Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 131 You are better than I thought

Coming down from the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

The whole palace was completely different from before, and the security was more than several times tighter.

Even Mu Daoren and others were surrounded by a group of well-equipped soldiers... Although these people were highly skilled in martial arts, if a battle really broke out against these soldiers holding crossbows, they would probably still lose.

However, these martial artists had just experienced a war, so they naturally understood the actions of the palace guards and did not care too much about it.

As for Su Jing, he had a special identity. He had met the current emperor with Lu Xiaofeng before, and even put forward that ridiculous suggestion. Therefore, he was naturally well known by these guards and was not stopped.

After searching for a while, Murong Ruo was confused and said, "Strange, why did Qingchuan disappear? Did she return directly?"

"It seems so."

Su Jing looked at Murong Ruo with a hint of teasing, and said, "You were afraid that she would feel lost because she was excluded, but she returned directly without even saying hello... It seems that you winked at a blind man this time."

"Qingchuan is not such a person, I think she knows it."

Murong Ruo sighed lightly, "Her life experience is very pitiful, so she is sensitive. I think she also realized that we isolated her, so she left without saying goodbye."

"It's pitiful, but this time she just followed us. I got some experience... We may become friends if we meet again in the future, but as for teammates..."

Su Jing shrugged, "She didn't show her ability, and I don't want to be a babysitter... It's still very dangerous in the reincarnation space, why bother finding a young lady to take care of me?"

"That's right... I just think she's kind-hearted, so I'm a little sad."

Murong Ruo smiled and said, "Don't worry, pity is just pity, it won't turn into anything else, I know the limit."

"That's good."

It's a very strange feeling...

It's just a team contract, but there seems to be an unspoken trust between the two of them, and they even talk more casually.

"By the way, are you not going to return?"

Murong Ruo looked at Su Jing and said, "After the mission is completed, if you don't return, a point of luck will be deducted for one hour. I don't care, but you..."

She didn't finish her words, implying that you, the unlucky guy, why don't you save some money and return quickly, what are you doing here?

Su Jing sighed, "You go back first. I still have some unfinished business here, and I plan to stay in seclusion for a while. Now, the world is too dangerous for me. I got a few excellent pills, but I have never had time to take them."

"By the way, I have also heard that the legendary great swordsman Xiang Huan reappeared in the world, but was killed by Qin Zheng, the Lord of the Great Qin..."

Murong Ruo looked at Su Jing and said, "Your name is Chu Nan. If nothing unexpected happens, he should be your last blood relative in this world, right?"

Seeing the haze on Su Jing's face, she sighed lightly, "I'm speaking bluntly, don't mind... I just want to say that you are now alone, are you interested in coming to my Tianya Haige? Tianya Haige is full of women, it is really inconvenient to take you in, but according to my master's face, I will find a stable place for you to live , you have destroyed your face, I guess no one will recognize you, you..."

"No, I have already made a plan."

Su Jing smiled and said, "Thank you for considering me, but Qin Zheng is more powerful than I thought. Although I escaped from Xianyang at the cost of my face, I was still found by him. Now my wanted portrait is flying all over the Qin Dynasty. I will talk about it after I escape from Qin safely."


Murong Ruo said, "I can't help you too much, but as long as you need it, you can come to Tianya Haige to ask for my help in the future."

"I understand, thank you very much."

"Then I will go back first, I don't have anything to exchange, and I may not stay in the reincarnation space for too long."

"Goodbye, I won't see you off."

"Well, goodbye!"

Murong Ruo smiled and waved to Su Jing, and his figure slowly disappeared.

And everyone around him seemed to turn a blind eye to Murong Ruo's disappearance.

It seems that the power of the Lord God is even greater than imagined.

Su Jing sighed.

[It seems that you have completed your task perfectly again! Su Jing, you are better than I thought. ]

Suddenly, the voice of the Lord God sounded in his ears.


Facing the Lord God who suddenly appeared, Su Jing said angrily with some resentment: "Explain to me first, what is my comment about?"

[I have explained it before, this is to motivate your progress. ]

"But that should be for me alone, right? Why even Murong Ruo..."

[If this question is seen by others, wouldn't it be more motivating for you? ]

Su Jing: "……………………………………"

He said helplessly: "Okay, I won't bother with you about this question. Let me ask you, can you only appear after I complete my task?"

[Yes, I can only appear after you complete your task. ]

"So, you don't seem to know how I completed the task?"

[Yes, in fact, I need you to complete the task, but I don’t care whether you complete the task lying down or sitting down. I only want the result, not the process. ]

"Oh, so, then I understand."

At least, there is no need to be too wary of the Lord God discovering his biggest secret.

Su Jing felt that the Lord God would not lie to him in this regard, or rather, it did not need to lie to him.

The Lord God did not doubt him and continued to ask: [Then, according to your current situation, you should be planning to use your luck points to exchange for treasures, right? ]

"Well, that's right! I do plan to exchange some things. The original plan was to live with this face temporarily, and wait for a few years, when my face has grown, I will restore my face. But now, my ugly face has been wanted nationwide, so I can only find a way to restore it, but..."

Su Jing paused and asked: "But you asked me this question on your own initiative. Are you trying to evade responsibility? I remember that I have a free repair right. Can't I repair my face?"

[I can explain this. 】

The Lord God said: [If your face was beaten to pieces in the reincarnation space, don't worry, as long as you are still alive, I will definitely help you repair it, no matter how much luck points it costs... But if the injuries were caused in the present world...]

"You can't help?"

[Yes. 】

"I guessed you would say that. Don't worry, I don't plan to count on you."

[What do you plan to return to exchange for now? 】

"When did I say I would return?"

Su Jing was surprised: "You just said that as long as the injuries were in the reincarnation space, they can be repaired for free, right?"

[Yes, in theory. 】

"That's right, I just got a few pills, I don't know what the side effects are, it's just right to spend some luck points to take them here. Once a problem like going crazy occurs, I will return immediately, can't I be cured directly for free?"

The Lord God: [………………………………]

"Why, it's not possible?"

[This...theoretically...workable...right? 】

"Then it's a happy decision!"

Su Jing immediately made the decision.

Second update!!!

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