Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 50: : Purchase inventory

Among them, there is only the tip of the iceberg. Every issue has extremely powerful means of self-protection. If you are not squeezed, no one will take the initiative to promote. Therefore, Xiqi City seems to be in a mess. In fact, it has always been calm, and various forces have made a comeback in their own territory. Practice and let yourself grow.

I was very curious, and asked that the twelve branches were in the messy round door. Qing Yunzi told him that the twelve branches that were mixed together in the Yuanmen had long been separated, and now only the Yunzhi where the seven clouds were located, and the golden branch where Jin Wandu was located. There is no news from the other ten people.

"Qingyunzi" also generously told me that the characteristic of the Yunzi branch is to reduce the mental power of mixed elements into a simple method, and several people practice the same method together. Each person's mixed element mental power belongs to "sex" is different, but the combination of "sex" is powerful, thus ensuring the speed of training.

In order to avoid the risk of premature exhaustion of the life source, and to obtain a powerful attack, to make the enemy feel scared, but only seven people must drink the same quality of spirit wine, that is the moss cloud deer I have heard of.

Cai Yun "Lu" is one of the spiritual wines that Yunzi branch depends on. Based on the characteristics of his mixed spiritual power, Qi Yunzi took materials from Xiqi City and found that this spiritual wine is very suitable for his own consumption. In addition to self-refining, he also buys inventory from other monks anytime and anywhere.

Qianyunzi has a huge demand for moss. After the alcohol in the wine is refined, the mixed mental power in the body can be shaped more purely, and the veins of the whole body become stronger and tougher. Daily training is an indispensable material. Especially in the battle, mixed Yuan Gang Qigong needs to use the stimulation of Taiyun Road Wine "Liquor" to make the most powerful attack on the enemy.

Xiqi Enterprise Alliance has just experienced a war, and Qi Yunzi has just played a key role in this fierce war. If they hadn't worked together to perform the mixed Yuan Gang qigong, a monk Gan Heng Xingcheng headed by Jin Heng would not have been killed. The monks of the Western Banner Merchant Group were not immune, but after this battle, Qian Yunzi’s mental power was excessive. If there were not enough moss cloud dew to supplement their power, they would not be able to do so in a short time. Reached its peak within.

Duan Yue and I flew with blue clouds while talking, and immediately flew hundreds of miles away. Because the monks were carrying heavy caravan storage bags, in order to maintain their physical strength, all those who used flying weapons escaped and did not use them. Faster avoidance techniques.

I can't imagine that in the Xiqi business alliance with strong financial resources, no one has the magic weapon for flying. If there is such a treasure, Xiqi Business Alliance will not be so embarrassed, because the magic weapon of flying can drive a large number of people. The weight is very heavy, and its speed is as fast as wind and thunder. The only drawback is that it is expensive. It is said that ordinary flying magic weapons, compared with the monks' own magic weapons, are enough!

So far, the only flying magic weapon I have seen is the car in Shimei Garden where Bai Suxin is located. In addition, the entire western plateau of the Polar Region, including Xiuzhen World in southern Guangdong, has never seen such a monk carrying such a treasure. As the refining flying magic weapon not only lacks materials, but also has high technical requirements for refineries, especially for the purification of materials, which cannot be achieved by ordinary refineries. ..

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