Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 47: Unexpected news

"Hinata, what's the matter? No one is chasing you behind you." Xie Chen exclaimed.

"Thanks, Lord Xie Chen, it's not good. Just now, when I was chasing those enemies, I suddenly encountered a stronger enemy. Fortunately, Temari suddenly appeared and blocked him. I am coming back for help now!"

"What!" Xie Chen couldn't help being surprised.

The combination of Temari and Hinata turned out not to be the opponent of the other party. Could it be that it was Akatsuki's member or someone who was strong?

In this case, I'm afraid it is possible to repel the opponent only by himself or without cutting his hand.

"Hurry up and lead the way!"

"Okay." Hinata turned around, with a faint smile on his lips.

At this moment, Xie Chen suddenly felt the earth tremble, and there seemed to be something special in the breeze blowing around.

When he really found something was wrong, he already felt that the movement of his body was restricted by a kind of "wind line"!


Xie Chen stared coldly at the location of the opponent he suspected.

However, at this moment, the sudden change occurred, Hinata had already formed handprints through the cover of his body, and suddenly turned around to point to Xie Chen!

"White eyes! Gossip Spirit Gathering Technique!"

A white light appeared on Xie Chen's body, and his movements instantly slowed down!

Around Hinata, white and red beans changed color at the same time.

There are many perverts in Hinata's Eight Filling Spirit Gathering Techniques. They have all tried them. In that environment, it is impossible to move and breathe. I didn't expect Xie Chen to be able to move when he was hit by this trick suddenly! Of course, his movements still slowed down a lot.

But Hinata and Temari will never delay their attacks because they are surprised!

They knew that only in such an environment could Master Xie Chen's instant shave technique be restricted, otherwise they would not even be able to touch the corners of his clothes!

"Wind escape! Scythe Itachi!"

"White eyes! Gossip Gua Ling!"

The attacks of the two people converged at the location where Xie Chen was, but at the moment they launched the attack, Xie Chen yelled, and the whole body's power gathered and punched out, driving the thick air around!


This special space was immediately broken, and the strong air pressure caused the air enclosed in it to form a storm rushing around. Whether it's the gossip seal or the scythe, they are all broken by this storm, making their attacks invisible!

"Hehe, do you want to succeed by sneak attack? But your attack strength is still not enough!" Xie Chen laughed and rushed toward Hinata first.

Among the two girls, Hinata's strength is still stronger. As long as she is dealt with, Temari will not be able to come back.

However, Xie Chen slashed the back of her neck with a palm, and suddenly the "Hina Tian" in front of her burst open.

It turned out to be a shadow clone!

"Could it be..." Xie Chen turned around abruptly, just in time to see the proud Naruto, Hinata and Temari at the same time!

"Upside down flying sickle!"

I originally thought that Xie Chen could only deal with one of them at most in such a situation, but he did not expect that Xie Chen's castration remained unchanged. Suddenly he used his hands as a shaft to pivot and his legs flew at a speed that the naked eye could not see!

The three of Hinata couldn't react enough to be kicked by him at the same time, and the offensive was immediately resolved.

"Ah! Not reconciled! Such a surprise attack will fail!" Naruto hammered his fists on the ground and bulged his mouth. Although he has grown a lot taller, his personality is still a bit like that of his childhood.

Xie Chen was also very depressed: "Come on, you have done a good job this time. If I hadn't been prepared for it, you might have succeeded. I didn't expect Hinata to deceive people now. By the way, How did you meet?"

Hinata blushed embarrassedly: "In the beginning it was Temari who helped me intercept and kill a ninja who almost escaped. She suggested that while you didn’t know Temari came back, she would attack Master Xie Chen once. I didn’t expect to encounter it again later. The village’s Naruto and Jiraiya-sama, so he also joined our plan."

Temari was very interested in Xie Chen’s other words: "Master Xie Chen, we plan very well, and Hinata has never said panic to you before, so logically you won’t doubt her. We are Where is the flaw exposed?"

"Hehe, actually the flaw lies in Hinata's body. I know her temperament too well. If you really encounter such an enemy, first, she will give priority to staying by herself and let you notify me. Second, she would not clarify things so comprehensively, but would first pull me to support and talk while walking. More importantly, I didn’t feel the slightest sense of tension from her. The three things combined were not suspicious enough. Is it?"

"Forget it, it looks like we don't want to count him in this life."

Xie Chen smiled and shook his head: "Forget it, don't you come to Konoha Village for friendly exchanges with Temari? And Naruto has finally returned. Let's go back to the village immediately. I believe that after knowing the news, the whole village will be lively. Got up."

Xie Chen's statement is not exaggerated.

Although he was attacked by Sha Yin at the beginning, when Sha Yin eliminated the traitors from within, the two sides became the firmest allies!

Over the years, because both sides suffered huge losses in that war, they were faced with many external challenges and crises, but they cooperated with each other many times to break these crises one by one. Now the two villages have become the most determined. Comrades in arms.

Not to mention Naruto. Although his performance was not as eye-catching as Xie Chen last time, he maintained a firm fighting spirit several times and was regarded as a hero by the people in the village, especially the children. Now it is probably second only to Xie Chen, the most popular figure in the village.

When they returned to the village, they had already received the news of the adzuki bean who had come first. Many people who hadn't made a mission gathered at the village to welcome their allies and comrades under the leadership of the five generations of Hokage Tsunade.

However, when they approached, they discovered that there were other disturbing emotions on the faces of important figures such as Tsunade and Kakashi.

"Temari," Tsunade's first sentence made them feel excited. "I hope you can be mentally prepared. Just now we received an instant message from Sa Yin that your village was attacked!". .


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