Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 232: :I'll take you

"Anywhere else?" I frowned and said that this problem must be resolved, otherwise the situation would be very unfavorable to him.

Animal instinct

"Well, according to the natives and natives, there should be a place where people must be there, but that place is too dangerous, too close." The wheel opened his mouth thoughtfully.

In fact, I and it have been looking for many places these days, but many times they have felt that someone is occupying the woods in the fairyland. Under the current circumstances, they are really not suitable for fighting with people, so they must do so.

"Where?" I said.

"Are you sure you want to go? According to the old people of the four tribes, that place is absolutely Jedi Survival. Even if you go in, it is the end of the life of nine deaths. It is said that there are strange laws that can imprison a person's sacredness. Strength. All that's left is physical strength." Roulette

When I heard this, I nodded slightly, wondering why this place is called the Land of the Kujo Grim Reaper. Because generally speaking, if the saints in martial arts are closed, the remaining combat power will be less than %, and the mystery of many magical powers cannot be urged.

But I am different. His body is too strong to imagine that the immortal golden body is incomparable, so in places where others seem dangerous, there may not be too many problems for him. ?

"It's okay. I will find a way to get close to it. I should be able to kill it." I said, very persistent, because opening the jade coffin really can't be delayed, otherwise it will change if it is too late.

"Well, I'll take you there." The steering wheel looked at me for a while and nodded slightly. He still believes in my physical strength, because I am willing to go now, it will not force me to go.

Just as I was about to enter the legendary PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, a loud drink came out. It was obvious that the two groups of fallen people had appeared in the sacred ruins.

"I, according to the agreement of the various ethnic groups, I may not shoot you to death, but you must be caught now!" There was a peak of the holy emperor who wanted to drink, and the voice spread over three thousand leaves all over the world.

"I, you can't run, how big is the whole sacred ruin? Even if you hide it well, it doesn't make sense. If you want to survive, hurry up and confess!"

The speaker comes from the peak of the devil. His spirit was boiling, and even a trace of leakage shocked the entire sacred ruins, because his power was too strong, exceeding the general peak of the Holy Emperor.

In legend, although he is not the parent and son of a demon emperor, he is a disciple of the demon emperor. The dust has settled and he is to protect the demon emperor's father and son.

But I can't believe those two people died in my hands. At this time, a disciple of the Demon Emperor was very angry. This time, when he walked into the sacred ruins, he vowed to capture me alive.

"I, you killed innocent people and violated the bottom line of my Holy Family. If you don't appear now, once you fall into my hands, I am afraid your fate will not be better!"

All kinds of threats appeared, and they were all talking about what they were going to do to me. After hearing these voices, my appearance became more beautiful. Obviously, these people got news from some special channels. They knew that I was looking for the immortal of mankind. They are now doing their best to stop me and don’t want me. success. ..



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