Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 279: : Hone the flesh

"Old ancestor, although this kid did a good job, this time it is tantamount to setting our Palace of Heaven on fire. If it is not good, the Eighth Congress will take revenge in the future. Now this great world is more of such an enemy. This may not be a good thing." The older man suddenly opened his mouth.

"If there is no accident, this time our Temple of Heaven will end and we will join the Devil's Gate. The so-called Tao is different and different. Originally, it is destined to be opposed to each other. What is that? And this time the son gave it to For our more benefits, the son's merits in this matter should be rewarded. "The ancestor said weakly, speaking of earth-shattering things in a very dull tone.

Everyone was shocked, and the Temple of Heaven made a choice, not to join the Dao Sect, but to join under the command of the Demon Sect. However, if you think about it carefully, the Temple of Heaven has always been right and evil. It is not an orthodox Taoist, nor is it allowed to enter Buddhism. This time, it is impossible for the Demon Clan to control the ultimate ancient artifact. Under this circumstance, the Temple of Heaven had to choose the gate of magic, or in other words, there was no better choice under consideration.

Faced with the choice of the ancestors, no one dared to oppose the Temple of Heaven.

In fact, some people speculate that Tianyi Palace is still for sale and is not ready to enter the market so soon, but there is no way to do so now. The road to the source has emerged, but the situation is not going well, whether it is for self-protection or for more benefits. We all have to get in as soon as possible.

"Son, I have agreed to the magic door. Next time the magic door is opened, I will send you a place to participate in the trial and grasp the creation. This is our method." The ancestor opened his mouth as he pleased, and then told me and mine. Bao Baoyu waved his hand to make them step down temporarily.

Although the identities of the two people are extraordinary, the next thing is about more important things, and only the fairy queen can participate.

Soon, various laws were set up in Tianyi Palace, everything outside the Tianyi Palace came back, and everything seemed to be waiting for the development of things.

I chose to practice in my own palace. This time he got too much benefit from his son's experiment. He needs to continue to hone his body. In the war, he has a new understanding of his ultimate method. To be precise, months of precipitation are very important to me. Martial arts practice is not one step, but one step.

At the same time, there are wind and clouds everywhere outside, and the source road has been around for more than half a year, but there is no further change. Some masters speculate that this should be because the barrier between the source and the chaos is too strong, that is, there are opportunities and opportunities, but it is impossible to take this road apart.

To be precise, the current source road is just a crack, which is equivalent to a doorway on the source road. It is in a cracked state at all times, but there is still some distance from the official opening.

But many people still did not give up and tried one after another. I hope this road can really be opened, and it can be opened as soon as possible.

Because the longer the delay, the less the benefits, and all the benefits will eventually be allocated, and then it will be the turn of the scattered repairs and the tradition of three or four rates.

As for the first-class and second-rate traditions, they have joined these three camps for a long time. No matter how long the delay, the longer the delay, the greater the benefit to them.

With the emergence of the people of the past generations, there are many people holding fairy king soldiers. The masters tried to enter the original path, tried to open it, and used various methods, but the results were all failures and the results were desperate.




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