Things went much smoother than Mo Dao expected.

Although after leaving the city, the roads for vehicles became a bit bumpy.

Sometimes roads and bridges were blown up due to war, forcing Mo Dao to make repeated detours and take some trails that could not be found on ordinary maps.

As a result, the original distance may only be 60 kilometers, so Mo Dao drove from morning until night. Fortunately, he took this possibility into consideration and brought spare gasoline, otherwise Mo Dao might have trouble on the return trip.

But perhaps because of this, and the darkness of the night, Mo Dao did not encounter any questioning from the opposition armed forces along the way, and did not even directly see any trace of the opposition armed forces.

In this way, after spending almost a whole day, Mo Dao arrived at one of the places where the massacre of villages occurred as described by some refugees who fled to the capital of Kerna.

This is a small village that cannot be found on the map or in the official archives of Kerner.

This village doesn't even have a name. What can only be determined is that the people living in this village are basically people from one of the tribes who belong to the government army.

This is also the reason why the people in this village were brutally massacred.

The straight-line distance between this small village and the capital of Kerna may be only over fifty kilometers. In China, such a journey may not take more than an hour's drive.

But here, it is already the difference between heaven and hell.

Compared with the tragic situation here at the moment, the turbulent and desolate capital of Kellner can already be considered a paradise.

Given that most of the country's land is desert and Gobi, this unknown village is not surprisingly located in the Gobi.

She leaned against an equally nameless hill. This hill blocked most of the wind and sand, which may be the reason why this small village is located here.

The nearest road here is thousands of meters away, and the hill is blocking the side facing the road.

If nothing unexpected happens, this place is like a small paradise.

But obviously, the accident has happened here.

Mo Dao got out of the car at a rough location. In order to avoid alerting others, Mo Dao didn't even turn on the flashlight and just moved forward slowly by the moonlight.

But he walked around the hill that blocked the small village. When he saw the small village, he knew that he was overly worried.

There was no one left in this small village, no one.

The whole small village seems to have a total of twenty or thirty households, and there may have been dozens of people living here.

But at this moment, these buildings, which are basically made of loess bricks, are already dark.

There was neither firelight nor electric light.

The whole village was completely silent. Neither any movement nor human voice could be heard in these buildings, nor could there be any sounds of people moving in the village.

This is a dead village. Mo Dao didn’t see anyone in front of the building, nor did he see any corpses.

Mo Dao turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone and scanned the silent village.

Then, the first place at the entrance of the village is probably the source of the village’s water source.

Some traces were seen near a pressurized water well.

In the sink in front of the pressurized water well, there are several plastic buckets that appear to be used to hold water.

Then, on the plastic bucket and on the ground next to it, there were some splatter-like traces of blood that had solidified and looked thick and dark red.

There are still some messes on the ground, like traces of people struggling.

It seems that I can see a scene that happened before,

Someone from this village was filling water here, and then people came,

While struggling out of fear, he was shot...

Mo Dao didn't see any bodies around the pressure well.

After a pause, Mo Dao took out his camera and took a photo of this scene.

In the picture, there is a rusty pressurized water well, an overturned plastic bucket, a smear of blood, a mess on the ground, the desert next to it, and the weeds beside the sink.

Turning around again, Mo Dao walked towards the dead village.

Then he saw some bodies,

A few corpses were scattered in some houses in the village. The corpses were burned.

But the bones were still there, and a trace of ashes was clearly left under the body.

But there were only a few corpses, which obviously did not match the situation of this village.

Mo Dao used the dim light from the mobile phone in his hand and walked forward.

Then he saw the remaining bodies.

At the end of the village, there are several burned houses.

In those burned-out houses, similarly burned corpses were piled together like discarded rags.

It can be seen that those who killed these people wanted to get rid of these corpses.

But he seemed to find it troublesome, so he just piled the corpses together and burned them, just like hiding his ears.

Many of these corpses were not even burned, and the covered areas still contained some rotting blood and flesh that had changed color due to the high temperature.

Looking at this scene, one can actually imagine what happened to this village.

Some armed men broke in and carried out a massacre in the village.

What happened in the middle is unknown, but the result was that everyone in the village died.

The people who killed them dragged the corpses in the village into several houses.

Probably because the corpses in front of the village were too far apart, they didn't even bother to drag them over and just burned them where they were.

Then, there was the scene that Mo Dao came to see at this moment.

Mo Dao looked at this unspeakable sight. Apart from blood, this scene was also

The biggest impact on an ordinary person is that life here seems so "light", as "insignificant" as a rag thrown everywhere.

Kill them, and then burn them like a pile of rubbish... Just like that, a village is gone.

Mo Dao looked at this scene and walked around in front of several houses, and then paused again.

Finally, he took out his camera and took a photo of the scene.

Finally, before leaving, Mo Dao marked this place on the map he brought.

He was alone and could hardly bury these bodies or do anything at this moment. He could only do his job as a reporter first.

left here,

Mo Dao drove the car again and went to the next place where the village massacre was suspected to have occurred.


It's the same dead silence and darkness.

This village is larger, so there are clearer traces left on the land within the village.

The blood on the ground can still be seen even though most of it has soaked into the ground.

At the same time, many houses in this village were also burned by fire.

And the corpses in the village,

Except for those that were burned, it seemed that because there were too many corpses,

Many others were abandoned in the river not far from the village.

Many corpses, like discarded sandbags, were thrown randomly and piled on the slope from the river bank to the river surface.

Among the faces that can be seen are old people and young people.

The eyes with dilated pupils were slightly open, seeming to be looking towards the moon.

Some of them were tightly closed, and their faces were a little ferocious, as if they were in the last pain.

Looking at the corpses covering the riverside, Mo Dao was a little silent.

Even after several lifetimes, this was the night Mo Dao had seen the most corpses.

After taking a photo of the scene by the river, Mo Dao returned to the village, planning to pass through the village and go to the next place.


When he was about to pass through the village again, Mo Dao heard a small sound,

Although it was small, Mo Dao still heard it in the dead silence here.

Is anyone still alive?

Mo Dao turned his head and looked over. It was also a burned ruin.

The sound came from behind a half-collapsed low wall.

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