Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 233: : Going up very peacefully

"Maybe, once, maybe not, but now I'm just a broken memory, branded by time, and I won't wake up until the next generations come." The woman replied, she looked calm and didn't hide anything.

I was motionless, surprised that what I saw was really the time of a brand, and this imprint still knew who I was. What should she be? Is it a fairy? If this is the case, the scene is amazing and has a dreamlike feeling.

At this time, the lady should sit down first, and then wave her sleeves, she saw four more butterflies on the jade table, as well as a pot of tea and two teacups.

I can’t see anything on the plate, but I don’t think it’s anything. Moreover, the jade pot is very simple. The leaves immersed in it look clear. When a woman takes the jade pot to explore the tea, you can see something The chaotic breath diffused from the kettle.

I took a breath of cool air. At this moment, I had a little guess, is it soaked in the legendary undead medicine branches and leaves? If this is the case, don't say such a thing. Even among the powerful, many of them have watched outside the Holy Land. Haven't many of them tried it?

Not to mention the rest, it's just that these diffuse chaos is a good thing. If it is really a drink, God knows what will change and what benefits will be gained. ?

"Please!" The woman bought me a cup of tea, and he held another teacup by himself, which was an invitation gesture.

There are many puzzles and questions in my mind. He looked at the other person and said, "Excuse me, what is this?" What have I experienced? "

"Success? By accident? Dream? In the past?" The woman replied calmly, but this was not an answer, but a rhetorical question, as if it were a very natural statement.

"Is this a creation and opportunity left over many years ago?" I frowned.

The woman looked calm and seemed to see my doubts. "What's wrong," she said softly. "Do you really need to know?" You just need to know that this is a creation, or your blessing. Of course, this may not be a blessing, but a reminder of your future, but it depends on you. "

I frowned. The woman's statement was quite contradictory. She did not confirm any of her guesses, did not give an answer, and it was even more puzzling.

"In fact, you don't have to doubt that I am not the ontology, but a broken memory. I woke up at a special moment, so everything I know, my views, etc. are incomplete." The woman spoke very much. It looked a little strange and seemed to be sighing, but she seemed very happy.

"But drinking this cup of tea in front of you is good for you, I know, at least it is good for your wounds." The woman raised the glass and motioned for me to drink tea.

I was surprised that the road damage in my body had been basically resolved, but I couldn't believe it, it still saw the woman in front of me clearly. Can you say that this woman is endlessly extraordinary and extraordinary?

I looked at the woman, then lowered my head and looked at the jade table in front of me. At this time, in the teacup on the jade platform, the tea was crystal clear, full of chaos, and looked sacred and extraordinary.

Just like what a woman said, this kind of tea should not be said to be drunk, just look at it, it is intoxicating, as if you can feel a general road atmosphere.

"This kind of tea is unusual. When it is brewed from the branches and leaves of the elixir, you can drink a cup and make it for our generation. Thank you." I opened my mouth frankly, and then raised the tea cup slowly. Drink it slowly. ..



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