It seemed that at the same time that Mo Dao was aware of the subtle voice,

The person who made the sound after the low wall collapsed also noticed Mo Dao's presence.

The surroundings returned to dead silence, and there was no other sound.


Mo Dao blocked the light emitted by the flashlight of his mobile phone as a flashlight with his palm, and moved his feet again.

The sound of feet stepping on the sandy ground is particularly clear in the dead silence here.

Mo Dao moved his feet little by little and finally got behind the half-collapsed low wall.

Then, Mo Dao saw a pair of wary and hateful eyes.

This is a young boy from Kerner who is thin, wearing thin clothes and bare feet.

Covered with dust and debris,

He leaned back and sat curled up in the corner. His left foot stretched forward was pressed by half of the collapsed wall and a solid wooden pillar.

This was a weight that the boy with skinny legs and feet could not move away from.

On the exposed soles of the young man's feet and the other leg, a blur of flesh and blood could also be seen. The wounds were mixed with the mud on the ground, and the rubbed-off skin was hanging in broken strands on the side of the leg.

Although I tried my best to curl up, I still couldn't fully lean against the wall.

In the young man's hand, he held a broken wooden stick with spikes.

He held the stick tightly in both hands and used it as a weapon,

He looked at Mo Dao warily and with hatred. Apart from his body shivering instinctively due to the cold night, he made no other movements.

Mo Dao and the Kerner boy looked at each other without saying a word.

Mo Dao didn't know what to say at this moment, and he didn't know much Kerna language.

Without getting any closer, Mo Dao just squatted down, took some snacks and bread from his pocket and handed them over.

When Mo Dao reached into his pocket, the young man became more nervous.

But in the end, Mo Dao did not take out the weapon from his pocket, but took out the food.

The young man still looked at Mo Dao warily, without moving or speaking.

It was only when he gradually saw clearly that Mo Dao was not the same group of people as before, that the resentment in his eyes faded a little.

Mo Dao didn't say anything, he just kept handing out the snack bread in his hand and looked at the boy.

Finally, in a brief moment, the boy snatched the bread from Mo Dao's hand, tore it open, and stuffed it whole into his mouth.

Mo Dao looked at the young man's movements and said nothing.

He just stood up again and put the mobile phone with the flash aside, giving the ruins a little more light.

Then he squatted down again, and when the boy finished eating the bread, he handed over the other food in his hand.

Just like that, the boy ate one portion, and then Mo Dao handed over another portion.

After this process continued several times, the young man, who had been hungry for a while and ate voraciously, gradually slowed down.

He raised his head and looked at Mo Dao again, his eyes less guarded, but still there, while remaining silent.

Mo Dao was not in a hurry, he just looked at the thing pressing on the young man's leg and considered how to move it away.

After searching around, Mo Dao went to find another stone nearby, placed it on the side, found a slightly stronger stick, and prepared to pry up the heaviest wooden pillar and move it aside.

The young man watched Mo Dao's movements in silence the whole time.

It turns out that sometimes communication doesn’t necessarily require language.

After another moment of silence, when Mo Dao was about to pry up the solid wood pillar, the young man spoke,

"Who are you?"

The boy spoke the local language of Dekelna,

Coincidentally, this is the only person Mo Dao knows a few words in Kerna.



"Yeah. Reporter."

Mo Dao uttered the Kerna word,

The young man repeated it, his expression still on guard, with some uncertainty.

It's like being aware of the existence of reporters but never seeing them.

"what are you up to?"

Mo Dao didn't understand this sentence, so he roughly guessed what it meant.

He just signaled and prepared to move the solid wooden pillar from the young man's leg.

The young man fell silent again, just watching Mo Dao's movements and saying no more.

And Mo Dao, holding a slightly stronger stick, stood on one side, pried up the wooden pillar with some difficulty, and moved the wooden pillar to one side.

Fortunately, he still had some training in this life, otherwise it might be difficult for him to move this solid wood pillar.

After the solid wooden pillar was moved away, Mo Dao knelt down again and picked up some other large clods of soil that were pressing on the boy's left leg.

After moving the last big clod of soil away, Mo Dao saw that the young man's leg was bloody and bloody, and he could even see the leg bones. The wound was mixed with sand from the broken clod of soil.

After all the clods of soil were moved away, the young man staggered, holding on to the wall next to him and relying on his right leg. He struggled and stood up quickly, and then looked at Mo Dao in silence.

Looking at the young man who always had a guarded look in his eyes, Mo Dao used a few words in Kerna language and gestures with his hands and asked again,

"Do you want to come with me?"


After hearing this sentence, the young man shook his head,

As if he was afraid that Mo Dao wouldn't understand what he meant, he also gestured with his hands and told Mo Dao clearly,

He will not follow Mo Dao.

"What are you going to do? Where are you going to go?"

Mo Dao looked at the young man and asked again.

Then, he saw the hatred in the young man's eyes again, the resentment that couldn't be resolved,

"I want revenge, I want to kill them... kill them!"

Very direct words came out of the boy's mouth. The boy clenched the wooden stick in his hand and trembled all over.

There was a kind of pure hatred in his words.

Mo Dao understood what the boy said from his expression.

No more words were said.

Mo Dao just signaled the boy to wait for him where he was. He went to take down the medical kit in the car and treat the boy's wound again.

The boy just looked at Mo Dao and didn't say anything.

When Mo Dao turned around, he said thank you to Mo Dao. Mo Dao understood this sentence.

When Mo Dao returned with the medical kit, the boy's figure had disappeared.

Perhaps, the boy couldn't walk far with his injury,

but there was no need to look for him because he left by himself.

Considering some factors,

Mo Dao didn't take a picture of the boy before.

Finally, when he left, Mo Dao just took a camera, stood in the village, and took a picture of the ruins of the low wall where the boy had hidden before.

Carrying the medical kit, Mo Dao returned to the car, then drove to the next place.

Is there anything wrong with the boy's revenge idea?

For a survivor who witnessed the killing of people in his village, and even his parents and relatives,

Is it wrong for the boy to want revenge?

And for such a boy, it is too arrogant to say that the disaster will not affect others...

But on the other hand, the people who are doing things like slaughtering the village now may also feel that they are not wrong.

This is like a bottomless whirlpool. Those who are pulled into it can only reincarnate repeatedly.

And under the interference of external forces, this reincarnation may even never end.


After going to a dead village, taking some photos and videos, Mo Dao began to return.

On the way here, it was smooth all the way, but on the way back, Mo Dao encountered some twists and turns.

In the process of going far away from a cut-off road and another small road,

Mo Dao, who had been lucky for so long, finally met the Kerna opposition armed forces head-on.

A group of armed opposition soldiers, armed with the most common weapons of Afica, AK-47, as well as rocket launchers and machine guns, were setting up a checkpoint ahead to block the road.

"Stop, stop!"

The muzzle of the gun was pointed at Mo Dao's car. After a row of bullets swept the ground, the leader shouted at Mo Dao.

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