Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 262: : Emperor

I am now a person in the fairyland. His every move affects the hearts of too many people, because he is too strong. Every move is not only the fright of the fairy queen, but even the emperor is awake. We should pay attention.

The fairy queen of the fairyland was secretly worried, no one dared to come out to dissuade, because the emperor was told that everyone was watching my footprints closely.

However, this time, no one dared to stop him and intercept his path, because for hundreds of thousands of years, nearly a million years, I really killed Hershway, and no one in the world wanted to provoke him.

Along the way, he killed the enemy along the way. Anyone who wants to enter the fairyland, or who is lost, he will not be polite, but will directly kill.

When I walked for ten thousand years, finally, when he reached a certain distance into the Xinghai Sea, he found a family island and entered the island.

The so-called star islands are actually the so-called islands formed after countless stars gather together. Such islands are rarely found and are arranged artificially.

"So, there is an ancient transmission array, whether it is inside or outside the transmission, it is very valuable!"

In Xinghai, it is impossible to arrange any legal arrangement, only this kind of artificial island arrangement can have such a creation, because generally speaking, these will wear out.

The emergence of the Dharma formation can make Xianwang Province work hard for thousands of years, otherwise, such a arduous flight, I really don’t know how many years it will take to enter the deepest part of the Xinghai.

The ancient Dharma and the light are intertwined, and I was sent on this path.

When he reappeared, a small island appeared in the depths of the star sea. It looked smooth and smooth, with some kind of sacred and strange machine, which can be said to be very strange.

And I was really shocked. The island is very large, but it is also very open. The roughness outside the island can be said to be gray. There is no end in sight. The restoration of the fairy queen can't even feel the distant situation.

And on the island, you can see a huge figure, tall and boundless, like a giant, standing above the clouds, while hundreds of millions of rays of light are falling down. The body is the power of order.

I have had close contact with this unit, and to a certain extent, he really feels a little familiar.

"The Emperor"

I frowned. He didn't know if it was the legendary emperor, but he was sure it shouldn't be the four elephants.

But he found traces of the four elephants here. Although the four elephants are suspected to be the fruit of the Emperor's Taoism, why is he seeing the emperor of the gods instead of the four elephants? He should be four elephants.

In this giant who is suspected of being an emperor, there is a strong order of light, and the general body is that the Tao will flow, breathing incomparable horror, as if he is a legendary god.

At the same time, above this method, there is still a source of breathing. Is God’s body placed in the source and become the so-called ominous king?

I just feel that my whole heart is sinking and it is difficult to see extremes.

But the emperor’s method was very quiet at this moment, as if it had been sealed for thousands of years, as if in a deep sleep, my arrival did not bring it back to life.

My heart is a little heavy. Even the gods and emperors have become ominous creatures. It is hard to imagine what the emperors Wa and Qing would encounter when they entered the Xinghai for many years. At the moment I really have a thousand words, but I don't know what to say, so I can only walk to the front in silence.

Suddenly, if he looked in one direction, he seemed stiff at this time because he saw an ancient sacred inscription written on a stone tablet and recorded some past events, but it was indeed left by the emperor.

"This body is incomprehensible from its origin, but it seems to have found a new way to spend life and death, or may find a new path between life and death."..



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