Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 126: Change of state

Maorilan was taken aback for a while, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of Huwu Eiko's mouth, "I really hope that Huwu Eiko's clothes can be worn by people who are physically and mentally healthy like you."

After that, she patted the driver on the shoulder, Officer Mumu nodded, and the police car drove to the detention center.

Xie Chen stared at the police car going away and said softly, "It's really a pity, Sister Xiaolan, it's hard to get a chance to be a model."

Mao Lilan shook her head, smiled and said, "It's okay."

Like a slowly flowing cloud in the sky, April passed away from the window.

Apart from going to school, Xie Chen met with Zemu Ye Zi several times, three times to be precise. With Zemu Ye Zi, there is actually no big show.

Or take a drive while listening to music, or lie on the beach looking up at the sky, or eat ice cream in the rice flower shop.

Then, in the intermittent gossip, I sent off one afternoon after another, day after day staring at the trajectory of the sun and the moon, just like the life of a retired old man.

Xie Chen took care not to disrupt the pace of life, and at the same time waited for certain events to happen.

There is a library near Didan Primary School, and I occasionally go there to kill time after school.

In the library, I flipped through the reduced copies of the newspapers page by page. In a certain habit, I checked the murder cases that occurred in recent months in detail.

From this perspective, there are many people killed in this world. Some were stabbed to death, some were beaten to death, and some were strangled to death.

But every one of them has nothing to do with him. I didn't expect that he would sigh: "The police are really busy..."

At the beginning of May, Kogoro Mouri received a call from Japan TV Station.

"Are you talking about the Charity Golf Conference? I'm sorry, I am really..."

"What? You said Yoko Okino recommended me? Will Miss Yoko also attend the competition?"

"That's good, that's good, I am willing to participate, don't look at me like this, golf is my best."

In this way, on the first weekend of May, they came to an indoor golf course in Mihua City.

Sitting on a recliner on the court, Xie Chen yawned and sighed: Even if there are a lot of discounts for practice in the morning, there is no need to come here at half past six.

At this time, Kogoro Mori was practicing golf enthusiastically. Although he was interested, he just couldn't get the ball out...

Just when Xie Chen was about to get back to sleep, four middle-aged men walked into the stadium, all of whom were fascinating figures in Mihua City.

Walking in the front, the man in a dark brown suit is the head of the product development department, Eisuke Tachibana. He looked at the empty court and said, "It's great. Let's have a good time today."

Following him is the head of the product development department, Minoru Yasui.

"Yes, I should have proper exercise before work. Thanks to the manager, my current health status is very good."

This flattering Tachibana Hidesuke was very comfortable, and immediately laughed and said, "Is that really the case?"

The other two are also product developers, and the director Okubo Tatsuya and the employee Nan Chishi.

Tachibana Eisuke took off his suit and walked to the seat already reserved.

While the others were preparing, Nan Zhishi suddenly said that his stomach hurts.

"What? Your stomach hurts?"

Minoru Yasui complained immediately: "You guy is really disappointed, go to the bathroom, go early and return early."

Nan Zhishi had to clutch his stomach and ran to the bathroom, while Okubo Tatsu also went to the machine to fetch the ball.

At this time, Kogoro Maori still failed to hit the ball. Maorilan was about to fall asleep, and Xie Chen was bored, so he had to go and watch them play.

Minoru Yasui poured the ball that Okubo also fetched into the box beside Minister, Xie Chen curled his lips and said in secret: He can really flatter.

"Little brother." After Nan Zhishi returned from the bathroom, he looked at Xie Chen standing in front of the lawn and said, "It's dangerous. You can stand aside."

Xie Chen turned around and said with a smile: "It's okay, I'm standing here far away."

Minoru Yasui walked over again at this time and stood in front of Nan Chishi and said, "The repair costs for the manager's long-range clubs must be paid out of the petty cash this time."

Nan Zhishi nodded and said, "I see."

After Minoru Yasui explained, he also took the cue and walked to his seat, and just shot the ball out in one shot.

Xie Chen yawned, returned to his seat, and found that Mouri Kogoro still hadn't hit the ball, and Mourilan had already fallen asleep on the recliner.

Looking back, Tachibana Eisuke and Yasui Minoru played one ball after another.

With a cry of the soldiers, Tachibana Eisuke hit the ball at the railing at the end of the court, and Minoru Yasui immediately shouted: "You played beautifully! The manager is lucky today. The manager will definitely win the farewell match next Sunday."

Seeing his appearance, Xie Chen shrugged. With such flattering skills, it makes no sense for him not to be promoted.

Minoru Yasui flew the last ball and sat in a chair to rest.

Kogoro Mouri stopped playing either, put down his club, looked over there and said, "That man just finished playing like this?"

Xie Chen said: "Because that uncle played faster than everyone else, and he even allocated some **** to the manager."

Kogoro Mouri sneered and said, "Sloppy is too obvious."

At this time, Tachibana Eisuke put down his cue, Okubo immediately went forward and handed it over the long-distance cue, while Yasui Minoru walked to the bathroom.

Kogoro Mori also changed a long-distance club as he did, but still did not fly the ball. In his record, the ball only rolled forward less than five meters.

Just as he made the next attempt, suddenly, with a bang, a small explosion occurred where Tachibana Eisuke was standing.

The blast's air flow rushed in, and Mouri Kogoro also fell to the ground.

After the smoke dissipated, they rushed to the explosion place, Tachibana Eisuke lay on his back on the ground, his body was completely scorched, and he appeared to be dead.

"What's the matter!" Minoru Yasui rushed over from the toilet, squatting next to Tachibana Eisuke lying on the ground, trying to reach out to touch his scorched body, "Director!"

"No touch!" Kogoro Mouri immediately stopped and said loudly: "No one is allowed to touch!" ..


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