Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 127: Stadium explosion

"he died……"

Mouri Kogoro touched Tachibana Eisuke's pulse, then looked up and said, "Xiao Lan, please contact Police Officer Mumu, and go!"

Minoru Yasui sat down on the ground with cold sweat on his forehead, and said hoarsely, "What happened?"

"In my opinion." Kogoro Mouri stood up and said: "There was a bomb explosion just now."


The smell of the explosion was very pungent, Xie Chen took a deep breath, "Black gunpowder..."

Okubo Tatsu was also badly injured by the bomb's airflow. There were gaps in the dark blue suit, and he was staggering from the ground.


Minami Chishi and the director of the arena hurried over to support him.

"Call an ambulance, hurry up." The curator said, "No, there is a hospital in the arena."

He looked at Nan Zhishi again, "Wait a minute, didn't you also hurt your hand?"

Nan Chishi helped Okubo Tatsuya, and said loudly, "It doesn't matter to me, leave me alone, just send Okubo."

"I know."

After all, the two helped Okubo Tatsu and walked to the medical room.

Ten minutes later, Officer Mumu led people to the golf club.

"This deceased person is Manager Tachibana from Goi Denki." Officer Mumu stood in front of the crowd and asked, "So, who are you?"

Minoru Yasui said, "Police officer, I'm Section Chief Yasui." He pointed to the two people around him again, "Okubo and Minami Chishi. We are all under Manager Tachibana, and we are also from the development department."

At this time, Okubo Tatsuya's left arm had been bandaged.

Officer Mumu asked, "Do you often come to this place?"

"Yes." Minoru Yasui said, "Because the company is very close to here, but the manager is here for the last time today."

"At last?"

"Next week he will be promoted by the company and transferred to New York to be the president of the branch."

"Report to the police officer." The forensic officer walked over and said at this time: "The inspection turned out that the case used black gunpowder. Also, please come here for the police officer."

Officer Mugo followed him to the edge of the court.

"These are the fragments of the long-distance club head. In addition, the fragments of the golf ball scattered around here." The forensic officer picked up a broken golf ball and said, "Please look at this."

"this is?"

"We think this is a letter management." The forensic officer said: "That is to say..."

"The bomb was originally installed in the golf ball." Kogoro Mouri interjected: "The moment the club is used to strike, the bomb will explode due to the impact of the impact."

The forensic officer nodded and said, "You are right."

Officer Mume put on his white gloves, picked up the broken golf ball, and turned to the curator and said, "Mr. Katsuda, do you have a red line on every ball here?"

"No." Curator Katsuda said: "There are all green lines above."

"All green lines?"

Curator Katsuda pointed to the golf **** scattered on the lawn and said, "It's right there."

"So, it is indeed the green line." Officer Megumi said, "And there is only one line."

Kogoro Mouri said: "In this way, the one with the red crossed double line has the sign of installing a bomb. Is the murder directed at Manager Tachibana himself or is it a terrorist act regardless of the target."

"I think." Nan Zhishi suddenly stepped forward and said: "The purpose of this murderer is to murder the manager."

Officer Megome asked, "Why do you think so?"

Nan Zhishi said: "This is because the three people here, including me, Director Okubo, and Section Chief Yasui, have enough hatred for our manager to let us kill the manager."

Officer Mugo said in astonishment: "What did you say?"

Minoru Yasui hurriedly said, "What are you talking about? Nan Chishi."

Okubo Tatsuya also said: "That's right, you and I have a full motive to kill the manager."

He smiled and said, "Just take me. Before this, there have been three new product ideas that the manager put forward in his name. Instead, it was you. I don’t know how many times I have made suggestions. Have not been accepted."

"Hey..." Minoru Yasui hurriedly waved his hands and said, "But, I am different. I have no problems with the manager."

"Section Chief Yasui." Okubo Tatsuta also said, "You don't have to lie anymore. We all know that, in fact, a long time ago, your most beloved girlfriend was snatched away by the manager."

"No! Minoru Yasui said loudly, "It was after I dumped her that the manager started dating her. "

With a snap, Kogoro Moori clapped his palms and said loudly, "I understand, I understand, Officer, I know who killed Manager Tachibana."

Officer Megome said, "Really? Brother Maori."

"Yes." Kogoro Mouri cleared his throat and said, "First of all, judging from the method of committing the crime, the murderer mixed the bomb-loaded ball with other **** in advance so that the victim could hit it with a club."

Officer Mumu nodded, thinking what he said was reasonable.

So, Kogoro Mouri continued: "In this way, the most suspicious person is the person who put the ball into the bucket from the ball receiver, and then put the ball into the orange manager bucket."

"That said, isn't it Uncle Okubo?" Xie Chen interrupted and said: "At that time, Uncle Nan happened to go to the toilet, and Uncle Anjing was at his machine again."

Minoru Yasui immediately said, "It turned out to be your poisonous hand."

He waved his arms and said the same thing as the truth, "This little brother is right. Nan Zhishi and I have never touched the manager’s bucket today, so we put the bombed golf ball in the goal bucket. You have no one else."

Kogoro Mouri said, "However, you can't say that. Mr. Nan was indeed not on the scene when the crime occurred, so there is no suspicion of committing the crime."

Having said that, he paused for a while, "But Mr. Yasui, you are different. You have clearly assigned part of your ball to Manager Orange."

"That is……"

"So, you are also very likely to put that bomb-filled golf ball into this." ..


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