Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 136: Strange bird

"I was shocked." Xiu Nian didn't notice the changes in the expressions of the others at all, and said nonchalantly, "Miss Maori can't help but be afraid of being frightened."

"Xiu Nian, how could you..."


"Master Xiunian." Xie Chen said slowly: "It was not Miss Xiaolan who screamed at that time, it was me who screamed."

Xiunian's pupils shrank in vain and her lips trembled.

"However, it's no wonder you didn't hear that scream, because you stayed here all night, in the room with the rumble of water."

Officer Megome said, "However, those you mentioned just now cannot be used as evidence, brother Maori."

Xie Chen said in a hurry, "If you want evidence, police officer, it's in your hands."

"En?" Officer Mumu lifted the wall fragment in his hand, "Are you talking about this fragment."

Xie Chen said: "After the water is released, the evidence remaining in the room can be wiped out. However, there is nothing to do with the flying small window fragments. Police officer, that is the only criminal evidence that the murderer forgot to recover."

Xiu Nian opened her mouth as if she suddenly remembered something, but made no sound.

"I can use my detective life as a bet. The evidence is definitely on the piece of tape stuck to that piece of debris. Master Xiunian, that's your fingerprint."

"But..." Kuan Nian said suddenly, "Xiu Nian came here a year ago."

Mu Nian also said: "If the trap coincides with the incident two years ago, it should be the same person. How could it be Xiunian."

Xiu Nian lowered her head deeply, as if she couldn't bear to look at his senior brothers.

Xie Chen said: "The incident two years ago was probably the crime committed by the abbot. The principle is exactly the same as this time, because the gap in the board is very old, and the person who is most afraid of the truth of the previous incident is the abbot."

Having said this, Xie Chen took a deep breath and continued: "Also, if my instincts are not wrong, Master Zhongnian and Master Xiunian who were killed two years ago are probably brothers."

At this moment, everyone cast their eyes on Xiu Nian with their heads down.

Xiu Nian sighed silently, and said softly, "Yes, that's right, Monk Zhongnian is indeed my brother who has replaced him."

"It's no wonder everyone didn't realize this, because I hid my real surname and came to this monastery as a monk through the recommendation of a distant relatives monastery."

"The purpose of my coming, of course, is to understand the real cause of my brother's death, and to find the real murderer. For half a year, I was desperately exploring the temple, so I have found the clue to the trap, but I don't know who the murderer is.

He raised his head and said in a calm tone, "Because no one is willing to talk about the murder, but I knew it after the detective came yesterday. I saw the strange attitude of the abbot and I knew it at a glance."

Having said this, he gritted his teeth and continued: "Later, I went to the abbot's room to drink, and after asking the drunk abbot, he told me what happened."

Everyone was listening quietly, no one interrupted.

"He didn't even know that I was Zhongnian's brother. The reason he killed his brother was that he didn't want to see the granddaughter Miss Junao, who had a marriage contract with the heir of the Great Temple, being snatched by my brother."

"It seems to be because my brother and Miss Juno have agreed to elope away from home together. I don't care what the reason is. Anyway, I ask the abbot to surrender, but the abbot..."

He clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said: "The abbot said that it was two years ago, and there is no evidence left at all, and thanks to the incident, the temple became famous for it."

"What he said made me lose my mind. Then I picked up the rope in the room, strangled the abbot's neck and killed him, just like the abbot strangled my brother two years ago, leaving signs of suicide by hanging. "

"I just carried him on my back and faced me with the corpse right in front of me. There was no choice. Therefore, I had to use the trap used by the abbot two years ago to crush the evidence."

He smiled bitterly, "Mr. Detective, it's really a pity. If you visited this monastery two years ago, then there wouldn't be who I am today."

On the way back, Officer Mumu sighed: "Brother Maori, you really surprise me every time. I don't know you are so proficient in physics."

Kogoro Mouri yawned and didn't understand what Officer Megumi was saying.

Mao Lilan went on to say: "Dad, this is what you said yourself, what Pascal pressure or something."


The corners of Xie Chen's mouth trembled, and when things were about to be revealed, he hurriedly waved his hand and said, "That is..."

Who thinks Kogoro Moori did not forget about the case, but silently said: "Baigan is Chinese wine, Oska is a treasure, Laska is a brutal bear, what is Pascal..."

Suddenly he clapped his palms and said loudly, "It's the American movie awards."

Xie Chen was stunned for a moment, and said in a low voice, "That should be Oscar..." But it's good, the matter of the case just mixed up like this.

It was ten o'clock in the evening when he returned to the detective office. Xie Chen went to bed as soon as he went to bed, and it was seven o'clock in the morning when he woke up.

The rest of the past few days has messed up the rules, but the time to wake up is just right. It seems to be back to the place after a week, and get out of school as usual.

At dusk, he and the Maori father and daughter were walking on the street. The sky was overcast and there were no gaps. Although it is not a good day for a walk, it really feels spiritual relief and relief between walking on the street like this. Stretch.

"Occasionally, the three of us take such a leisurely walk is great." Mao Lilan said with a smile.

But Kogoro Mouri said, "What's so fun about walking with such a kid."

Had it not been for Mao Lilan to pull him out, he would have never known where he would go to drink.

Xie Chen smiled, and suddenly speeded up, picking up a black bird in front of a yard.

"Xie Chen, what's the matter with you." Mao Lilan followed up and said, "It's the bird, is it dead?"

Xie Chen said: "No, it doesn't seem to be doing well, it's still alive, it doesn't seem to have been injured."

As soon as the voice fell, the originally listless bird suddenly flew away.

"It's really weird bird, does it suffer from anemia?" said Kogoro Mouri. ..


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