Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 49: : A powerful improvement

This is a match between dry wood and fire. The source of mental strength is beyond physical control. I can only believe that it will run around with it until all the meridians in the body have been washed once, and the wine will gradually relax.

When the spirit of Qulong formula is completely mixed with wine, the violent trend it causes is gradually controlled by me, and because the meridians in my body are too wide, it can fully extend its passage time. In order to thoroughly refine the essence of wine into spiritual power, then refine it layer by layer!

The extraction of wine is wonderful, because it is a special kind of spiritual power. There are no five types of "sex", but it can be dissolved by any spiritual power of "sex", but in the process of dissolution, it needs to be slowly dissolved. The ground is digested. Just like ice in warm water, when ice melts, it melts into water.

It's just that if the amount of ice is too large, the water body will not melt, but will be frozen, so Jin Wantu only poured a third of the wine. If there is too much, it is not only not good for him. May cause injury.

However, what surprised Jin Wandu was that I finished the refining of this glass of wine before Dai Feng. This is simply a strange thing to him, because my practice is not as high as Dai Feng's, and according to theory, the power of the soul will naturally weaken. It takes longer to produce wine.

Daifeng wine is much older than me, and I have a lot of experience in brewing, but I almost never drink. Faced with such a strong "sexual" wine, it is no longer so easy to refine, and the time is unexpected. At the time, Dai Feng had to be surprised.

I just finished the refining, and Dai Feng also finished the refining. The two reported the time spent at the major meridian points in the wine body. While listening carefully, Jin Wandu poured a glass of wine for the two. The two drank again, and the new wine broke out with two rounds of spiritual storms. With a refining and chemical experience, the second refining and chemistry were relatively simple, but the original spiritual power of the two experienced once Consumption has been greatly reduced at this time. Those who have consumed the original mental power and alcohol are refined by them, and their bodies are completely filled with meridians, and some even integrate with meridians, so that the strength and resilience of meridians have been powerfully improved!

With the help of the experience of a refining process, the two use the rest of the original spirit to encourage the wine to wander around, and repeat the cycle in the meridian according to the previous path, so that the alcohol power is inertial, making it difficult to refine Greatly reduced.

However, after several cycles, Dai Feng finally exhausted all his mental power, and the rest of the alcohol continued to run unscrupulously, which soon plunged him into a drunk state.

Jin Wantuo put his hand on Dai Feng’s palm, visited him with spiritual strength, and finally murmured: “Oh, the wine has basically been refined, and it’s a great improvement from the last time, Dai Feng’s The spiritual power should be more pure."

Jin Wandu put down Dai Feng's hand and turned to look at me, thinking that he was also drunk, and was about to reach out his hand for pulse, trying to test the power of his refined wine, but at this moment I suddenly said:

"Dan Yuan points three breaths, moves tires six breaths, Zhongkun points four breaths, base points one breath, Tianzhu points nine breaths, Diyong points twelve breaths, points eight breaths ahead, Huiling Point forty breaths, Yinyuan point 92 breaths, Tianchi point 19 breaths.

Xuanyin pulse, yin, yang, five yang, purple, spirit, knowledge/, just half, qi/. "

After I finished speaking, King Wandu was stunned for a long time. He heard the numbers I said almost in disbelief, and then excitedly poured him/a glass of wine, I drank it again, and then I entered Three rounds of strict refining and chemistry! ..

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