Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 270: :at this time

And he is a master, and now even he feels touched and his pores relax, which is enough to show that this matter is very unusual.

"Well, I found it. What's that?" He looked at a stone platform that was only one foot square. He could see that there was a kind of jade liquid in it, exuding a faint fragrance.

Soon, he noticed that there seemed to be a living form in the jade-like liquid, which looked strange.

"Main fluid?"

I recognized what it was at a glance. Its existence is the dominant level, and the liquid condenses the halo of heaven and earth to the extreme. This kind of thing is best for children to fake the body, not only without any sequelae. And you can warm up the gods and so on, and you can only say very magical things.

The value of such a thing is immeasurable. I have become a master for many years and have no time to refine this thing. I can't believe that there are so many master liquids at this time?

At this time, my eyes are red. If I can get this thing, even if his current situation is swallowed, most of it can be tough, invincible, and it can be said to be terrible.

"Unfortunately, this thing is too little, ah, not enough to extinguish my meat, because after all, I am the dominant meat, and now even if it is suppressed, it is the dominant meat, the main fluid required. The amount is enough." I sighed.

However, even though he spoke, he started to put away the owner's liquid directly.


Suddenly, he looked upset, because he noticed that at the bottom of the main liquid, a small hole could be seen, and there seemed to be a strong breath in it.

"Is it impossible that a large amount of heaven and earth can be directly used to cool the main liquid?" "I looked strange, even he could not think of such a possibility.

At this moment, I moved quickly, dug a hole directly, and then went down.

During this process, a strong fragrance spreads, making people feel extremely comfortable from the heart to the body. Sure enough, the source of the main liquid is at the bottom.

I kept going down, and in the process, he found various spiritual symbols around him. Although his kingdom has now been suppressed, the spiritual power has not been suppressed together. At this time, it is constantly revolving around all recovery, erasing all traces of him entering the ground.

I am very afraid of those fairies and those little yin people. After all, these people are not ordinary people. He is really afraid that these people will abandon him, not waiting for him to find a great creation, but by others.

In this place, he could not rush the spirit of the storeroom casually, because a careless person would reveal his identity.

As he walked all the way down, the aroma became more and more intense, almost making him drunk. I deduced that an ancient form appeared at the bottom of this place, extracting the halo of heaven and earth in all directions and collecting the master butcher liquid.

This is the fundamental reason for the emergence of the main liquid. Such a method only uses the power of heaven and earth to form an earth-shaking method.

Once these dominant liquids gather in enough places, they will gush from the hole and finally gather on the surface, forming something like jade.

I sighed. This is definitely the basis of domination. If so many master fluids can continue to be swallowed and keep warming up the meat, their body and internal organs will be hardened to the point of being tough. Bad.




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