Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 261: : World of Heaven and Earth

"Do you know that he is also the emperor and the culprit of the blood disaster?"

"Seeing how many imperial strongmen, ah, being beaten to death by him alone, it's so pitiful! This is the elite generation of our emperor!"

"I think I'm a **** person. I can't believe that I killed so many emperor's elites by myself, and almost defeated the elites of our time!"

Soon, the killers of the Emperor Taiwan incident also surfaced. Many Emperor experts were angry and scared. All of this was my hand.

"This is just a real fairy in the world. How much has he done over the years? Will he destroy one of our emperors alone?"

not enough time.

The great tribe of the emperor is really scared.

My name has only been introduced to the emperor world for many years, so that some people in the emperor world know that there is a strongman between heaven and earth, and he has been obstructing the emperor's path.

It turns out that many emperors feel that this is just an ordinary human being. Even if he is the protagonist of the world in this period, how long can he stop the emperor? The imperialists must send troops in an all-round way, not to mention one clan, even ten or one hundred can be eliminated.

The reason why the imperialists have not sent troops at present is simple, because they feel that the time has not yet arrived and they still need to train their troops.

However, I didn't expect this man from all over the world to develop so fast and so powerful that he would take the initiative to enter the imperial kingdom, directly hindering the promotion of the monarch and destroying the elite of the imperial generation. Before leaving, destroying a generation of quasi-emperors was a huge blow to the emperor. In any degree, this was a big blow to the emperor.

"Even in the fairyland at that time, no one humiliated our emperor so much!" someone shouted, his face was white at this time, and it was difficult to see the pole.

The major tribes that came out of the emperor were shocked. Before, they didn't care about the barrenness of the world, and they didn't think they could do anything, but now they feel that everything is too powerful. Why is there such a person, how can he be so crazy? So scary? There is a feeling of suffocation.

"Kill him! Kill this man!"

"Enter the realm of heaven and earth!"

"Destroy all the people! This race shouldn't exist in this world for a long time!"

This is the roar of the clan. When I knew that I did all this, many people couldn't accept it. They all wanted to send troops, and even many emperors gritted their teeth.

In the past, emperors and emperors were sent to various parts of the world to die in wars. They still feel that it has nothing to do with it. On the contrary, they were suppressed to a certain extent in the last place of Dharma. If they are going to fight to death, they can only say that they are not enough to practice.

But now they were killed at the door, everything was different, more serious than they thought.

Now, even the emperor's emperor is angry and cruel.

On this day, the four emperors took action.

His hands turned into a simple blue color, covering the sky with a shield, covering the smell of the world, and breathing with sharp hands. A generation of emperors is like the fairy queen in the fairyland. Once shot, there will naturally be an aura of destruction of the world.

The huge palm slapped and opened the space channel. Even if he paid the price and suffered a reverse swallowing, he still had to teach everyone in the world a certain lesson. ?

Just because the emperor cannot be humiliated. ..



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