Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 55: Bad child

"What a bad thing..." Xie Chen whispered.

The room itself was quiet, and Kojima Motota's voice instantly passed through Nakata's ears.

"Who! Who is it!" Nakata Chishi reflexively said loudly, who was about to go out, "Who is hiding there! Come out!"

Kojima Motota also knew that she was in trouble, and in a hurry, the detective badge in her hand fell to the ground.

"Run away!" Yoshida Ayumi called to the detective badge: "Xie Chen, run away!"

At the same time, Nakata Chishi took a baseball bat and patrolled the room again.

"It's useless to hide, okay, get enlightened, get out quickly."

Xie Chen smiled helplessly, and then slowly said, "You should be the one who wants to realize it, Mr. Nakata."

Nakata Chishi suddenly froze and walked cautiously to the side of the couch.

"At that time, the body was not found by the police and us." Xie Chen continued: "However, the body is still in this room, and it is quite a striking place."

Having said that, Xie Chen paused for a while, and then continued: "Yes, that corpse is in this room now, sitting on a chair and watching TV. This person is your brother."

"Huh?" Three children screamed from the detective badge.

"Who are you!" Nakata Chishi rushed directly to the recliner, and hurriedly stumbled on the recliner leg.

Xie Chen stretched out his hand and pushed it, and the chair fell to the ground with Nakata Yuka lying on it. Nakata Chishi suddenly froze in place.

"I'm just an ordinary elementary school student."

Xie Chen stood up and slowly said, "This is the trick you set up. After you know that your brother's body was discovered by us, we cleaned the blood from the body in the bathroom."

"Then, let the corpse wear a bathrobe and sit on a chair on the second floor, and then you will come out to meet the policeman who came to look for the corpse and us."

"Of course you are very bold. You modified into the brother who was killed by you, because your two brothers looked alike in the first place, and you can’t see it when you disguise. If you change to someone else, you may soon be recognized come out."

"Then, while the police are searching in the house, you climb from the window on the second floor to the tree to the outside of the fence."

"Because the outside of the wall is just an earth embankment. There is enough space for one person to move. If you run outside, you will come back home from the outside as your brother casually. That's the thing. I'm not wrong. "

As if someone had been told the secret of his heart, Nakata Chishi's pupils began to shrink, cold sweat slowly flowed down his cheeks, and the hand holding the baseball bat shook more and more.

At the same time, the three children who heard Xie Chen's reasoning through the detective badge in the public phone booth called the police station.

"What?" Officer Mumu said listlessly on the other end of the phone, "has the body been found?"

Kojima Motota immediately said, "That's it, that younger brother is the murderer, and the older brother who fell asleep is actually a corpse."

Officer Mumu said, "This is too stupid. That person is obviously still alive. After being told by his brother, he turned off the TV set, and he was scolded by his brother when you broke the vase. , Isn't it."

At this time, on the other side, Xie Chen continued.

"Yes, your performance just now looked like your brother is still alive. You used the video projector, answering machine and the portable phone in your hand to deceive us all."

"The roaring sound is actually the sound that you pre-recorded in the answering machine before the police came. You used the shortened switch of the portable phone to spot the timing and played the sound quickly."

"Of course, the phone ringing in your house has long since disappeared. The roar sounded like it was cursed by the brother on the second floor, didn't it?"

"The flaw in this matter is that you answered the accidental call and didn't hear the ringing, but you immediately picked it up to answer it."

"Because when the call came, you had already seen the light on the phone turned on, and if no one answered the call, the call recorder would start."

"Then the roar will be played again and unnaturally."

"Yes, it's like this." Xie Chen took out the mobile phone he had brought up from the first floor and pressed the dial button.

After the phone rang, the landline in the room immediately heard Tanaka's roar, "Hey! You guys are very noisy! Can you be quiet!"

Xie Chen smiled, put down the phone and continued: "The reason why the TV will be turned off is just that you set the timing device of the VCR and match your wonderful acting skills."

"That's right, Mr. Nakata Chishi." Xie Chen raised his mouth slightly.

Nakata Chishi gritted his teeth, tightened his baseball bat, and walked towards Xie Chen step by step.

At the same time, in the phone booth outside, Yoshida Ayumi called to the police officer Mumu in a crying voice: "Hurry up! If you don't hurry up, Xie Chen will..."

"Really." Officer Mumu said helplessly: "Don't go too far, I'm going to hang up."

Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko placed the detective badge on the side of the microphone, and the voice of Tomomi Nakata was heard from Officer Megumi's microphone.

"You're pretty smart, kid, aren't you? That's right, it's me, and I killed my brother." Nakata Chishi shouted, raising his baseball bat and smashing it at Xie Chen.

Xie Chen turned sideways slightly, and the bat sank the floor in front of him.

It seemed that the other party really wanted to kill himself. Xie Chen thought so mentally, threw down the detective badge, turned and ran outside the door.

The curtains in this room are wide open, no matter what, it is necessary to make sure that Nakata Chishi is resolved without anyone seeing it.

"Damn it! Where are you going! Come back!" Nakata Chishi chased after carrying a baseball bat.

"At that time, I was doing improper stock trading. After he discovered my secret, my scumbag brother stayed in my house all day long for nothing."

"I obviously have been taking care of him, and the guy said he wanted me to give him more money, so I broke the parasite's head with these hands."..


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