Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 8 Chapter 51: Minguan

"Woo...I'm so sour!" Intiqs sat up with her eyes closed, muttering flat mouth.

Kamijou Mai was set from the sky by a thunderbolt. She looked at Inticus in a daze, and then more of the scenes from last night played back in her mind.

Last night...what happened...?

It was originally a lone man and two women, and the atmosphere was a little warmer. With a light touch, the dry wood was completely burnt.


The white nun could not face her current physical condition, especially the appearance of her clothes falling off on the side of the tatami.

Xie Chen turned around and opened the door and stepped into the room.

He raised his eyebrows and looked at Inticus, who was pale and astonished, and then at Kamijou Mai who stood aside and remained motionless in a strange posture.

"What's the matter?" The lightly picky ending sounded doubtful, faintly uttered from Xie Chen's mouth, but like a lover's whispering ears, Indix and Shangjo Mai's hearts jumped.

Kamijou Mai looked at Xie Chen from the side of the light in a bewildered manner, while Inticus on the other side was as pale as if she had seen a ghost, murmured in her mouth.

"It's over! I can't be a nun anymore! Xie Chen is too much! ... What should I do?" A series of whispers, Indix was a little confused. She never thought that she would encounter the situation like today. What is she going to do if she is not a nun?

The blue eyes glanced at Xie Chen with a bit of resentment. The anger made Indicus, who has always been a little girl, extra tender in the morning when she became a woman.

Xie Chen's heart was shaken, and he raised his hand and held it to Shangjo Mai's hand, deliberately looking at Inticus with a faint expression, "Could it be possible that Inticus has forgotten that I was originally with Mai. Added it?"

Indix felt weak, but when she raised her eyes, she saw the eye-catching tooth marks on the back of Xie Chen's hand, the purple-red and green tooth marks, the shell teeth were distinct, obviously they were bitten not long ago, and the shape and strength However, Indicus knows this more clearly.

"Obviously you and Mai are so good! I don't want to be the separated one..." Inticus flatly defended, and then stood up from the tatami like a small beast, and rushed in the direction of Xie Chen. Facing the wrists that Xie Chen and Shangjo Mai joined together, she squeezed the traces from last night, she grew her mouth in shame and bit down.

Since she rushed down with a blanket, her teeth bite on the back of Xie Chen's hand, her head and shoulders were exposed, like a squirming caterpillar, but she didn't let go of her mouth.

Xie Chen glanced at her with a faint smile, raised his hand and pulled it on the blanket she was wrapped tightly, the threat looming in his eyes.

Of course, Indix didn't want her naked body to be exposed to Xie Chen, and she was stunned again. She had to shut her mouth sullenly, but there was always a daze for the future between her eyebrows.

Xie Chen raised his hand and took the blanket to hug Inticus, and rubbed her silver hair. He knew that in Inticus's mind, he was to be a nun for a lifetime, and even though he was Xie Chen's partner now, But one day she will still go back to the English Puritan.

However, what happened last night ruthlessly broke the trajectory of her life, and the world collapsed in an instant. It was indeed a trance for even the most solid-minded person.

"It doesn't matter, there is me!" Xie Chen's voice slowed down.

Inticus' eyes flickered, and her bewildered gaze quietly moved to Xie Chen's face.

The face and breath that seemed to make people's heart beat faster, now I want to come to Intiqs and I don’t regret everything that happened last night. The complicated and difficult mood in my heart gradually calmed down with Xie Chen’s words. Nodded vigorously.


The doorbell of the room was rang. It was a sunny day. There were already girls in bikinis on the beach. Kamijou Mai couldn't help but merged together. Although I am envious of those who can Playing outside, but their physical condition is a bit poor...

"Sir...Called a friend of your appointment...cough cough, saying that it was because of traffic jams. The original order for today has become tomorrow."

Xie Chen frowned and opened again.

"Thank you for knowing!" He pulled out half of his body from the room, and politely responded to the uncle at the hotel. The uncle looked like a piece of dead wood. Although he was straight, the time of speaking or the coughing sound would always make people feel. He thought he would die immediately if he couldn't breathe.

"Who is it?" Intiqs was wrapped in a blanket, like a caterpillar, and asked Xie Chen with her head sideways.

"It's Mai's parents." Xie Chen glanced at the absent-minded Mai Shangjou and said directly.

parents? Kamijou Mai's mind moved, and the gaze that looked at Xie Chen's search immediately became focused and questioned.

"Oh...Shang Tiao Dao Ye called Mai before, but Mai was not there when he went to class, so I told the situation and the relevant address to convey it on his behalf. I didn't expect that they would come as soon as they said it!" With a loose attitude and tone, It always makes people feel inexplicably angry, but Kamijou Mai sighed deeply as he was used to it.

"I don't know why there is a bad premonition." The black pupil was obviously joyful, but Kamijou Mai's whole person looked particularly sluggish.

Xie Chen nodded, his deep expression seemed to approve of Kamijou Mai's statement, but then a happy smile appeared on his face, as if he could see through his eyes, he deliberately swept the blanket-wrapped Inticus. After a round, he announced happily.

"Come out with me! Although you can't get into the water, come and enjoy the sun together!"

Kamijou Mai and Intiqs' expressions lighted up at the same time, and Intiqs glared at Xie Chen angrily, "Big villain, get out! I'm going to change clothes..."

Xie Chen touched her nose. Although she felt that Indix was making a fuss, she went out and closed the door to give the shy girls a buffer. ..


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