Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 8 Chapter 50: Ways to gain superpowers

"Congratulations to the host for acquiring the superpower'One Side Pass'."

Xie Chen was stunned for a moment, and then he saw an extra skill option on the skill board, and one side passed Level 1.

It turns out that super powers can still be obtained in this way. They can be obtained directly from the opponent by plundering without relying on activation. In this way, Kamijou Mai’s'fantasy killer' super powers can also be obtained through this method, but obviously because of the main line The requirements of the mission and the personal feelings, Xie Chen would never kill Mai Shangjou and then gain Mai Mai's abilities!

"Xie Chen." Misaka Mikoto helped Misaka sister and walked staggeringly. At this time, Xie Chen noticed that the passing corpse had melted into the air, turning into a pool of transparent liquid without a trace. ground.

With no worries, Xie Chen looked back at Misaka Mikoto and Misaka's sister and smiled faintly.

"Thank you very much.-Misaka said sincerely." The weak Misaka sister looked at Xie Chen in Misaka Mikoto's arms. The lens of the military goggles was broken, and only the frame was left. Misaka could be seen through the frame. My sister smiled pale in gratitude.

"There will be no experiments in the future. The'experiment' has been determined to be terminated." Misaka Mikoto sighed and looked at Xie Chen with complicated eyes. This mysterious man is like a stable mountain, when she needs it most. Always shelter her from wind and rain.

"But Misaka still can't return to the same world as you. —— Misaka explained." Sister Misaka's voice was a little weak, but she continued.


"Yes, because Misaka's body itself has been injected with a lot of drugs, Misaka's lifespan itself is very short, so it needs to be reformed by the research institute. Can you understand that?-Misaka asked rhetorically."

Xie Chen nodded. The moment of separation is just for a longer-term reunion, so the moment of separation is not a big deal to him.

"You must recover as soon as possible!" Xie Chen hooked up the corner of his mouth and said with relief and playfulness.

Mikoto Misaka, who is supporting Misaka's sister, has been silent since earlier. Xie Chen's gaze moved to her body and raised her eyebrows. "I told you to be my subordinate, you never showed up. Now I saved you again, so I decided to upgrade your status!"

Misaka Misaka seemed to be in a state of shock, Misaka Mikoto pressed her lips stubbornly, and then stared at Xie Chen quietly with her chestnut eyes.

"Then what?" In a somewhat angry tone.

There was a dim light in Xie Chen's eyes, and he smiled meaningfully, "Although he doesn't look very good...but this little pepper has a temperament to my taste, should you agree with your body?"

Promise by body? Misaka Mikoto's lips were round, and she looked back at Xie Chen with a questioning emotion.

Xie Chen nodded, "You heard me right, I want you to be my woman."

Misaka Mikoto's face turned pale, and then turned to flushed. She lowered her head and did not dare to look directly at Xie Chen.

"Let... let me think about it!"

Xie Chen smiled calmly, such blushing and shyness, Misaka Mikoto's reaction was already the best answer.

On August 28th, on the beach next to a certain coast in Kobe, a faint cloud under the blue sky was like a beautiful white silk scarf.

Xie Chen lay beside Intikes and Shangtiao linen, the blanket covering his chest slipped aside, revealing the faces of the three of them sleeping.

Xie Chen opened his eyes, the expression between his brows and eyes stretched, and he ate two young girls in one fell swoop. This is truly a great event in life!

She seemed to be aware of her side, and Indix curled up next to him, holding his arms in her arms, and let out a light cry, her eyelashes trembling as if she was about to wake up.

On the other side, the girl with long black hair was lying quietly beside him, with a peaceful expression.

Xie Chen carefully drew his arm from Inticus's arms, then got dressed and got up and walked out of the room.

This is Kanagawa Prefecture, an ordinary seaside hotel.

Normally, the students in the Academy City have no freedom to go out at will. This is to protect the secrets in the Academy City from leaking, and to prevent students from being kidnapped and leaking their secrets.

Kamijou Mai obtained the qualification to go out in this turmoil in the school city.

The head teacher was Yueyong Xiaomeng who gave them the green light all the way to go out, until they came to the beach in Kanagawa Prefecture, and Kamijou Mai was still not fully awake, as if dreaming.

And when they arrived, it was already evening, so Xie Chen simply booked a room, and then let it go with the girl half pushing and half pushing, something extremely pleasant happened sooner or later.

Xie Chen stood outside the homestay, enjoying the sunshine, looking out to the endless sea.

The entire academy city is now in chaos. The reason is not that the strongest superpower suddenly disappears-the disappearance of one strongest superpower means the rise of the other, so at best, the experiment on "absolute access" failed. The main reason for the chaos is that the satellite computer "tree map designer" of Xueyuan City has lost contact with the ground for two weeks.

Regarding the obliteration of "Yang Jie Tong", Xie Chen completely placed it on the body of "Phantom Killer" Kamijou Mai. In order to stop this kind of school from killing Kamijou Mai, I was the first commotion, so I went Tiao Mai was exiled to vacation outside.

"Good morning~"

Xie Chen's mind was fully awake when the sea breeze was blowing.

He turned around, and the door in the room was opened. They lived on the second floor, so Kamijou Mayi, who was barefoot and covered in nightgown, greeted Xie Chen with sleepy eyes, and then turned and closed the door.

What seems to be wrong? !

Kamijou Mai’s steps to withdraw and walk back suddenly stopped, and the pictures of last night sporadically appeared in her mind, those passionate...instantly boiled her cheeks, and walked a few steps forward, tatami Something inexplicable in her bed was arched, and her eyes widened.

A shaggy head with silver hair emerged from the blanket. ..


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