Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 48: support

"What! This is impossible!" Temari sank in his heart, and subconsciously retorted, "The village was fine when I left. And the village is guarded by Gaara and Kankuro, how could it be raided!"

After mentioning Gaara and Kankuro, Tsunade's expression became even more sad: "According to the news from your village, Gaara was taken away during the battle with the enemy, but Kankuro wanted to track down. Being intercepted by the opponent and seriously injured, still in a coma, it may be life-threatening at any time!"

"This!" Hearing this news, Temari's calmness also turned pale.

This change was too sudden for her.

Over time, Shayin’s new generation of ninjas has begun to grow, especially Gaara, who has been carrying out tasks for so many years is almost invincible. Kankuro's performance is also very good, and he is now the third best player in the village after Gaara and himself.

Such a powerful two people, one was captured and the other was seriously injured, life and death unknown!

Even if the original Oshe Maru launched a raid, it is impossible to achieve such an effect!

"Temari, don't worry too much, after all, the two of them are still alive now. We have formed a support team. Now we will go to Shayin Village with you. We will definitely rescue Gaara!"

Naruto immediately said, "Grandma Tsunade, let me go with you too!"

Tsunade hesitated and said, "But Naruto, you just came back, and you don't know much about the situation there."

"But I must save Gaara!" Naruto insisted, "That kid, he said that he should protect his village well, how could he be taken away so easily! Grandma Tsunade, I must I personally rescued him, I hope you can agree!"

"Then, well, it just so happens that Kakashi and Sakura are going to support, so you can join them."

Probably only Xie Chen among the crowd understood that it must be the characters of the Xiao organization who started to act. Their goal is to capture all the people!

Originally, he didn't care much about this matter. After such a long time, he has already solved a lot of skills through various tasks. Now he is already far more powerful than the five major shadows, unless it is in Uchiha. At the level of Madara, he couldn't estimate how strong his strength was. No one else could threaten him.

But at this moment, the task panel suddenly popped up again.

Task: Please rescue Gaara who was captured within five days and rescue him safely. Task reward: add one to any skill level.

Task: Unify the forces of Konoha Village and Shayin, make them a true ally, and consolidate Konoha's defenses. Task reward: get a new skill.

With a long sigh in his heart, Xie Chen could only stand up: "This time Sha Yin suffered such a big loss, he didn't even know the identity of the other party. It can be seen that the power of these people is not trivial, so let me take Hinata Red Beans. Bai still has to cooperate and support without cutting it." Tsunade originally wanted to support Akai's team, who could return from the mission immediately, but Xie Chen rarely asked for it, and Tsunade certainly would not refuse.

"Well, if you have Xie Chen, you can go with me and I will be more at ease. Everyone must be careful. Save people as the top priority. As for whether you can solve these raids, you can give up this goal depending on the opportunity."


Xie Chen immediately went to notify him not to cut. As soon as this guy heard that there was a strong enemy to fight, he wanted to break into any Longtan Tiger Lair, and with his current strength, he thought that even if Shui Ying came to chase him, he would have the confidence to escape. A lot of scruples.

Xie Chen had the purpose of pulling it forward without cutting it. If the performance of No-Slash this time is equally good, then the two big ninja villages, Konoha and Sayin, can endorse No-Slash at the same time, so that no matter how strong Wuyin Village is, they have to consider whether to continue chasing Taodi and not Slashing, or Just open one eye and close one eye.

Without the urging of handballs, they also increased the speed to the fastest.

However, after arriving at Shayin, the place was completely shrouded in sadness. All the sand hidden ninjas have a sad color on their faces, and they seem to have no idea what to do without the village guarded by Gaara. In the face of such a powerful and mysterious enemy, how can they rescue their Fengying?

Temari was too lazy to pay attention to them, and immediately ran towards Sha Yin's emergency room.

"Kankuro, how is Kankuro!"

When Xie Chen and the others rushed to the emergency room with Kiju, they saw Kankuro lying on the bed without any reaction, while the Sha Yin Shangren surrounded by a ticket was helpless.

"Temari, you are back." The one who was talking was an old woman who was about to lose her teeth. "Hurry up and take a look at Kankuro, this might be the last time with him."

"How could this happen?" Just as Temari wanted to rush forward, Sakura suddenly squeezed in front.

"Temari, let me take a look. I have been learning medical ninjutsu with Tsunade, and I can definitely save him!"

"Oh? This is?" Ken Kuro, who heard that Sa Yin could not save him, said that the little girl in front of him said that she was sure that the old man's face was not very good-looking, but at the same time she had a hint of hope.

"Grandma Chiyo, she is the disciple of the fifth generation of Naruto Tsunade, and she has been studying with Tsunade-sama. Now that she said that, let Sakura try it."

Chiyoichi shrugged his shoulders: "Well, anyway, we are at a loss, so let this little girl try. Although I have always seen Tsunade woman not pleasing to the eye, I have to admit that her medical ninjutsu is still Very talented. &

Everyone can hear that there seemed to be some grudges between Grandma Chiyo and Tsunade-sama before, but they didn't ask about it at this time. In comparison, Kankuro's situation is more worrying.

Kozakura stepped forward, took a long breath, and condensed two chakra **** of light with both hands and pressed them to Kankuro's chest. ..


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