Infinite Luck Master

Chapter 132: Don’t take medicine randomly

Medicine cannot be used indiscriminately.

If you use it indiscriminately without knowing the effect, something bad will happen.

Su Jing knew about this matter since they met by chance before and she told him that fortunately he did not use the strange liquid.

So, although he heard the name of Shengyang Qi-boosting Pill several times and knew that it must be an extremely extraordinary treasure, if he took it, it would definitely make his own skills go to a higher level, but he still did not dare to take it rashly.

Firstly, his own skills are more yin, and this pill is taken by Qin Hai, but his skills are obviously more yang. He can take it, but I may not be able to take it.

Secondly, as I said to Murong Ruo before, there are many crises in the world, where is there any free time for you to sit down and practice peacefully for a few days? Even facing Xiao Zhu and others who have been traveling with him for more than a month, he may not be without some precautions in secret.

How can a person who has just experienced the betrayal of the person he trusts the most trust trust others wholeheartedly?

Murong Ruo was probably an exception. Before his identity was exposed, he had already had a deep connection with her. After that, he tested her again. Her eyes were clear and she never showed any greed... This made Su Jing completely trust her!


Just like what the Lord God said before.

Since there is no one in the world who can protect you, then just take the pills in the reincarnation space.

"In this way, even if I go crazy, I don't have to worry about free treatment. This is what you promised me, Lord God."

Su Jing said with a smile. This can be said to be something he has been planning for a long time. After all, if you don't use it, it will expire! And in this case, let alone the Shengyang Qi-boosting Pill, even if it is poison, he dares to taste it casually after completing the task and returning to the reincarnation space at any time.

It can be clearly felt that the Lord God seemed to stagnate for a while.

After a moment, it seemed to be consoling, saying: [But, if you are here, you will consume at least one point of luck in one hour. Su Jing, your luck is already much lower than other reincarnations. ]

"I am not the type of miser. Many reincarnations with high luck want to exchange for my special rights but cannot. It is a waste not to use it!"

Su Jing smiled and said: "Okay, I won't say more to you. I will go and see if I can get some more benefits. By the way, I will find a place to retreat. It is not safe in the reincarnation plane."


The Lord God seemed to want to say something, but he had no idea where to start. Finally, Su Jing seemed to hear a deep sigh with helplessness.

Unfortunately, Su Jing could no longer care about the Lord God at this time. He smiled and walked towards the south study. His reincarnation table, which had a luck value of 3630, suddenly jumped and became 3629.

Obviously, as the task was completed, his luck value had begun to be deducted.

But it is definitely worth it to exchange a few points of luck for an absolutely safe place. If you want to have such a good opportunity next time, you have to wait until you complete your next mission.

Not far away, you saw Lu Xiaofeng and Ximen Chuxue walking side by side.

Su Jing went up to them and was about to smile and talk, but found that they both seemed to be in a very low mood, and behind Ximen Chuxue, there was a corpse. He immediately understood.

The smile on his face had been restrained. He knew that in the ancient dragon plane, even if they were enemies, most of them were sympathetic to each other. Although they were dead, if you dared to say that they died well, you would really offend the protagonist.

He asked seriously: "Is this Ye Gucheng's body?"

Lu Xiaofeng nodded, and his mood was really not very high.

Su Jing said: "Let's bury him first."

Ximen Chuxue hummed lightly.

The three of them walked out of the imperial city together.

Outside the capital, he found a quiet and secluded mountain. It was not very high, but there were no mountains around. From here, he could see the white clouds and feel the breeze...

Not to mention Su Jing, he even did not allow Lu Xiaofeng to help. Ximen Chuxue personally dug a grave for Ye Gucheng with his long sword. It seemed that he wanted to use this method to express his importance to Ye Gucheng.

When the grave was dug, Su Jing's plane value had jumped by two points.

After the tombstone was erected for Ye Gucheng.

Ximen Chuxue ignored Lu Xiaofeng and Su Jing and walked straight to the capital.

Lu Xiaofeng smiled kindly at Su Jing and said, "No matter what, Ximen Chuxue was able to survive, thanks to you, brother Su, thank you very much."

"I've already said it, don't thank me, I did get the benefit."

Su Jing smiled and said, "If it weren't for your Qinggong, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to climb up to the Hall of Supreme Harmony. From this point of view, it's still you who helped me! By the way, I have another deal to make with you, are you willing?"

Lu Xiaofeng's body tensed and asked, "Is it related to my friend again?"

Su Jing thought for a while and said, "Yes."

Lu Xiaofeng looked at Su Jing deeply, and after a long time, he sighed dejectedly, "Forget it, although I really want to know, but now, I'm not in the mood. If you are interested, you can wait for a month or two, and when I recover, we can talk again."

Su Jing: "…………………………………………"

Looking at Lu Xiaofeng's face full of despair, Su Jing sighed helplessly. Sure enough, he was depressed to attack someone he thought was his friend. Now, he probably has no interest in anything, right?

If he forced to exchange, it might arouse his disgust.

What a pity...

I originally wanted to use the news that Mu Dao Ren was the old knife holder of Ghost Villa to exchange his Lingxi Yizhi with him.

As the protagonist of this plane, this skill is worth at least 3,000 points of luck, right?

What a pity... What a pity...

Fortunately, he has already obtained the most needed Qinggong, and Lingxi Yizhi is just the icing on the cake.

If you can't get it, you can't get it... Su Jing didn't care too much, and walked back slowly with Lu Xiaofeng.

Along the way, Lu Xiaofeng asked, "What are your plans recently?"

"As for me, I plan to go into seclusion for a few days."

Su Jing said seriously, "Although the skills I practice are not weak, they are still too shallow. I need to practice more!"

"That's true, but in the future, I'm afraid your achievements will be better than mine and Ximen Chuxue's... In the future, we will wait to benefit from you."

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said, "Remember to make my Fengwu Jiutian Qinggong famous all over the world."

"Don't worry, I will not let you down!"

Su Jing smiled.

The two talked about some messy topics while walking, from the girls in the brothel to the wine in the restaurant, to which restaurant has the best food... In Su Jing's heart, he really felt like he was facing a bad friend in the past.

I can only say... Lu Xiaofeng's frivolous attitude really has the style of a dissolute college student in later generations!

It's a pity... the times are hundreds of years behind!

Looking at the gate of the capital...

Beiping...or Beijing...

The former capital, I never thought I would see it again in this way.

The third update, this one is to thank the previous one who went wandering alone for the reward... There will be another chapter later to thank him...

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