of the yard, he saw the three children of the Junior Detectives.

"Idiot, what are you doing here?"

"Are you stupid?" Kojima Moto said loudly, "Our detective team has been framed, so how can we just let it go."

Xie Chen smiled helplessly and said, "Then you have to be quiet."

Looking inside along the window on the second floor, Nakata Yuka was still sleeping on the couch.

"He's still sleeping in that place." Kojima Motota hid behind the branch and said, "It's that strange uncle."

Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko said, "This is very troublesome."

Kojima Motota said: "Damn it, he will be fine if he pulls the curtains up, but ah, that uncle always sleeps in that manner, isn't he tired?"

Xie Chen's pupils began to shrink, and he suddenly felt that they had been misled into a very incredible situation from the beginning.

Afterwards, he jumped from the tree and gently opened the bathroom window.

"Xie Chen, what are you doing?"

Xie Chen smiled and said, "I may already know the track of how the prisoner hid the body."


"Wait a moment, I will go inside now to confirm where the body is."

Kojima Motota moved the trash can and put it under the window and said, "Let’s help too."

Xie Chen jumped onto the window edge and shook his head and said, "You can't. Maybe the murderer is inside. As for you, just wait for me in front of the phone booth outside."

Later, Xie Chen jumped into the bathroom and locked the window in order to prevent them from sneaking in.

After swinging around on the first floor, Xie Chen went directly to the second floor and walked into Nakata Yuka's room.

No lights were turned on in the room, and street lights came in twists and turns, but it was almost useless.

Xie Chen walked to Nakata Yuka's side, reached out to touch Nakata Yuka's wrist, and then gently raised the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, fierce footsteps came from the corridor.

Then, with a bang, Nakata Chishi took a baseball bat and pushed the door and walked in.

"That's weird." Nakata Chishi said after turning on the light, "I thought I heard something, is it an illusion?"

Xie Chen, who was hiding by the reclining chair, breathed a sigh of relief. Although the opponent was holding a baseball bat, he could knock it down within three seconds.

However, the current evidence is not enough. Even if Nakata Chishi is knocked down here, it is of no use. If he is not good, he will be sentenced to intentional injury.

Just when Nakata Chishi was planning to go out, Kojima Genta's voice came from the detective badge on Xie Chen's chest.

"You are slow, Xie Chen, what are you doing!"..


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