Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 135: Floating yacht

"Because the murderer floated with the abbot directly under the ceiling beam, and then used a rope to hang the abbot on the beam."

Officer Mumu doubted: "You said they floated up? It's not a foggy dog, how can humans do it."

Xie Chen said, "Can you hear this voice?"

Officer Megome said, "Is it the sound of the waterfall?"

"It's not wrong at all." Xie Chen said: "What you hear is the waterfall next to this skylight. If water from this waterfall can be introduced from the skylight and the whole room is filled with water, people can float to the ceiling. Go ahead."

"Fill this room with water." Officer Megumi said with a smile: "Even if you are joking, you should have a certain degree. If it is filled with water, both the murderer and the victim will be soaked, but the corpse does not remain exposed to water. trace."

Xie Chen said, "Police officer, use a rubber boat."

"Use a rubber boat?"

"Master Kuannian." Xie Chen said, "I'm sure you said that there are rubber boats in this temple."

Kuannian nodded, "Yes, that's right."

Xie Chen said: "Put the corpse on the rubber boat and cover it with a plastic bag. It is very likely that it will keep dry and reach the ceiling."

"But..." Officer Mumu said, "There is still a distance to the waterfall in the sky window. No matter how it is, it is impossible to introduce water into this room just right."

As soon as the voice fell, the water rushed down the ceiling, drenching him all over.

"Wooden boards can be used." Xie Chen laid down the boards from the railing to the window edge, "Use tape to stick up the gaps between the boards, and the water on the reverse side can be brought in from the skylight."

"The oblique cut of the wooden board is the best evidence. This is to match the length and the cut marks, and the plastic tape on the wooden board is still attached with cherry blossom petals."

"It is to borrow the cherry blossom petals that flowed down from the mountain by this waterfall, and the petals of the cherry blossoms are not only attached to the wooden boards, but there should also be dried petals at the feet of the police officer."

Officer Mumu slapped his clothes helplessly. Hearing this, he leaned over and picked up the cherry blossom petals on the ground.

"This is the cherry blossom petals attached to the wall when the murderer released the water. After the murderer strangled the abbot, he moved to this room and placed it on the rubber boat."

"Fix the entrance door with tape from the inside, then leave the room through the small window to the outside, and then start filling the skylight on the second floor with the current method."

"Then quickly go back to the second floor, go from the small window to the inside, and close up the cracks in the windows, because if you don't close the cracks from the inside, water will leak."

"Then, while being careful not to let the body touch the water, I waited in the room for the water to fill the room."

"After the water rose up, the murderer who reached directly under the beam, hung the body on the beam, and then used the skylight to escape and escape outside."

Xie Chen finished the whole reasoning in one breath, and Officer Mumu asked, "But what method should I use to drain the water."

Xie Chen said: "I just used the axe left on the scene to break the small window from the outside."

"The volume of this room is four and a half tatami mats on the floor, and the height is about ten meters, so it is 2.7 meters by 2.7 meters by 10 meters, which is 72.9 cubic meters."

"Because the specific gravity of water is one, the weight of the water stored in the room is 72.9 tons. After using an axe on the small window under the room where so much water is stored, you should know What's the result?"

"A small window with a crack will fly up due to the pressure of about 9.8 times 10 Pascals, and the wall will break up and become a big hole due to the pressure of the water flowing out of the nest."

With this set of mathematical formulas, it made several monks seem to listen to foreign languages.

Officer Megome said, "What did you say? Pascal at nine eight times ten."

Xie Chen said: "The force is probably as big as a truck rushing out."

"So that's the case." Officer Mumu said, "That's why such a big hole was opened, but there were no broken walls or wood fragments left."

Xie Chen said: "Xie Chen picked up the flying debris in the woods below."

"Is it Xie Chen?"

"Yes." Xie Chen ran over and handed the wooden board fragments wrapped in a plastic bag to Officer Mumu. "Mr. Officer, this is it."

Officer Megome took it over and said, "So, it's a piece of a small window with tape, but who is it that did this?"

Xie Chen hid behind the wall and continued to say in the voice of Kogoro Moori: "It takes less than ten seconds to light up the water in the room, but it's a different matter if you want water to accumulate."

Since he was speaking into a pocket microphone, his voice came from the sticker on Kogoro Moori's collar.

"From the perspective of the amount of water flowing into the wooden planks, it is probably five to six times that from the tap. If the amount of water in an hour is estimated to be 10 cubic meters, this 72.9 cubic meter room should be filled with water. It will take seven hours."

"The presiding officer's death was estimated to be between 10 o'clock and 12 o'clock last night. Then, the time when the body was found was around 8 o'clock in the morning."

"The time to prepare for the trap, plus the delay in wiping the entire room after releasing the water, so the murderer can be sure that he stayed in this room between 12 and 6 last night."

Officer Mumu asked immediately: "Then what kind of relationship does this have with the prisoner?"

"Master Xiunian." Xie Chen said: "I'm sure you said that you were studying the scriptures in your own room until three o'clock last night, right."

Xiu Nian raised her head to look at Kogoro Mouri, without answering, she seemed to be stunned, with small beads of sweat dripping down her forehead.

So Xie Chen continued: "In this case, you should hear the sound. At about two o'clock last night, we were startled by the tengu mask in the toilet and screamed. Who is that person? Okay, please answer me."

"Xiu Nian..." Kuan Nian looked at Xiunian worriedly.

"Of course I heard it." Xiu Nianqiang laughed: "It's Miss Maori's loud scream."

The other three monks were there suddenly, looking at Xiunian in disbelief. ..


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