Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 280: : Eight

How rebellious such a life is, if it weren't for the arrival of the source of evil and the opening of the path to the source, I am afraid that no one would have witnessed such a life!

The so-called primitive creations are all about the source of life, the source of chaos, the source of happiness, and so on. They will erupt in this world. At the same time, they will carry out the most tragic and unimaginable killings. In this turbulent era, it is not necessary to stand up. Easy.

"Since ancient times, there have been so many disasters, but every time it is a small struggle, even if there is a source of creation, it is just uh, I am not lazy to do this, it is rare to have such a life. , But don't miss it!" The early emperor murmured, not knowing whether they were talking to themselves or talking to themselves, but they all had an irrefutable taste and breath.

Then, I saw that the early emperor came out once to represent the people and issued a blow!

Facing the source of the disaster, with one shot, the most prominent is human! people!

The emperor printed, a rune went to the front cover, to the majestic city gate, where the cover directly launched the most powerful attack.

At this moment, the dominant layer of fluctuations unfolds, suppressing the sky at this moment, shattering the future of ancient and modern, how terrible is such a power? For a while, even in the deepest part of the chaos, it could feel the powerful power of pagans sweeping all the world. You can imagine how powerful and conceited he was in the early days of the emperor. He leads the nation aloft.

Therefore, at this moment, he did not destroy the world, but concentrated his power to one point, rushed out, trying to immediately break the huge dust leading to the source.

The bright light, the terrifying breath and the dust collected from the law and the primitive breath collide with each other. For a while, when the sun and spring met snow, a terrible light burst, and the huge sound shook the whole world. So far, the most terrifying force in the world has emerged and exploded.

"Since ancient times, only the source of evil has come to the world of mankind. How can the world of mankind kill the world of origin? Today, I will be the only one in all ancient times, breaking through the path of origin and going through the long, long and difficult Time!" The younger emperor sneered and continued to do so.

Other indescribable creatures are also mocking. We are all at this level of existence. Who is afraid that who will be speechless? At this moment, they all moved into action at the same time, and shot them to death in front of them together. At this time, unimaginable fluctuations shook Qiong Yu, and the light of the gods enveloped the entire universe. Just as the most terrifying masters in the world appeared at the same time, it can be said that this is the most powerful group in the past and present. At this time, they must take the initiative to kill the source of the disaster and take the initiative to quell the source of the disaster. Of course, their ultimate goal is to achieve the creation of the source, but to quell the source of the disaster, no matter what, it cannot be wrong.

Seven characters, seven indescribable creatures, such creatures can't find their bodies in the world. Their shapes are strange and fierce and terrifying. Even ordinary actions and simple bodies can make people creepy. But now they have moved, so together, the fluctuations of a moment, torn apart by the war song for nine days, turned into the most amazing light in the ancient times! ..



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