Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 725: : Mental Vessel

Xie Chen sighed: "Unexpectedly, the former auspicious beasts are now fierce beasts, which is a disaster." Xie Chen finally understood why they had to live. The countless bones were all traces of animals gnawing. In a small village without life, countless mutant creatures gather together and use it as a nest. If Xie Chen and Hu don't go back together, all the other beasts will be eliminated one by one. "Huh?" Hu did not suddenly turn around and looked up at the sky. "It's snowing" Xie Chen suddenly realized a problem they had been neglecting.

It turns out that the four seasons are like spring, the fragrance is dull, and the wind is cold, like winter! "Huh? The snow is red." Xie Chen stretched out his hand to fetch a few pieces of snowflakes, and the snowflakes slowly fell, and the snowflakes turned red, making it creepy! "The climate has undergone tremendous changes thousands of miles away. Perhaps from now on, the fragrance of the plains is only history." Hu did not come back and sighed.

Xie Chen was silent. Today, the climate change in Xiangyuan is not only related to the sword war between humans and ghosts after the convention, to the battle of the sacred container that day, but also to the detonation of the spiritual blood vessels of Taiyi Mountain that day. The strong in the war are often partially broken mountains, and the void is broken. Even if it is a combination of forces, the aftermath battle will lead to the destruction of life and the wild state of spirit. According to legend, the power of demons and gods is so powerful, they are the masters of heaven and earth, but they eventually destroyed their homes due to endless battles and finally came to the end of the road.

What is currently happening in Jiang Dynasty is only the battle between gods and sacred weapons, but what if the legendary war between the emperor and soldiers is the result of battles between gods and sacred weapons? Thinking of this, Xie Chen's heart tightened. He knew that the consequences of this war were enough to destroy the entire world in Qingjiang! Xie Chen's heart was full of emotions. This also explains why in the first days, in the desolate world, only to show the power of heaven, he will be sent to heaven as punishment, thunderstorm. On such a young border, it is difficult to withstand powerful forces. This is a means of self-protection and a natural response to the border area. After facing the battle between the gods and the sacred weapons, such a mature border of Qingjiang Realm caused such extreme weather changes, which may only be the most direct change on the surface.

Subtle changes have taken place in the halo and qi of the entire Qingjiang circle, and these changes will be noticed for a long time to come. For the first time, Xie Chen felt the destructive effect of martial arts on the world. He gathered together and shocked Hong Xuexue's shoulders. Hu stopped looking back at each other, and continued to run towards the street lights of the city.

...Three days later. Outside the city gate. Xie Chenhu didn't return to the two people thousands of miles away. Looking at the distant city, he couldn't help showing disappointment. In the setting sun, they stood on the huge stone wall, the magnificent city wall, but Wei sighed. In the past, the city’s streamers and tall buildings were like the kingdom of God. Now, when I look back on the past, the wall has collapsed, the smoke is filled with gunpowder, the blood is wrapped in blood, like a dead end.

Once as strong as golden soup, protecting the flowing light of the city, the wall fortresses that have lasted for thousands of years have become pale this time. The sound of the wind blowing through the cracks in the broken wall seemed to be crying lowly, speaking of the dilapidated desolation until now. ..


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