Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 269: : Mainstream religion

In the next few decades, I can say that he had a miserable life in this mountain forest. He has not been a human for millions of years. He eats wild fruits, spring water, stream fish, etc. in the mountains and forests, but it is not without benefits. In other words, no matter whether anyone is peeping in the dark, after decades, I am afraid that everyone will think that he is the most ordinary child.

When I came to chaos forty-nine times, tonight, the whole world suddenly roared. He walked out of his hidden cave and looked at the place ahead.

Soon, I couldn't speak, and now I saw a few ferocious beasts covered in blood, emitting a terrible breath, rushing in this direction.

"What a fairy!"

I can't speak for this scene. In the chaotic world, can even these beasts reach the level of true fairies? This makes the fairy feelings of those who work hard to practice this field in the fairyland can not meet the needs of the real gods, and they work hard to practice this state.

Although I sealed off the power of war, his vision was still there, but at a glance, you can see that the ordinary real gods in the fairyland are really not opponents of others.

But even in a chaotic world, this scene is different from the appearance of many truly immortal beasts, isn't it? It should be impossible, right?

They are all injured, now they look like they are running away?

Then I saw a woman's sword walking up and down from behind, like a fairy in the legend, just behind those real fairy-level beasts.

The woman is so extraordinary, outstanding, her clothes fluttering in the wind, but that kind of temperament and face make people fall in love at first sight. She feels that she is detached in the world, and few people in the world can compare with it.

"It's really sleepy, but someone gives pillows, so you can find a real fairy-level beast when you get old. No matter how easy it is to look at, I should brazenly call for help and worship under her door. If you can blend in Mainstream religion.” I really don’t care about anything for the sake of reincarnation. He is still trying to find a way, but I can’t believe that someone has been sent to the front line. How could he miss it? Of course, this will kill it once.

"fairy" I deliberately opened my mouth. I have never seen this world that is not very talkative, showing a shocked look. I just stared at the place in front, and I stayed.

In fact, if he had not seen a person who had watched a great fight, he would be completely shocked to face this breathing.

If it were not for the true fairy level of the beast, a ray of breath would explode his body and even destroy his body and spirit, which is reasonable.

"Is there such a danger in the chaotic realm?" I murmured, still depressed.

But soon his face changed, because the woman who looked like an exiled fairy looked at him from a distance, seeming to see him as an ant in the world, and ignored it at all.


At the same time, the earth is shaking between the heaven and the earth, the mountains are shaking, and the beasts are really more ferocious at one end. In the current movement, the blood between the skin is between the water, and the ground shakes when running.

As long as I get closer, a breath can burst my flesh.

At this moment, they also found the place where I was and rushed directly to kill.

God forbids the ground.

This scene made the corners of my eyes twitching and grinning constantly. He really wanted to curse. He wanted to attract fairy sisters and even allow himself to visit the dominant road, and then walk to the peak of his life. . ..



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